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Dumb things heard at the gym



  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    You will actually be surprise to see how a lot of people do not spot correctly. So me and my friend spot by if the weight is falling in the wrong direction. Other than that do not touch the bar please and thank you.

    everyone's got thier own peculiarities when it comes to spot. i also perfer they be not be involved at all until i simply can't push the weight, then just get it off me and please don't tell me how many more you think i should do lol
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    Also people putting on makeup before a workout.

    Don't be a hater.

    It doesn't impact you at all.

    None of these things impact us. its just things we've seen or heard. sorry if i hit a nerve there.
    true story. Not nerved it's literally just a personal pet peeve-

    less about how you pointed it out and more so a pet peeve with the people who cry about being sweaty with their raggedy pony tail and being a sweaty mess and they spend 3 paragraphs ranting about the girl who looks cute and has make up one. Like get over it- she has figured out how to do it and it matters to her- not so much to you - so shove off or step your own game up. Don't just cry about it- fix it or move on.

    I pretty much don't go anywhere without make up- even the gym.

    (Edit the amount of make up varies- and what seems to be the "acceptable" social amount but if I'm going from my house to the dance studio/gym- odds are I have mascara/eyeliner and a base coat of eye-shadow- I wear BB cream daily regardless for sun protection- but I wouldn't be rocking full face make up unless I was coming from somewhere.)

    and it's tough titties to the person who thinks it bothers them.

    I'm with you there. In addition, there is not a chance in hell I'll get on a platform to compete without make up. I figure the fact that I compete at the level I compete at makes me hard core enough to wear lipstick while I do it :smile:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    "Can you spot me?" - Guy squatting 350 asking a woman much smaller (not saying she couldn't lift it, but come on, we know what he's doing lol)

    Ha, you know I've seen something like this too. Guy was about to do seated oh presses with 100lbs dumbells and he asked this girl who, though pretty fit, obviously wouldn't of been much help. She apparently felt the same way and actually went off to find someone to spot the guy. Talk about helpful!

    EDIT: Side note, I'll just leave this right here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXiYC1ebkwc

    Spotting seated DB OHP is as easy as putting your hands just under their elbows to help out. Same for bench. I spot a 200 lb + bench with 2 fingers. It's just a little boost, doesn't require me to lift the same weight they do.

    You will actually be surprise to see how a lot of people do not spot correctly. So me and my friend spot by if the weight is falling in the wrong direction. Other than that do not touch the bar please and thank you.

    this is a conversation to have with said spotter BEFORE you lift.

    I'm very clear about not taking the bar from me... when I spot- I put one finger each side under the bar- I can feel if the bar is failing or not- but I can't actually lift it (so- the side of the index finger) - if I need to I'm there it's a quick wrist turn to get under the bar to help on the way up- but it's clear way down way up and I can feel the bar.

    Either way- needs to be addressed ahead of time.
    Maybe it's war paint.

    fug yes!!!!
  • WandaWoman41
    WandaWoman41 Posts: 153 Member
    This thread is awesome. Please continue.


    This it too much. lmao
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm with you there. In addition, there is not a chance in hell I'll get on a platform to compete without make up. I figure the fact that I compete at the level I compete at makes me hard core enough to wear lipstick while I do it :smile:


    There will always be make up. At least mascara eyeliner and probably lipstick.

    Even on long day trips via motorcycle and my ONLY goal in life is to go ride and have a good time- on the back of my bike in a full face helmet- still have make up on. usually eye only- but it's my business. And I like it.
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Also people putting on makeup before a workout.

    Don't be a hater.

    It doesn't impact you at all.

    None of these things impact us. its just things we've seen or heard. sorry if i hit a nerve there.
    true story. Not nerved it's literally just a personal pet peeve-

    less about how you pointed it out and more so a pet peeve with the people who cry about being sweaty with their raggedy pony tail and being a sweaty mess and they spend 3 paragraphs ranting about the girl who looks cute and has make up one. Like get over it- she has figured out how to do it and it matters to her- not so much to you - so shove off or step your own game up. Don't just cry about it- fix it or move on.

    I pretty much don't go anywhere without make up- even the gym.

    (Edit the amount of make up varies- and what seems to be the "acceptable" social amount but if I'm going from my house to the dance studio/gym- odds are I have mascara/eyeliner and a base coat of eye-shadow- I wear BB cream daily regardless for sun protection- but I wouldn't be rocking full face make up unless I was coming from somewhere.)

    and it's tough titties to the person who thinks it bothers them.

