merrycat Member


  • 1. Low Calorie Nibbles like sugar snap peas, steamed broccolli, etc 2. Keep actively busy with something else, like crafts or reading, or something that takes up your attention, rather than sitting passively in front of the TV or computer 3. Go to bed. Can't eat if you're sleeping lol. That's what has worked for me in the…
  • Thanks! I appreciate it :)
  • Is there a set number of squats you do, or is it just however many you can squeeze in? I'd like to give this a try, but I want to make sure I'm doing it right.
  • I'm a little confused by this though. My waist is smaller than my belly, which kind if balloons out on the bottom. So which measurement do I include?
  • Thanks for the link. Her art is gorgeous!
  • First day. It was pretty... pathetic. I made it about 30 minutes in and collapsed. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be able to make it all the way through. I'm not sure if I should count this as day one,since I didn't finish.
  • Wow, a lot of Monday starters! It's good to have a group to work out together with. We can motivate each other :)
  • I'd be interested, but I can't start until Monday (Bunch of family stuff for Easter) I tried it out yesterday and couldn't make it all the way through. Had to keep stopping for breathers and gave up about 26 minutes in. How about you?
  • I don't think it's slow at all. I'm trying to lose a pound a week, and I know that two pounds a week is considered the highest you can go safely. That said, if you're in the early stages of trying to lose weight the weight will come off much faster. At least, that's how it was for me.
  • When I fall, I sometimes fall for a few weeks. I fell right off during Christmas, and have been spotty since. The important thing is not to give up, but to keep coming back for more. I like the diagram of success, btw, that is EXACTLY what it's like!
  • That sucks Maab. I've not won NaNo yet, but I have a blast doing it every year. Missolesky, I keep meaning to grab a hold of No Plot No Problem but keep forgetting. This year I'm totally stuck for a plot though, so I'm going to walk down to the library and see if I can find it.
  • Could you do a mix of unhealthy and tasty but healthy foods? Then everyone has a lighter option, but you're not forcing a healthy lifestyle on anyone either.
  • Thanks for posting this! When I run out of good meal ideas (almost daily LOL!) I'll come back here :)
  • Quick question - is it true that they don't have kinder eggs down in the states?
  • How about grilled chicken and salad? Whole grains, home made salsa, pita bread and hummus, fish and beans are all yummy too!
  • Yeah, my girls are abandoning me too. It sucks because, for the longest time, the only part of me I liked was my breasts. I'm still not where I'd like to be with the rest of my body, but now I'm losing my girls too. Agh!
  • I'm 5"1', just barely though. I currently weigh 140, started MFP at 152, although I was close to 156 at my heaviest. I hope to be 120-115 when I'm done. I don't have a specific number in mind. Just get to 120 and then my work down until I'm happy. I'm naturally kind of curvy - used to have a nice, hourglass figure as a…
  • Do you get the pre-TOM restlessness too? I get really irritable and restless beforehand. Maybe you can harness that in a high-intensity workout that will let you drain your aggression. Then you can binge (in moderation!) without any guilt :)
  • I agree with those who said keep filling, healthy snacks on hand. What works for me is to snack on veggies etc. while we're waiting for pizza. Filling up on veggies, etc. *before* the pizza gets there makes it a lot easier to stop at two slices.
  • Day one done! Man, it's tougher than the shred!
  • bump
  • Finally done! YES! I think I'll take it easy tomorrow and just do yoga or something. Then maybe start on the ripped in 30. Does anyone want to do that with me? For pictures, I'll take some in the next couple of days. Maybe it will help because I personally can't see any difference in me :(
  • Day 29.. one more day to go!
  • I was supposed to do day 29 today, but dress shopping took waaaaay longer than I thought it would. So now I"m behind by a day :(
  • Sorry I haven't posted on this thread in a couple of days ladies. I did day 28 today. Two more to go!
  • For me these comments fall into to categories - genuinely supportive, like when my man says "I think you look sexy as you are" .or when my family asks "Can you eat that?" because they want to make sure that they make food I can enjoy guilt free. But the same comments from other people I would file under "Unsoliciated…
  • How obsessed is obsessed? If he's nice but just clueless, tell him kindly as you can that you don't see him that way, and never will. Do not appologise or say anything that could give him encouragement, because people in love are great at deluding themselves. I know this sounds harsh but, having been on both sides of the…
  • Thanks for all the feedback guys. I guess that part of the problem is that there is a different "standard" waist for fitness and for sewing. It's useful to know, because I was thinking of ordering dresses off of Etsy, and they need your measurements. For MFP I'm just going to continue measuring my belly button because it's…
  • Hooray for tightness! I'm finding that older pants are fitting better too :) Unfortunately, my breasts are shrinking faster than my belly. I hope I won't lose them entirely!
  • Day 26 done. Four more to go! I'm finding my workout clothes fit better too, although I haven't lost as many pounds as I hoped. But I can feel my muscles under my flab, so yay! Jenn, I haven't watched the Ripped in 30 yet, but from what I gather all you need is a yoga mat and two sets of weights.