Is everybody just "counting calories"?

I've been counting calories and eating healthier than I used to for almost 2 weeks and, I was expecting a little more weigh loss but Im still happy with my progress. I was following a diet plan but no to the "t", it was more like a "guide" for me, but I was counting my calories, (not carbs or fat) and this week I haven't seen any weigh loss so far (5 days) I have a ton of weigh to loose so I'm a little dissapointed. I just need a little feed back on what is your program? Are you following a diet plan? or just counting calories? I cut back on carbs and fats too, I was wondering if that matters..... ?????


  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Just counting calories. I have to exercise to lose weight, when I just made my net I seemed to only maintain. I eat back my exercise calories as well. If I didn't, I wouldn't lose as well.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    My system has evolved a bit over the years. Currently I track calories and shoot for 1g protein and around .35-.5g fat per lb of lbm. The rest of the calories are open, but typically end up being carbs.

    If you're going to do the calorie counting thing, you need to get a realistic idea of your TDEE and measure your food fairly accurately. It's a bit of a commitment, and I think it takes a certain kind of OCD personality type to really do it right.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    My 2 cents. Don't count weight... use a tape measure instead. You also need more time - it takes a month to establish a new a habit.

    Not all calories are equal. My diet is paleo-inspired and lowish-carb. I use the calorie calculator here to get a rough esitmate, but I don't like the nutritent goals - adjust the protein and fat to be 35%, carbs 30%.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    This website pretty much is a calorie counting website. I counted calories, i.e. weigh and measure portions, read labels, using this site. I also exercise 3-4 times a week but when I started it was more about reducing calories.
  • ElynnPittman
    ElynnPittman Posts: 10 Member
    Counting calories for the most part, but I try to focus more on what i NEED to eat vs what i shouldnt eat. So making sure i get plenty of good protein, veggies and lots and lots of water. Also-theres no substitute for exercise. Also- the time-tested truth is that inches disappear faster than the number on the scale, so try to focus on how your clothes feel, and how your body feels eating healthier foods!

    good luck!
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    I am counting calories, exercising, and watchingmy potassium and sodium levels. Please watch your sodium. Sodium makes you retain water which in turn makes it hard to lose. Good luck!
  • nylitak
    nylitak Posts: 18 Member
    I count calories and exercise every day. I don't deprive myself from eating unhealthy foods that I enjoy; I just eat them less often and in smaller portions. If I know I will be eating a meal high in calorie,s then I will spend more time at the gym or eat less throughout the day. I also give myself a cheat day once every two weeks. If you continue to eat well and exercise the weight will come off but it will take time. I abused my body for years so it's going to take time to get the body I want.
  • LatinaPuppyLover
    II'm wondering if 1240 calories is too little for me? my weigh is 238, lost 5 pounds in a week, and then nothing. I just started excercising 2 days ago, and still nothing. I was blaming the diet (because I wasn't following it like I should) but I was counting everything that I ate!!! I know there is something I'm doing wrong, I just can't figure out what is it?
  • brettjcohen
    brettjcohen Posts: 30 Member
    I use the site to count calories and track my exercise. I don't lose much without the exercise though. I had to start kinda slow (low impact) since I was too heavy at first for my knees to take a pounding doing running or anything.
    I've tried to stick to protein and keep carbs down but I still eat things like oatmeal and all.

    When I stick to my calories and exercise I lose.
    When I stick to my calories I maintain.
    When I don't log I gain.

    Also expect plateaus. Eating more for a day or two (nothing crazy) and then going back to normal can sometimes help you through it by jump starting your metabolism again. Also changing up your exercise routine can help too.

