I don't see why not, as for adults average healthy male who's working out should consume about 2grams of protein per lbs
Gone where? SS+GOMAD You won't lift 400 because you're a woman, but you'll lift much heavier.
Why do you have urges to take videos of complete strangers? Do you think it would be funny if somebody laughed at your weight and took video of you without approval? This deeply upsets me
What? I never do 10 reps, most I go is heaviest 5 rep. I do strength training, not hypertrophy You're telling me my 3x5 squats is not considered as "squatting for reps'?
Yes I'm a guy, I forgot to change genders when I was signing up, any way to change it now?
Did he ask you if you are an archeologist?
I was 181 lbs @ 5"7 but now I'm trying to cut to 9% BF from 15 and due to back-muscle strain there are certain workouts I avoid for time being, Deadlifts being one of them. Why would I complete I'm one of weakest guys in my gym.
No I meant 22lbs on each side and weights are not measured in hectares.
If there are multiple reps it's reps.....
When you say plates you're only counting one side. If someone said I can do 1 plate squats that doesn't mean they meant two 22's on each side.
1x3 And that's my entire deadlift workout.
No, 4 plates = 405. I've been lifting for nearly 3 years now.
I don't know a single person who used strength-oriented program and couldn't do 400+ in over 2 years. in fact I could do 3 plate(315) in little over than year,
I do 4 plates for reps and I'm cutting.
I've came here to say exact same thing, listen to this man.
If done in correct form, none of exercises in SS is going to have impact on her knees.
While it is true that short-term effect will be gain weight, she'll develop her CNS and gain lots of strength, which will allow her to do lift heavy while cutting.
Even if for some reason you decide to train for aesthetics, deadlifts(along with squats) are extremely important if you want to get big, not only that they hit several muscle the hardest but they will also improve your CNS.
She has arthritic knees + she's overweight. And you're telling her to run? She's going to hurt herself.
Have you tried looking into SS+GOMAD?
It's not a mental thing. If your glycogen stores are empty It's beyond me how you can max your weights..
Carb rich foods will boost your energy.... I find a bit weaker if I don't eat carb-heavy foods before pre-workout.. Also I can't detect sarcasm, more so on the internet, because I'm autistic.
Depends how long you've been working out for, how good is your nutrition, what routine you're using, what supplements you're taking, if you're cutting or bulking, but I've only see a handful of people doing 200% DL in gym, actually I think it was about 2 or 3. Yes I am. a local meme I'm guessing?
Haha sorry, I meant mostly males :P By the way, 400 lbs of fat and muscle weight the same, you're probably confusing density
Pardon me, but wouldn't strong core suffice without having lower than 13% BF?
1000lbs club is where its at Currently off by 75 lbs, hope to improve that by the end of winter, gotta work on that bech press.
He's exaggerating, 400lbs deadlift is nothing special. Anyone who lifted more than 2 years and sticked to proper routine can do 400lbs for reps.
eat more and stay hydrated