SumnyUK Member


  • Eating meat seems to have worked well for humans for a few hundred thousand years. I'll take my chance and assume that it will continue to work well for the rest of my life.
  • Yay, that's great progress! Well done getting to here! Wrt the shoe/socks... blisters form when your socks rubs against the skin rather than against the shoe. I don't think there are any magic solutions, and what works for one person might not work for someone else. Sorry.
  • And you think you're the right person to judge what a stranger spend their money on?
  • How about a salad salad? Lettuce, tomatoes, red onions, shredded carrots, cucumber, radishes, peas, etc. Add quartered eggs and a small amount of cooked chicken for protein.
  • The fact that the scales aren't moving as a result of all the hard workout is because you're eating too much to lose weight. While the lack of rest prevents your recovery, it does not prevent weight loss. It's easy to over estimate how many calories working out consumes.
  • I'm built for comfort, not for speed. But having said that, like so many other posters on this thread, I did a c25k two years ago, and found that I love, love, love long slow (slow!) runs. The freedom of spending a couple of hours just on me, and seeing some beautiful nature at the same time. And once my body got used to…
  • Fried eggs, bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, beans, tomoatoes and 3 thick cut slices of toast with marmalade. Finishing it off with a vanilla danish. Best served with a non-skinny latte. Meanwhile, back in the real world....! I'm doing the instant porridge thing. Not super exciting, but quick and easy and keeps me energised…
  • @ngolden3320 Yet another good reason for working out. I can just imagine the victorious look on your face! @indygirl217 At least you had a good time. So dust yourself off girl, you can do this! @ShyCush6 Ah yes, the dreaded snacks. Good on you! @CariTJR Wow, you rock! Well done with the five minutes, it can feel like an…
  • @GillianSmith2 Happy birthday, and well done for sticking to the diet (almost) despite celebrating. That's the way to do it! @CariTJR skiing sounds fun - and it's great exercise as well, isn't it? Hope your legs are ok with the running club tonight. @Rachel0778 Wise choice to go maintenance. Far better than pretending to…
  • While the questions being asked are pertinent, some of the tone in this thread sounds like a lot of people are just wanting to find reasons to give a lecture, as opposed to friendly advice.
  • @angie_kins Well done on your 5k. Smashing! The fried Oreos (?!!) were well deserved to celebrate. @bluepoppies777 Sounds like you did just perfect at the turkey dinner. It's great when you can enjoy to over indulge a little but still feel in control. My day yesterday ended with way to much overindulgence. I was doing…
  • @The_Enginerd, I was fund raising for Cancer Research and on the day before the race went out to buy pink shorts to match the purple Cancer Research UK t-shirt. The only ones they had at the shop were in the ladies' section, and they were REALLY short *lol*
  • Hi, I'm Tomas, and I'm from Yorkshire (well... actually I'm from Denmark, but I live in Yorkshire now). I'm a keen long distance runner who "fell off the waggon" after my first Marathon in October last year - stopped running but kept eating. So I'm 20 lbs up in 3 months. Looking to get rid of them (and a bit more) and to…
  • What I want to know is.... What's With The Capital LETTERS IN The Title OF THIS Thread?
  • I don't jog on the spot when meeting a red light. Because it is such a novelty where I live, and because I like to catch my breath. I also wear pink gloves despite being a bloke. I'm sure both things will wind some people up. Tough. and to the OP: You do whatever you like, seriously, nobody meaningful will blame you for it
  • I'm in East Riding, but also doesn't have a Fitbit.
  • @angie_kins How did the 5k go? Hope you had a great time! The running group arranged by the pub sounds great. I wish my local did something like that. As everybody else have said - just join in, runners tend to be very understanding of everybody being at their own level. @britneywentland as others have said, it WILL come…
  • @angie_kins Hope you have a great time with your 5k tomorrow morning. Are you starting ParkRun? @GillianSmith2 That's the spirit. There's absolutely no reason to feel miserable when you're supposed to be partying. Far better to save up the calories in advance as you have done, and then have a splendid time without any…
  • Wow, amazing pictures. Thank you ever so much for sharing them!
  • 348 calories for walking 3 km sounds like a lot. Even if it's uphill. I think Runkeeper might have gotten it slightly wrong.
  • Looking for a mentor I'm hoping someone might be willing to help me on my weight reduction and fitness journey. About me I was my heaviest and was generally unhappy with myself. So for my new year's resolution 2013/14 I decided to lose some weight and get some fresh air and gentle exercise. Joined "biggest loser club" and…
  • Hello @treehopper1987, I gained about 20 lbs since late October, so I recon we offset each other so to speak. Impressive weight loss, well done you so far! I ended up making a lovely tea yesterday and served it with a glass of cool, crisp white wine. I should know better. After the first glass I had a second. And poured a…
  • @ngolden3320, another vote for the eliptical from me. Good workout for legs as well as upper body. I'm sticking to the diet, so far only on day four, but have been below my 1500 calories each of the last three days. Today I went on a run again. A gentle 3 mile around the small village where I live, but boy oh boy, I can…
  • Hello all, and I hope it's okay that I join in. It must have been nearly two years since I first joined MFP. Combined with a c25k running plan I had steady weight loss and was very pleased with myself. The c25k ended, but I kept running. Fast forward to summer last year when I was training for a maratahon that I completed…
  • I've only used compression shorts twice when running. Both times I found that I desperately needed to go to the toilet after a few miles. Maybe they compressed my bladder as well (sorry about that image).
  • One of the best pieces of dieting advice I have ever seen! If you can genuinely make dieting fun, then two thirds of the battle is already won.
  • You're one step ahead of me, Katie, seeing that you have actually started. I'm still trying to get my act together and convincing myself that I can fit it in between 3 x swimming and 3 x running per week. So. While I'm arguing with myself, I'm watching your posts. Get on with it young lady, you know you'll feel so proud of…
  • Darned, now I don't even have THAT excuse anymore. Thanks Katie, I have joined :)
  • I've got the book sitting on the shelf and the app on my 'pad. I should get started. So if anyone posts a link to AHainzl, I'll join as well!