Dumb things heard at the gym

This morning I was in the locker room and heard a girl tell her friend about the new workout *obviously a new gym to her* that she liked it, but was really worried about bulking up. She then said that while doing the weight circuit, she was using 12 lb weights, caught herself doing it, and then picked up the 5lb weights instead.

What are some of the crazy things that you have heard while at the gym?


  • I've heard an obese man telling another obese man to do that abs-machine and disregard diet to get that sweet sixpack.
    I've seen people curling in the squat rack, PT discouraging new lifters from squats, OHP/squats in smith machine and of course curlbros doing 10x10 curls, 10x10 crunches and leaving gym.
  • destinimac
    destinimac Posts: 10 Member
    Although this wasn't at the gym, it is still EXTREMELY dumb. Actually there are two things from the same person. There is a lady that I work with who has informed me this morning of her 500 cal diet plus 10 min. on her elliptical every day. I tried telling her that a 500 cal diet is in no way good for her body and she'll never keep the weight off. She wanted to argue about it so I just walked away. Later, at lunch time, our manager brought some homemade vegan vegetable soup (it was DELICIOUS). The 500 cal lady said she wasn't going to have any because she was on a diet. *FACEPALM*
  • I heard some 'bro's' telling a newer 'bro' that 'whipping the weight forward' to do a bicep curl is the right way to do it. So essentially they are using their bodies energy to lift the weight instead of the bicep.
  • jtr357
    jtr357 Posts: 45 Member
    I don't know about "whipping" them forward LOL,but "cheater curls" are a legitimate exercise.It's the only exercise I know of where cheating is acceptable.I do it to increase my curl weight,just "slightly" using my body to assist.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well I was checking out a new gym and when I said that to the front desk guy (who obviously workout his arms anyway since he didn't come around so I couldn't see his legs) his first response was...

    Cardio equipment is upstairs....

    Response...yah no I don't do cardio...

    Question How many cages and racks do you have?

    Response...smith machine is in the corner...

    I am not a member of that gym
  • Well I was checking out a new gym and when I said that to the front desk guy (who obviously workout his arms anyway since he didn't come around so I couldn't see his legs) his first response was...

    Cardio equipment is upstairs....

    Response...yah no I don't do cardio...

    Question How many cages and racks do you have?

    Response...smith machine is in the corner...

    I am not a member of that gym

    Can we please be friends? this made my day. LOL
  • dispatcher939
    dispatcher939 Posts: 75 Member
    Worst thing I have heard is while running on the treadmill a male told me he had another cardio exercise I could do with him and gave me a wink.
  • Worst thing I have heard is while running on the treadmill a male told me he had another cardio exercise I could do with him and gave me a wink.
    Did he ask you if you are an archeologist?
  • Worst thing I have heard is while running on the treadmill a male told me he had another cardio exercise I could do with him and gave me a wink.

    did you tell him punching him in the face repeatedly would be a good cardio exercise you both could do?
  • Burt_Huttz
    Burt_Huttz Posts: 1,612 Member
    Worst thing I have heard is while running on the treadmill a male told me he had another cardio exercise I could do with him and gave me a wink.

    did you tell him punching him in the face repeatedly would be a good cardio exercise you both could do?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • matthawthorneisamyth
    matthawthorneisamyth Posts: 196 Member
    Not heard, but saw: The other day my girl saw a ~70 year old man with a Harbinger weight belt (the kind with the chain for dips) wrapped around his head like a headband with a 10 lb plate at the end of the chain. He was bending forward at the waist and then popping back up with the weight dangling down between his legs.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Not heard, but saw: The other day my girl saw a ~70 year old man with a Harbinger weight belt (the kind with the chain for dips) wrapped around his head like a headband with a 10 lb plate at the end of the chain. He was bending forward at the waist and then popping back up with the weight dangling down between his legs.

    was it actually a belt? Because they do make harnesses for neck/trap work.

    I think it's absolutely stupid- but one of the guys at my gym has one. I think it's so weird.
  • last sunday i saw this pretty comical individual squatting with 20lb weights on each side of the bar and he kept dropping the bar after his set and yelling "yea baby ur an animal" really wish i would carry my phone on me while i work out to video tape moments like this.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Not heard, but saw: The other day my girl saw a ~70 year old man with a Harbinger weight belt (the kind with the chain for dips) wrapped around his head like a headband with a 10 lb plate at the end of the chain. He was bending forward at the waist and then popping back up with the weight dangling down between his legs.

  • 808Kine
    808Kine Posts: 60 Member
    "Don't worry, it's [zumba] fun.....this instructor is easy!" They obviously didn't know who they were dealing with.
  • last sunday i saw this pretty comical individual squatting with 20lb weights on each side of the bar and he kept dropping the bar after his set and yelling "yea baby ur an animal" really wish i would carry my phone on me while i work out to video tape moments like this.
    Why do you have urges to take videos of complete strangers?
    Do you think it would be funny if somebody laughed at your weight and took video of you without approval?
    This deeply upsets me
  • dispatcher939
    dispatcher939 Posts: 75 Member
    Worst thing I have heard is while running on the treadmill a male told me he had another cardio exercise I could do with him and gave me a wink.

    did you tell him punching him in the face repeatedly would be a good cardio exercise you both could do?

    Wish I would have thought of that, I just ignored him and continued on with my work out. He got kicked out of the gym a few days later because myself and several females reported him for being so creepy. So it all worked out in the end.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    see what I miss by working out at home...jeez...I hear laughing is good for the core.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I heard a trainer telling a female client that the smith machine was "safer" for her to squat/deadlift/bench than barbells.

    Then I couldn't do my last set of bench because my brain exploded.

    JK I PRed that day.

  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Not heard, but saw: The other day my girl saw a ~70 year old man with a Harbinger weight belt (the kind with the chain for dips) wrapped around his head like a headband with a 10 lb plate at the end of the chain. He was bending forward at the waist and then popping back up with the weight dangling down between his legs.


    Old school Neck lifts - blue man will show you how it's done
