ElynnPittman Member


  • less than a tablespoon of coconut oil! good fats to wake my brain up :)
  • Thats fantastic! Congrats & the biggest difference is in your face: you look SO happy.
  • This may not be helpful if you're on a timeline- but I tried just accepting that a plateau was likely so at 25 lbs lost i just reset my calories for maintaining my weight (from around 1400 which was my 2 lbs a week calories to around 1900-2000) and I ended up losing a couple more lbs and have stayed right there for about 2…
  • Counting calories for the most part, but I try to focus more on what i NEED to eat vs what i shouldnt eat. So making sure i get plenty of good protein, veggies and lots and lots of water. Also-theres no substitute for exercise. Also- the time-tested truth is that inches disappear faster than the number on the scale, so try…
  • I loved being an only child. I was always able to talk to adults comfortably because there was no such thing as the "kids table," my parents were able to pay for college because there was only one tuition to deal with and I got so much love and affection from my parents. I think it also fosters a mentality of making…
  • I am the OPPOSITE of a morning person but its really the only time I have to work out. I've found its much easier if you: 1) Pack your gym bag and clothes for the next day the night before, even better if you do it as soon as you get home from work. 2) Make a to-do list (I use my iphone) of things I have to do before I…
  • For me, cardio hasnt done much good. I have to pair it with a weight lifting plan. I recently tried out a trainer and things have been SO much easier. I was never confident in trying new exercises because I didn't know what I was doing. If you can't get to a trainer, theres all kinds of plans online y ou can try. I think…
  • Are you using any oil to cook your eggs in the am? I'm always shocked at how even a tiny amount can add up.
  • I'm so sorry you're having such an awful time of it. I wish there was a magic thing to say to make it feel better, but I know thats not the case. The only thing I can think of is to give therapy a try? Sometimes feeling better about yourself on the inside makes it easier to deal with the stuff on the outside. You are…
  • I went through the same thing for as long as I can remember. I have no idea if this could be part of the issue, but I found out at about 22, that i have ADD. It causes me to seek something comforting (food, mindless tv/computer) to avoid having to concentrate. It may be something else entirely different for you, but it'd…