Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Just left the gym. Did a half hr of circuit training. My throat starting to feel a little scratchy. Hope I'm not catching something. Don't want to miss the gym. Been trying to do something different every time I go so I don't get board. Any thoughts? I hate the treadmill so the thought of walking on that for an hour would kill me. Just found the elliptical trainer. Kinda liking that. Have done that twice and I pushed through when my legs felt like jello. That is a win cause before I would have stopped when it got uncomfortable.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    @bluepoppies777- I need to try it... I have a bum knee from a skiing incident and don't ski anymore... I thought cross country skiing might be cool too...
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    @ngolden3320 - I like the eliptical, spinning is fun... I'm not a huge treadmill fan either but it's good for a variety... My gym has an Arc Trainer... kind of like the eliptical but you can adjust it to be more like stairs too!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Yay!!! I already hit 10K for steps today! Got to make up for my absence on Friday - Monday!! Yikes! Looks like I was a non-stepper while my fitbit was dead! Need to remember to pack that charger every get away!!
  • tnsmilneyes
    tnsmilneyes Posts: 2 Member
    What is 16:8?
  • deidrabugg
    deidrabugg Posts: 3 Member
    Okay well here goes.... hi everyone I have been on and off from MFP for about 3 years. I used to work two physical jobs and go to school full time with classes always at the other end of campus. Then I managed a restaurant for a awhile and it's crazy but restaurant managers don't get a lot of time to eat. Now I work at a desk and gained about 30 in three. Every year I would do MFP lose the weight stop MFP gain it back and then some. I have finally reached the point that I know it's a lifestyle change and not a diet. With that approach I have done well I am down 10 pounds since Xmas and gaining some muscle (a first for me) this is my busy time at work (12 overtime hours last week) I don't want to fall off the good thing I have going and looking for support. my hubby's the same size he was in high school and he tries but it is hard for him to understand. Everyone seems positive here and I would love to share encouragement and life lessons. Encouragement: when a loved one doesn't meet a goal you show them compassion and tell them they will get it next time. Why not yourself when you don't meet a goal? Show yourself the love you give to others.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Welcome all newcomers, just jump right in, everyone here is brilliantly supportive, you CAN do this.

    @Rachel – You sound like you’re talking from experience, have you ever had a bad injury that affected your running? (Looking for tips here). I love your attitude to your dinner party too, that made me laugh.

    @Shy - Thank you, I’m trying to rest it, but don’t want to fall too far behind with the running, it feels ok again today so I might go out for a little run later. And you’re right about being thankful for your health, but then this is one of the reasons why I’m here, we have diabetes in my family and heart conditions, and I don’t want to end up bringing that on myself by not looking after my weight.

    @bluepoppies – Sounds absolutely amazing, I’ve always wanted to go to Canada. Friends of the family went out there last year, hired a big camper van and drove round for a month. They said it was fabulous, so much so that they are thinking about seeing if they can move there permanently – I hope they do then I can visit for a holiday! Lol

    Had a bit of a lazy day yesterday, only just hit my steps, but today I intend on going for a proper walk at lunchtime and maybe a run later. At the weekend we are going to skiing at a local indoor snowdome, need to get some practice in before our holiday in April! I wonder how many calories skiing burns….I think I’m going to go investigate….
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @shycush6 great point about health. You don't truly appreciate it until it's not there. On that note, I am going to say thank you to my thunder thighs today for thundering on! They got me through a rough morning workout.

    @ngolden3320 does your gym offer classes? I tend to get bored on cardio machines easily but I love group exercise stuff

    @deidrabugg Welcome! Life will throw lots of stuff at you but it's great you're looking at this as a lifestyle change that you are going to stick with for the long haul

    @CariTJR I ended up spraining my foot when I trained for the Tough Mudder and getting nasty shin splints during my marathon training. For the first one I switched to pool exercises for 2 weeks until my foot was back to normal and for the shin splints I visited a running store. They gave me awesome advice on my mileage gains (I cut back for a few weeks to heal). I also invested in good quality running shoes, a foam roller, and compression socks. Worked like a charm. My big advice is to not ignore the signals your body is giving you. When you catch things early you can turn it around in a week or two instead of having to deal with month+ long recovery times. Also, RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) is a good go to.
  • SumnyUK
    SumnyUK Posts: 33 Member
    @ngolden3320, another vote for the eliptical from me. Good workout for legs as well as upper body.