    Good luck!
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I don't count calories at all. I just limit the number of carbohydrate grams I take in each day and that's it. Any given week my calories taken in a day may vary from 1800-4500, on occasion spiking higher.
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I count calories and exercise. i have been making better choices with food, trying to stay away from fast food and high fat foods. I also drink 8-12 glasses of water a day. I cut out soda, for the most part. I also don't allow myself to have anything else to drink other than water (and my morning coffee) until I have drank at least the full 64oz of water. My biggest problem before MFP is that I wasn't paying attention to what I was drinking and I was getting a lot of empty calories from it.
  • gse313
    gse313 Posts: 252 Member
    We do count the calories, but we also monitor our sodium (you won't beleive how much you take in without even knowing it) and protien. I do not eat all my calories yet... will probably start if I see a stall in loss.

    We do exercise regularly. Nothing too extensive, just a 30 minute walk once or twice a day.
  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    II'm wondering if 1240 calories is too little for me? my weigh is 238, lost 5 pounds in a week, and then nothing. I just started excercising 2 days ago, and still nothing. I was blaming the diet (because I wasn't following it like I should) but I was counting everything that I ate!!! I know there is something I'm doing wrong, I just can't figure out what is it?

    I'd say so. When I was in the 200s I lost about 2 pounds a week by cutting my daily calories to 1800-2000. You burn a lot more calories when you're that heavy. 1240 probably puts you at an unreasonably large deficit, and that can be unsustainable if you have a lot of weight to lose.

    When you say you "weren't following the diet the way you should" what does that mean exactly? How much were you eating?
  • LatinaPuppyLover
    I wasn't following the diet, it is a 1300 calorie diet, and I wasn't following the meals, but still was making good food choices, no fast food at all, sodas, candy or any sweets! Im gonna push my excercise routine and Im sure that would help, also I ordered a new scale because mine was acting up so I'm hoping the numbers are better on the new one, my old scale (wich is not even old, I bought it about 3 months ago) gives me different readings everything I step on it.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    When I 1st started, I weighed 185lbs. I only counted cals. I ate between 1200-1350 & the lbs just fell off. I would exercise, but no so consistently. When I got in the 140s, things started getting more complicated. I workout much more often, 6 days a week & I try to watch my fat & sodium in take. I try to stay in the carbs mfp allows me. I dont limit them, cuz that's where u get ur energy. & I try 2 eat cleaner. Although sometimes I do slip up when I'm havin a craving.
    I think everyone is probably different w/ how they lose weight tho.
  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    I count Calories and sodium. Salt will lead to water weight.

    Makes the scale go up!

    Make sure you are a label reader! Cheese had TONS of Sodium for the little that you eat!

    It is a life style change. Takes along time to get a new habit or routine going.

    Keep at it! You will see a a difference in measurements and weight. Then will come the NSV (non scale victory)
  • Ariberri9
    Ariberri9 Posts: 206 Member
    I count my calories almost obsessively, but only to make sure that I don't go over.

    I also work out five times per week for 65 minutes per day, burning, on average, 300 calories. So far, it's working; I've lost a bit of weight and quite a few inches.

    I also track what foods I eat -- no sweets, no junk, no sodas, no taking in more than one serving size, no fast food. I drink nothing but water and calorie-free, sugar-free flavored waters (sometimes carbonated).
  • skydivelife
    skydivelife Posts: 83 Member
    Meat with every meal,

    seeds and nuts for vitamins and minerals to make your metabolism function

    Greens, raw veggies

    No added sugar

    No grains

    Y'all get there faster and stay at your goal :-)
  • wilson1024
    wilson1024 Posts: 126 Member
    1200 cals a day / 20 - 25 carbs a day / lots of protein. This is what I'm doing and alot of my friends and have made great progress! :) Good Luck!
  • bjfrezell
    bjfrezell Posts: 241
    I count calories and try to exercise 3 times a week. In the beginning, I lost six pounds in the first week, and then 1-2 pounds a week after that.

    I can tell you that I can go a whole week without losing anything and then on day 8 I will lose 2 pounds overnight. You can't always use a scale as a measure for how you are doing. Stick with it and the weight will come off.