MystifiedFluff Member


  • Ah, but I'm talking more about looking at the gaps in lifestyle than exact calories, but you aren't far off what I mean. Based on my theory, if someone who eats healthy, but is sedentary should look to activity and exercise as the most effective weight loss option before cutting a few calories out of an already good diet.…
  • Precisely my point! I want to know if those who gained a certain way have better luck losing it a certain way. Yet many people are just spouting off the same old 'calories in < calories out' which IS true, but not as clear cut as they think. You can make that 'deficit' in three ways: lower in numbers, higher out numbers,…
  • Actually, I have pages and pages of spreadsheet data since January calculating everything I have eaten (accurately measured and logged), done (whether lawn mowing or treadmill), weekly BMR intake levels, calories burned, net calories burned, sleep data, mood, and yes I know my TDEE sans exercise levels thank you very much!…
  • @DawnieB1977 - I'm not asking you to try, do what works for you. Thank you for sharing!
  • I see most people aren't actually reading the post... sigh. Thank you @Kalikel for actually bothering to read that I'm looking for facts not opinions. I did not consider the medical cause, a valid one too.
  • Wumpscut (if I go by simon000) Suicide Commando (if I go by bob108819) Next poster can pick :smile:
  • I love cheese... Cheddar, Ricotta, Gouda, Feta... I could do a whole Monty Python skit listing all the cheeses I enjoy, lol. I did have to start cutting down a smidge since my doctor said my cholesterol was 'a tad on the high side', but eliminate it? I think I'd rather stop pretty much anything else.
  • Number 3 A pirate would've been an easy costume, but my little guy requested to be our cat Mysti for Halloween - finding a gray set of cat ears and fluffy tail was impossible so I took a white set and diluted some of my calligraphy ink (that was... messy, but it worked). Now I just need to knit him a 'collar' and wrap a…
  • I'm not planning to buy new clothes until I'm at my goal weight. The main reason is I have all my pre-pregnancy clothes waiting for me to fit back into them. Once I start to find them too baggy, then I'll reward myself with a shopping spree.
  • First off, don't give up! Try joining your area's MFP group on here to find local friends. Use weekends to walk with your husband or whenever he doesn't have work (perhaps have a picnic lunch at a park you both walk to). Make it a special 'date' for the two of you instead of a chore. If you liked the bootcamp, I've seen a…
  • I like 2% milk in my cereal, but prefer foamed unsweetened soy milk in my morning espresso coffee (no sweeteners at all).
  • @FabulousFantasticFifty - great now I'm hungry... those dishes look very tasty! I just love chicken and broccoli :)
  • I like the new notifications, but I agree the white space is a bit much, I have 5 inches on the left and 7 inches on the right. I would like the "My Discussions" section to have the topics I've posted in or somehow have those auto-bookmark. Edit: ok... seems they ARE listening. Now *magically* the notification section has…
  • Back when I lived in an apartment, one elderly gent with a walker would always go to the lock box for his mail in slippers and a less-than-decent robe. One day I noticed something hanging on his back, which was quite stooped. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a small brown tabby, no more than a year old at best.…
  • Putting on his sprinklers while it was currently raining!
  • @Jnm934 - lol, I will tell Mysti you approve of her ears. That's also a very nice fountain, reminds me of the ones I visited in Trafalgar Square. The city lights bring Las Vegas to mind though.
  • ChrisHoffman72 - Very big tire! I know who to call to help move furniture now, lol!
  • eprissel - oh that bike... perfect for a Sounders fan... or an Xbox fan... or both!
  • I wouldn't give him protein powders. Even if it was 'safe', it shows them that artificial powders can replace natural foods, which might lead to problems as he gets older. There are already too many 'miracle' pills and shakes on the market, imho. If he is really adverse to meat, try asking why. Perhaps it's actually a…
  • I plug in the recipe on here and mark 1 serving as a ladle scoop. 3-4 scoops is a typical serving size for me and most batches I make have 8-9 ladles worth, but I always go by my ladle, not cups. Same goes for my chili recipes. If it is a new recipe, I plug the ingredients in and find out how many ladles are in the batch…
  • I feel your pain, but at least you got something healthy, albeit too tiny and not what you asked for. Growing up the only green food in the fridge was green because of mold, I can sympathize with your limited options. Try stashing non-perishable food under your bed or in your closet? Consider it an emergency stash for…
  • I weigh in every Monday. It helps me track how the previous week's calorie intake, exercise, steps, etc. effects my weight. A weekly weigh in seems to work for me since the results seem more consistent than the daily up down fluctuation I experience (sometimes 4 pounds either way).
  • I don't do gyms - too many people and I just cringe at the idea of using something somebody else just sweated on. I use my treadmill, recumbent bike, walk outside when it's nice, and will use my commuter bike outside once I get it tuned up. I also lift weights - dumbbells, barbell, and kettlebell - and have a stability…
  • I have been cutting my salt intake as much as possible and MFP still says I'm consistently over my sodium amounts so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself with being over, just try to not add salt, pick lower sodium options, and drink plenty of water (or seltzer, tea, etc.) to help flush the excess. As for lower carb (which…
  • 5' 6" SW: 266 GW: 185 Though supposedly I should shoot for 154, that seems far too low and I'd be quite happy being 'overweight' as long as I'm healthy. Honestly anything under 200 would make me happy.
  • You may want to rethink your 1,370 calorie goal. I don't claim to be an expert at this, but if I use the same calculators/sites I am for myself, which are giving me results so far, you are trying to eat less than you probably should. Based on your stats and estimating a sedentary activity level, you need roughly 2,041…
  • I'd rather work with what it gives me instead of fussing with it. Now that I know it is inflated, I'm not worried by the seemingly crazy numbers. I just need to know what numbers I need it to show for the best weight loss. I found a site that says my supposed calorie maintenance is 2,247 which seems close since it shows a…
  • Diet, me? No, yo-yo or otherwise. I have eaten healthy for years and used to walk to college and back daily. My gain was from pregnancy then severe inactivity from post-partum depression for almost two years, not overeating per se (though I guess my 'in vs out' was technically a surplus). However, I only have 19% skeletal…