your input please gentlemen...



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    One for the ladies... :)


    The guy 2nd from the left is the only one who might be truly wearing the kilt the way it should be worn. :wink:

    None of these guys is in very good shape, though. Shouldn't it be a range?

    The guys in this pic are strong, handsome, obviously having a good time in that picture, and wearing kilts. What's not to like??

    None of them are my type in the slightest. I find the picture rather repellant. I don't go for the rugby player type either.
  • dcdc13
    dcdc13 Posts: 86
    I'm not sure the point you're making TMarie, but I have an honesty policy in my life, so here goes. I've already gone to your profile twice. You're very attractive, and most men would more than likely agree. The issue I take with the whole "societal norms" is this. Men should just be more honest. I'm a self-professed and girlfriend approved "great guy." However this doesn't stop me from admitting that most men (at the very least, guys like me) go through phases where they're just looking at every woman that walks into their view. This however is human nature, behavior is the true test of a decent human being.

    Back to the game...the point is, is the "ideal" woman for any given man (physically speaking) is different. However, do they find their 5th best option attractive? Sadly, the answer is "extremely attractive." Male sexual hormones go from mildly in control, to full of piss and vinegar. A man who denies this is either part of a small minority, or a liar. It's ok though. Sexually charged thoughts are natural. It's the actions men take with them that seperate them into your "good" and "bad" man categories.


    I agree, Men are creatures of nature. They're going to look at any attractive woman walking their way. I know my boyfriend looks and other girls when we are out, not in any gawking way, but if I notice a pretty girl, he's going to notice a pretty girl. He tells me he prefers a curvy woman that is toned, and I consider myself curvy...however I would like to "Tighten Up" just a little more. I also think that if a man looks at a girl who's far away, he might change his mind as soon as she talks. Personality also makes a girl prettier or uglier.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member

    Top 3 picks from my bf were 11, 14, 10
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    I think I would count myself as an 11... I'm totally OK with that. All I wanna do is tone some more really. I would be super sad if I lost my curves or junk in the trunk because I like that about myself.

    Thanks guys for all the honest input.

    Just as you don't prefer Barbie... I say Ken can go to hell and melt for all I care. lol
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    So this is incredibly dumb and I feel stupid asking this! But a friend and I were having a discussion about this and I am interested to see what you all have to say!! (Even though I think that no girl should judge her body on what guys think lol)
    So the stereotype is that guys love the super skinny hollywood/airbrushed models. Is this true? Or is that starting to go "out of style"? What do you think is beautiful in a woman?
    Thanks so much for adding to this discussion for us!!!!
    Hugs and best of luck to everyone!!!!!

    No this isn't true for all guys. Me personally, I prefer women that have a somewhat athletic build to them, muscular legs especially with some shape; shape is sexy. Twiggy women aren't that physically attractive. Although personality adds a different dimension things too. But if you're talking purely physical, shape is sexy.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So Ajontheguitar, are you telling me that just because a guy checks me out, it doesn't mean I am his ideal body type? I am hurt and shocked.

    :wink: :wink: :laugh:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I've been wondering if there is a similiar scale/pic with males ranging from skinny to thick, etc. I love men in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages . . . I'd better quit while I'm ahead! LOL.
    Let's just say, I *love* men and all the various . . . . see? There I go again.

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

  • So Ajontheguitar, are you telling me that just because a guy checks me out, it doesn't mean I am his ideal body type? I am hurt and shocked.

    :wink: :wink: :laugh:

    Haha, nice. Truth be told, you may be. Or, you may BECOME his type. Ooooh, food for thought.
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    So this is incredibly dumb and I feel stupid asking this! But a friend and I were having a discussion about this and I am interested to see what you all have to say!! (Even though I think that no girl should judge her body on what guys think lol)
    So the stereotype is that guys love the super skinny hollywood/airbrushed models. Is this true? Or is that starting to go "out of style"? What do you think is beautiful in a woman?
    Thanks so much for adding to this discussion for us!!!!
    Hugs and best of luck to everyone!!!!!

    Personality is huge, but to be honest - when I was young, in shape, etc... I always found myself looking at the size 8-12 women because they looked like WOMEN... real men like real women - not fake lol - but Personality plays such a role... It really becomes the largest factor in whom I'll date...
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Yes, I much prefer ladies who have a bit of meat on them, curves if you call it. Not super skinny, sorta turns me off. Not obese or anything. Here's a good example:


    I prefer the woman on the right.
  • 1petewest
    1petewest Posts: 281
    I agree with most of the posts on here... attitude is everything. I love a woman with a healthy self esteem... not too high on herself, but not insecure either. i'm definitely not a fan of super skinny... healthy is in. nothing better than a nice dinner with a beautiful lady (a dry garden salad with water and lemon to drink is not my idea of a romantic evening!) Love who you are.. it all starts on the inside!
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    Don't like super skinny. Must have a few curves.

    Now don't get me wrong. There are some women with a little extra that still look good.

    ;) agree
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    So Ajontheguitar, are you telling me that just because a guy checks me out, it doesn't mean I am his ideal body type? I am hurt and shocked.

    :wink: :wink: :laugh:

    That's kind of "glass half empty"... LOL! Somebody is checking you out he obviously thinks you're attractive. Nobody is completely perfect. Heck, women with perfect bodies usually ruin it when they speak, so perfection is in the eye of the beholder. :smile:
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I think I would count myself as an 11... I'm totally OK with that. All I wanna do is tone some more really. I would be super sad if I lost my curves or junk in the trunk because I like that about myself.

    Thanks guys for all the honest input.

