Is everybody just "counting calories"?



  • rawhidenadz
    rawhidenadz Posts: 254 Member
    I wasn't following the diet, it is a 1300 calorie diet, and I wasn't following the meals, but still was making good food choices, no fast food at all, sodas, candy or any sweets! Im gonna push my excercise routine and Im sure that would help, also I ordered a new scale because mine was acting up so I'm hoping the numbers are better on the new one, my old scale (wich is not even old, I bought it about 3 months ago) gives me different readings everything I step on it.

    It's great that you were making better food choices, but weight loss is about calories. You could have been making healthy choices and still eating at maintenance or a surplus. Healthy is not the same as eating at a deficit, and you need a deficit to lose weight.

    Back to your calories . . . If you are finding it difficult to eat at that 1300 calorie level now, imagine how difficult it will be in a year from now. Find a level you know you can stick with so that you don't get derailed. That's just my advice, coming from a similar start weight (my highest weight was 240). I could not have lost all the weight eating at 1300 calories a day plus exercise. I wouldn't have been able to keep it up. It was difficult enough to limit myself to ~1800. But of course everyone is different and what might work for me would not work for you. I think first time dieters make the mistake of severely underestimating the amount of calories they can eat and lose weight while at the same time underestimating how many calories they actually ARE eating, if that makes sense . . .
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    The thing a lot of people do is to overcomplicate this process of losing fat. For MOST of us, it really doesn't matter WHAT we eat, as long as we do the following:

    1) Eat a calorie deficit

    2) Hit your macros (Fat, Protein, etc)

    3) Lift heavy.

    There you go. That's it, for most people. Do that, and you will lose fat, while maintaining most of your muscle mass. All this cut this out, cut that out, dont have this, drink more of that etc are just ways to the same goal, and overcomplicate it.

    How you get to the calorie deficit can be through diet, exercise, or better yet, both. It's all I did, and it worked like a charm. :)
  • LatinaPuppyLover
    Im actually having a hard time eating enough calories, I can't believe I posted my weigh online!! lol. I know I can do this, thanks everyone for taking the time to read and give me your advice on what has work for you. I hope I see a difference tomorrow with the new scale, and I will have to stop checking my weight every day, so hopefully in a week I get better results. Is a little complicated but I know Im gonna get it right soon! lol
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    I focus on eating right, and exercising about 4-5 days a week. I usually aim to consume 1200 calories before I workout, but with the type of workouts I do, I end up eating those back (so usually 1400-1500 daily). I don't keep myself from eating treats I enjoy (i just eat them in very small portions), and on the weekends I allow myself to drink alcohol. (Again, not going crazy)

    This has worked well for me:)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    II'm wondering if 1240 calories is too little for me? my weigh is 238, lost 5 pounds in a week, and then nothing. I just started excercising 2 days ago, and still nothing. I was blaming the diet (because I wasn't following it like I should) but I was counting everything that I ate!!! I know there is something I'm doing wrong, I just can't figure out what is it?

    The more you weigh, the more of a deficit your body will allow (or so they say...whoever 'they' are). As you get closer to your goal weight, your body won't allow you to have a major deficit, which is why you start slowing way down on your weight loss those last 20 pounds. Also, keep in mind that TOM (time of month) also makes you gain (or not lose) weight...mine usually hits about 5 days prior to TOM gets here and goes away the day before. Are you exercising? If you are, are you eating your calories back? I know there is big arguments over this, but I know my body didn't like it if I dropped below 1000 net calories and I would actually gain weight until I got back to around 1300 (I started at 220 pounds, now at 158). Also, if you just started exercising, you may gain up to 3 pounds of water retention just due to your muscles swelling up. Don't let this slow you will go away. Evrey time I start weight training, I shoot up about 2 pounds, but it goes away once my muscles quit being sore. Your body is an amazing piece of work and it adapts to take care of itself...this includes doing things that cause the scale to fluctuate both directions. Don't panic over one week...don't even panic over two...weigh yourself and look at your diary. If you are doing what you are supposed to, just keep the faith that it will start to move. Also, esp if you are doing weight training/toning, take your measurements! I once gained 3 pounds in one month, but I lost about 10 inches and dropped to my next jean size! Take pictures's nice to be able to see your progress and, if you start creeping back up the scale, you look at those pictures and tell yourself that you aren't going back!
  • Amber50lbsDown
    Amber50lbsDown Posts: 255 Member
    I started in Dec just watching what I ate and then in Jan realized I should count cals then in Feb realized I dont want to be skinny fat I wanted to be fit, so I started counting cals and working out.
    so far so good !
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    I count calories, exercise an hour a day when I do (either swimming (twice a week) or treadmill the other 4-5 days a week (don't look at today for an example, I'm not able to exercise today and will be over my calories)