    I'm sticking to the diet, so far only on day four, but have been below my 1500 calories each of the last three days. Today I went on a run again. A gentle 3 mile around the small village where I live, but boy oh boy, I can sure feel that it's been a while since I was running on a regular basis. In other news, I finally bought a battery for the scales yesterday, so now I have a chance to monitor progress (or fret about not loosing as much as I'd hoped for).
  • agile_05
    agile_05 Posts: 6 Member

    @Rachel0778 @CariTJR - I've managed to keep my walking...3 days now. :) my feet hurt terribly today and im figuring out muscles which didnt exist after the previous day's brisk walk. So literally trotted today!! Yep...thats the hope people...that I pick up from here and go on to make it a part of everyday thing. I live in Bangalore and we are entering spring and then summer next. I enjoy walking in this weather and hopefully that will give me the incentive I need. <that's the secret plan>

    @CariTJR...hope your knee is faring better. Take good rest.

    @GillianSmith2 - halfway mark? wow :smile: reward time! Keep up the great work. Your workout stats always inspire me :)

    @bluepoppies777 - workouts, fun and leisure time all rolled into one. Am so envious. Sounds like a fab place. Njoy your getaway.

    Welcome @SumnyUK , @britneywentland, @deidrabugg Please feel free to add as friend.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    @Rachel - Thanks for the advice, I do actually have a specialist running shop I can go to, I noticed they had a dreadmill hooked up to a machine so they can measure your gait etc, so I will probably pop in there and have a chat with them. I do have pretty good running shoes (Nike Luna Glides) but maybe it's time for a new pair. I will bear the rest of your advice in mind for sure.

    @SumnyUK - Well done for sticking to the diet, it can be quite difficult at first so you're doing really well. Extra exercise is always good, keep at it!

    @agile_05 - Excellent work! Your body will get used to it over time, soon you'll be walking for miles with ease.

    @shy - I bought another Fitbit charger from Amazon, it was only £4.99 and works pretty well, always good to have a back up, maybe you could get one and leave it in the car.

    @Gillian - I'm about to have a sneaky peek at your before and after pics....

    Well today was a better day exercise wise, I smashed my steps by 4pm and then went for a run, so all good in the hood. I also found out skiing burns around 350 calories and hour for normal effort, so I should get a good calorie burn on Sunday! Despite skiing for years i've never thought about the calorie burn before, I just knew it was a good glute work out.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Golden, I agree with Rachel, try some classes at your gym if you can. I do spin every week and absolutely love it. If you try every class, you will find your favourites! We were talking about Zumba in this thread for a while, you should try it! If no classes, what about rowing machine? I do that periodically and it is a great all over workout. Also I do the moving stairs, kicks my butt!!
    I do recall someone posting something about their trainer saying "squeeze your butt, because if you don't, nobody else will" !!! Ha!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Cari, I'm sure your friends loved it here! We know quite a few people who have relocated here from England, Scotland and Australia! So hopefully they can make the big move. Our friends from England say they like to go back to visit, but they are so happy here. If you google British Columbia pictures, I'm sure some beautiful pictures will pop up. I live in the okanagan valley, also known as the Napa valley of the north. We have hundreds of wineries, and beautiful beaches. Vacation destination!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Cari, I'm sure your friends loved it here! We know quite a few people who have relocated here from England, Scotland and Australia! So hopefully they can make the big move. Our friends from England say they like to go back to visit, but they are so happy here. If you google British Columbia pictures, I'm sure some beautiful pictures will pop up. I live in the okanagan valley, also known as the Napa valley of the north. We have tons of wineries and beautiful beaches. Plus skiing in the winter. Vacation destination!!
  • angie_kins
    angie_kins Posts: 44 Member
    Ugh, I just ate half a tub of blueberry cream cheese this afternoon! Boredom hunger is the worst! And really, I wasn't even hungry! I hate these moments of weakness.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have been getting back on the losing wagon, after having my son in 2014 and my second pregnancy that unfortunately ended too early this past July. I gained about 50-60 lbs throughout my pregnancies. I am currently approaching the weight I was when I started MFP many years ago. After many months of depression and overeating, I decided I had to change something. I hit the lowest depressing moment ever in my life, and now I am going strong force. I have lost about 25 lbs since Nov. and still have many more to go, but I can do this, just like you can. Feel free to add me if you want motivation and can be motivating. I hope you all are having a good day! B)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Great idea Cari!!! I should do that!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Said NO to office treats!!! That's a NSV for me today!!! Lol