    Just as you don't prefer Barbie... I say Ken can go to hell and melt for all I care. lol

    An 11 of 10?? I can see it, the smile puts you over. :bigsmile:
  • clayeth54
    clayeth54 Posts: 13
    Actually, if I can ransack this thread a bit. I was curious myself after coming across this picture.

    Not sure if it's offensive - at least I don't think it is, but what I found interesting was to find what I see myself as, and what my goal would look like.

    My boyfriend said that he thinks 2 and 3 are what the media deems 'beautiful' - and he wishes that women like 8,9, and 11 would replace that. I see myself as a 9, and I want to be a 3 or 5 ;)

    This has been the most eye-opening thread. Thank you to all the gentleman for their input! I would say the descriptions on this picture seem to be pretty accurate but I am so surprised at the men's input on what they find beautiful. My eyes immediately draw to #2 as the most beautiful body type...which I will never look like, realistically. Immediately I think, that's what every guy wants - it's what is all over our TV and magazines, right? It's so encouraging to hear the responses and #2 was barely even mentioned. Love the fact that the real women types on this picture are getting the attention. :wink:

    I also think the attitude of a lot of women I've met with a "Type 2" body has turned me off to them as well. But It seems curvy women are definitely becoming more "in style" lately.

    Also, for the other picture with the 3 women, I think we should be looking at the fact that these women are probably carrying a little extra weight, but on larger frames. Women, like the lady with the 6-pack (thanks for the input!), would not be able to look so good carrying that much weight due to her height and frame. Like I said, it's about being at a healthy weight for your body. I'm sure any of those 3 could lose a little more weight and look even better, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily unhealthy.

    Just because there is an ideal body image that is projected in the media, it isn't attainable for everyone. Guys DO understand that (we are slaves to that as well), and the ones worth getting attention from aren't going to expect a barbie (whether part of them wants one or not).
  • clayeth54
    clayeth54 Posts: 13
    I'm not sure the point you're making TMarie, but I have an honesty policy in my life, so here goes. I've already gone to your profile twice. You're very attractive, and most men would more than likely agree. The issue I take with the whole "societal norms" is this. Men should just be more honest. I'm a self-professed and girlfriend approved "great guy." However this doesn't stop me from admitting that most men (at the very least, guys like me) go through phases where they're just looking at every woman that walks into their view. This however is human nature, behavior is the true test of a decent human being.

    Back to the game...the point is, is the "ideal" woman for any given man (physically speaking) is different. However, do they find their 5th best option attractive? Sadly, the answer is "extremely attractive." Male sexual hormones go from mildly in control, to full of piss and vinegar. A man who denies this is either part of a small minority, or a liar. It's ok though. Sexually charged thoughts are natural. It's the actions men take with them that seperate them into your "good" and "bad" man categories.


    I disagree that it's "sad" that the 5th option is still extremely attractive. The fact is, put all those women in front of me (assuming I was single for a moment) and if I enjoyed their company and their personality, at least 14 out of the 21, I would be interested in. Beef is my favorite meat, but I eat more chicken, some pork, fish, etc as well.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I also think the attitude of a lot of women I've met with a "Type 2" body has turned me off to them as well. But It seems curvy women are definitely becoming more "in style" lately.

    I'm glad it is coming back. It seems like early and mid 2000's was all about anarexic looking women, never was a fan. All-in-all, a woman with a fun and confident personality is highly attractive regardless if they're super thin or a little curvy.
  • cabul3
    cabul3 Posts: 210 Member
    I've been wondering if there is a similiar scale/pic with males ranging from skinny to thick, etc. I love men in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages . . . I'd better quit while I'm ahead! LOL.
    Let's just say, I *love* men and all the various . . . . see? There I go again.

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:

    i love all 300ish pounds of my 6 foot tall man! to me, he is the sexiest guy out there :o)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I am not sure if members of MFP are biased, but I get a fair amount of male attention. If the guys posting here are any indication, I wouldn't get a second glance. Where is the disconnect?

    Your body is very close to what I have always considered ideal. I say very close...well, cause you're not posed half naked in lingerie lol.

    That was sort of a joke lol...

    Mostly I say 'very close' because of this statement right here:
    Haha, nice. Truth be told, you may be. Or, you may BECOME his type. Ooooh, food for thought.

    This is and has always been the case for me. I couldn't cheat if I tried...unless the person was SO close physically to the person I'm just wouldn't work. So I don't have a hard set 'best' choice. It's all fluid. Even little things like skin color, or variations in skin color over parts of her body etc. Over a not so long period, my ideal comes to be the person I love. Now...if she gains 30lbs would I want her old body back? Probably lol...but I'd still be physically attracted to her current one.

    It's HER.
    I'm not sure the point you're making TMarie, but I have an honesty policy in my life, so here goes. I've already gone to your profile twice. You're very attractive, and most men would more than likely agree. The issue I take with the whole "societal norms" is this. Men should just be more honest. I'm a self-professed and girlfriend approved "great guy." However this doesn't stop me from admitting that most men (at the very least, guys like me) go through phases where they're just looking at every woman that walks into their view. This however is human nature, behavior is the true test of a decent human being.

    Back to the game...the point is, is the "ideal" woman for any given man (physically speaking) is different. However, do they find their 5th best option attractive? Sadly, the answer is "extremely attractive." Male sexual hormones go from mildly in control, to full of piss and vinegar. A man who denies this is either part of a small minority, or a liar. It's ok though. Sexually charged thoughts are natural. It's the actions men take with them that seperate them into your "good" and "bad" man categories.


    Amen. That is all there is to say to that. I happen to be one of those 'great guys' too. You spelled it out very, very nicely.
  • Honestly, super skinny isnt what I look for. i look for somebody who is HEALTHY! as for physical features, I love people's eyes!