    I make sure I don't have that much sugar or salt, I watch my fiber so I know when I need more. I watch my fat intake and try to hit my protein and carb macro.
  • CravenBrittney
    CravenBrittney Posts: 18 Member
    I am counting calories only right now. But its only been 3 days. Next week, I start exercising. I just wanted to do things in baby steps.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    Me: Count calories and exercise. There's no way I can only eat 1200 calories. I'm just too hungry. So I add in exercise. I'm also a runner and that uses a lot of calories/energy so it's simply impossible for me to simply count calories and have very of them at most.
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    I basically just count calories, eating back most of my exercise calories. I don't pay a lot of attention to macros, but I do use them sometimes when I'm trying to fill in snacks here and there. Feel free to look at my food diary. I do weigh my food out most of the time and usually use a heart rate monitor to track exercise (though currently mine needs a new battery and I haven't taken care of it). Portion control is my major goal.I try to pick foods that will fit my calorie goals without leaving me feeling too hungry OR too full.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    If you've only been doing this for 2 weeks you need to stick with it. Counting calories is a good way to go. Make sure they're nutrient dense calories. You can google that to find out more information.

    I also agree with some of the other people here, scale isn't always the greatest way to go, but if you're sure that you have a lot of FAT then the scale will show you lower numbers over time if you keep this up. If you start incorporating weight training (which is recommened) the the scale might stall, but that isn't because you aren't losing fat. That you gaining muscle as well.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I count calories, try to pick MOSTLY healthy fresh foods, and workout.

    Don't be discouraged if it takes time, it is best for your body, metabolism, and muscle comp for your weight loss to take its time!
  • faithstephenson
    faithstephenson Posts: 280 Member
    II'm wondering if 1240 calories is too little for me? my weigh is 238, lost 5 pounds in a week, and then nothing. I just started excercising 2 days ago, and still nothing. I was blaming the diet (because I wasn't following it like I should) but I was counting everything that I ate!!! I know there is something I'm doing wrong, I just can't figure out what is it?

    How much are you wanting to lose per week? I find that I do better around 1400-1500 net cals/day than that close to 1200. For some reason, it's easier for me to pick foods that help me reach that goal without having a bunch left over at the end of the day. And the weight seems to come off better too. But be prepared, if you raise your calorie goal, to give it a few weeks to turn around.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    I've been counting calories and eating healthier than I used to for almost 2 weeks and, I was expecting a little more weigh loss but Im still happy with my progress. I was following a diet plan but no to the "t", it was more like a "guide" for me, but I was counting my calories, (not carbs or fat) and this week I haven't seen any weigh loss so far (5 days) I have a ton of weigh to loose so I'm a little dissapointed. I just need a little feed back on what is your program? Are you following a diet plan? or just counting calories? I cut back on carbs and fats too, I was wondering if that matters..... ?????

    My setting counts calories, fat, carbs, protein, cholestrol, and sugar. But I really only care about and count the calories. (the rest is just for knowledge)

    I also eat whatever I want whenever I want, as long as it fits in my calories, so no diet for me. That along with exercise (weight/cardio at least 2 times a week but normally more) has me steadily losing about 1 lb a week or so.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    Don't get discouraged. I started with a quick drop and then hit a plateau soon afterwards. I looked at my diary and realized I was skipping exercise too many days. I made a commitment to myself to walk EVERY SINGLE DAY, and got back on track.

    Having said that - a five-day span is not enough time to see results. You have daily fluctuations which can make you crazy if you let them. I have lots of days where I weigh more than I did five days previously. But overall, I'm trending downward. I only have one week in the past three months where I had a net gain for the week.
  • makeupinmanhatten
    Make sure exercise is part of what you are doing! Cardio burns a lot of fat quickly :) stay active this is what reaaallly helps me lose weight and tone up a long with counting calories
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I don't count calories to be honest, I just focus on eating clean. Some days I'm hungrier than others so I will just eat as much as I need as long as the food is actually all wholesome. I can eat alot which is great for me as I'm trying to gain! I workout for 40-60 minutes everyday. My weigh in this morning said I was down four pounds but I have gained inches, so I definately think measuring yourself is alot better than weighing yourself but that's just my opinion:)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    It's only been 2 weeks! You need to relax and give it some time. You didn't get to the weight your at in 2 weeks did you? Some weeks you are going to lose less or none, some weeks more. The biggest issue I see is that you will have trouble complying long term to show progress if you keep your calories so low. Look at eating, maybe 10 x body weight in calories for a few weeks and see what happens. You can adjust down from there but at the low level you are at, you'll see some short term loses but when you stall for a week you may feel like "I'm starving and not losing! Forget this". As I said in another thread, you didn't get chubby overnight and you are not going to get unchubby overnight. Patience. Your doing fine!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    II'm wondering if 1240 calories is too little for me? my weigh is 238, lost 5 pounds in a week, and then nothing. I just started excercising 2 days ago, and still nothing. I was blaming the diet (because I wasn't following it like I should) but I was counting everything that I ate!!! I know there is something I'm doing wrong, I just can't figure out what is it?

    Check out fat 2 fit radio podcasts for great info,but if you are eating 1240 please be sure to eat back your exercise calories.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Mainly I count calories, I've done my best to eat clean (no processed foods) and I try to workout at least 3 days a week.