seven3 Member


  • Totally normal. In fact, Mehdi warns about that on his website, reasoning that because the muscles involved in the OHP are smaller, the 5 lb progression is more significant than it is for lifts like squat or deadlift. Most people will first stall on the OHP, and progress slower than on other lifts. I know that's been true…
  • Mehdi has designed an effective program and an excellent app, and I'll give him credit for that, but he has no credentials and I would take his advice about cardio training with a grain or two of salt. I've been mixing Stronglifts with cycling and running for a couple of years, and as long as I give my legs enough recovery…
  • Ran my first one last week at the ripe old age of 46. Time was 32:09. Only did 4 training runs to prepare, but I've been a competitive cyclist for 25 yrs, so no stranger to endurance sports. My 11 yr old son still beat me by 30 seconds. He's the real athlete in the family.
  • My suggestion would be to do the weights work during the winter, and focus on the cycling during the spring, summer, and autumn. When you do your weights work in the winter, do a complete body workout. A strong core is just as important as strong legs.[/quote] Good advice, and consistent with Joe Friel's Training Bible (a…
  • Been there. In 2005 I was starting the fall cyclocross racing season with strong finishes, when I began having pain in my right calf and numb toes on my right foot. It worsened, and an MRI confirmed an L5/S1herniation. I wanted to avoid surgery, so I tried physical therapy. The therapist told me that there was no way to…
  • Ditto she needs more pool time. Running ain't swimming. Case in point: in 2005 I had a good year bicycle racing. Won a medal in the state time trial, good finishes in road races, and was finishing top 5 in cyclocross races. My cycling and running endurance were very good. Then I ruptured a disc, and for a couple of months…
  • Never posted on here before, but had to get in on this: 1. The old guy who hangs out in the gym most mornings, who I've NEVER seen exercise other than occasionally walk around the indoor track with a towel around his neck. Instead, he walks around obnoxiously annoying others, talking loudly, making up ridiculous and…