Hipp706 Member


  • Hi there! My 5th baby is almost one and I’ve struggled to lose weight for the first time. Previously within 4-6mths I’ve been at pre-pregnancy weight and still loosing... this time around he’s a month off turning one and I’m still 10lbs heavier than my pre pregnancy weight. Previously I have been able to just eat what I…
  • I have an Apple Watch, I just use it to motivate myself, trying to get as much ‘move, activity and stands’ in a day rather than focusing on the calories.
  • Just stick with it. It really does work. I’ve had five kids, and I’m just starting to try and lose the baby weight from number 5. I decided to just relax after having him and not concentrate on losing the quickly like I had the other times. I have about 2.5st to lose now, as I dropped a couple of stone without trying after…
  • Hi all! I just gave birth to baby number 5 eight weeks ago and breastfeeding this baby too
  • Hello everyone :smile: I'm vegan - will be my 2yr anniversary at the end of August. I was vegetarian from the age of 14 to 34 then saw the light
  • Hi there! I'm a mum of 4 (15,12,3,2) and I work full time. I've found that exercising once the young ones are asleep is the best way to fit it in. I like to work out with kettlebells, or on the treadmill. I do so in front of the television so I can catch up on a tv show whilst I exercise rather than sitting on the sofa. I…
  • I think if you eat relatively cleanly as a vegan then you will be high carb low fat without trying too hard. I have been reading 'Shred It' by Robert Cheeke (def worth a read) and he cuts fat and builds/maintains muscle using the 70,15,15 ratio. It's likely more achievable in day to day life. Ol you definitely do feel…
  • We use a dairy free cheese as I'm vegan and two of my children are cows milk protein intolerant. We use Violife. It's the best one I've found - I've tried lots. They do it in blocks, slices, and spread. I know you said you don't like soy cheese, but this is def worth trying (think it's soy free too. Reminds me of something…
  • I'm starting this Monday!!
  • I'm vegan :) was veggie for 20yrs and have now been vegan for 5mths. My partner is omni, but eats veggie/vegan at home, and my kids are all veggie but my youngest two who I cook for (big kids eat what they want) eat vegan apart from the very occasional egg and one of them has the odd bit of dairy (other one is intolerant)…
  • I used to do WW, on the old plan, worked well for Me, lost my weight but then found myself eating low point junk food all the time and then just having some plain veg if I got hungry and had no points left. This time I'm trying to focus on healthy foods during the week, and junk only on a weekend. MFP makes me more…
  • I'm breastfeeding my 37mth old and my 22mth old, 3-4 times a day/night. I find that I can probably eat an extra 300 or so calories and still lose a little. I usually just eat back my exercise calories back, unless they're very high amounts and then call it even so my calories vary daily depending on how far I've walked…
  • Just added you on there, I'm getting a vivosmart hr for Xmas :D my user name is Hippngrvy
  • Hi there, added you
  • I've been avoiding bread for a couple of weeks, felt great, slipped up the past 3 days & eaten bread daily have felt rubbish, and bloated too - I'm sat eating toast - tomorrow I'm going back to not eating it!
    in Bread Comment by Hipp706 September 2015
  • I am the same - could eat for England and still be hungry! My other half often jokes at he doesn't know where I put it all. My problem is I eat way to fast - due to the fact I don't like my food unless I eat it within a few minutes, seeing it for too long on my plate going cold just makes me feel ill - yep, I have issues…
  • I hope so. I loved the vintage points system, lost every week... Tried the plus & put on weight
  • I've been there too a few years back. I put on 42lb over a couple of months. I was upset but it did eventually come off so stick with it :)
  • I'm 5'6, well slightly under that I think. I'm currently weighing in at 158 but feel far too big to stop yet. I'd love to get down to between 126 & 133 but I'd like to tone up as my main priority once I'm under 140.
  • Feel free to add me, all in this together ????
  • No advice, but I'm hoping someone does ????
  • Hi there. I've been veggie for 19years, tried veganism once as a teen but not in a particularly healthy way. I'm making the switch to veganism now to help the two kids I'm breastfeeding - they're both not very tolerant to dairy/eggs. The eldest of the two is almost 2 and she's not strict, she eats dairy/eggs etc when at…
  • I'm currently transitioning over to a vegan diet & I am currently nursing my 20mth daughter & my 4mth son - they both react badly to dairy/eggs when I eat them so that's why I'm moving over from veggie to vegan.