    I'm with you there. In addition, there is not a chance in hell I'll get on a platform to compete without make up. I figure the fact that I compete at the level I compete at makes me hard core enough to wear lipstick while I do it :smile:

    The whole make-up at the gym makes me think of High School...the swim team had score keepers who would crowd the girls loceker room during the diving break to re-apply make-up before going back out for the second half where thanks to the heat and humidity it would melt off.

    When I belonged to a gym I would spin at lunch and occasionally I ended up with mascara running down my face...I think my instructor took it as a challenge:laugh:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    the-excessive-over-the-top-look-at-me-look-at-me echoing ROAR accompanied by a sonic boom of weights being thrown on the floor. followed up by a flex or selfie in the mirror. over and over and over and over (and over) again. :laugh:

    hey- stop stalking me!!!! I'm just trying to get my pump on!
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    A guy once asked me if I was using the leg curl machine, while I was in the middle of a rep on the leg extension machine that's next to the leg curl machine.

    I should have told him, yes, I'm using the curl machine, just to see if he'd go do something else and wait for me to finish. LOL.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I heard a hair dryer running and the guy in the locker room was pointing it at his sack? True story, no h*mo.

    Lol...... no h*mo..... :-)
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    1: A guy who grunts just to grunt so the entire gym knows how "hard" he is working..

    I was doing a drop set yesterday that had me worrying afterwards if I'm turning into someone like that.

    Back squats peaked up at 245 for 5, dropped 100 off, and then did 50 reps. Everything after rep 10 was *grunt* *grunt* *huff huff* *grunt* *grunt*

    I wouldn't worry haha, if you're working hard you'll make some noise, it's unavoidable. For one week only I saw this guy who would only do one exercise, drop the weights harder than he had to and would grunt super hard with each lift. He would then walk around the gym for 10-15 minutes to make sure the entire gym knew he was bad. I would finish my entire Strong lifts routine before he finished the sets for one exercise.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    This thread is awesome. Please continue.


    Is that how you do those things? I was wondering! :laugh:
  • cranshinibon
    cranshinibon Posts: 129 Member
    she could have spotted that- usually for those you just need an elbow support- not a flagrant lift.

    I've spotted people benching 2 or 3 plates- and no way I can curl or lift that outside of DL's... but I can lift what they need to help them get it back on the bar.

    You don't need to be able to do perform the lift yourself- just take off that 5 pounds that's killing the lift to help them finish.

    which makes sense, but what if the person maxes out and can't go back up. I don't do it often, but when i try to find my max weight I know I won't bother trying it unless the person spotting me can handle picking it up if my arms can't handle it, especially towards the end of my workout when I'm beat up.

    Lol but i do get your point, squatting spotters are much different than bench spotters in needed strength etc.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...because possibly one of my favorite topics...

    ...right behind the "others are worried about their own workouts and won't even notice you" threads.
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    I overheard this bit of a conversation between two guys lifting next to me; "yeah dude, you're ripped. I could be ripped like you if I wanted to, but you know, the chicks dig bros with a little fat on them."
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    she could have spotted that- usually for those you just need an elbow support- not a flagrant lift.

    I've spotted people benching 2 or 3 plates- and no way I can curl or lift that outside of DL's... but I can lift what they need to help them get it back on the bar.

    You don't need to be able to do perform the lift yourself- just take off that 5 pounds that's killing the lift to help them finish.

    which makes sense, but what if the person maxes out and can't go back up. I don't do it often, but when i try to find my max weight I know I won't bother trying it unless the person spotting me can handle picking it up if my arms can't handle it, especially towards the end of my workout when I'm beat up.

    Lol but i do get your point, squatting spotters are much different than bench spotters in needed strength etc.

    Agreed. On all accounts. I wouldn't volunteer to spot someone's max rep for 1 RPM on anything if they were substantially larger than me- that's just asking for it.
  • texasfarmer
    texasfarmer Posts: 483 Member
    I overheard this bit of a conversation between two guys lifting next to me; "yeah dude, you're ripped. I could be ripped like you if I wanted to, but you know, the chicks dig bros with a little fat on them."

    Oh Lawdy, too much!!!! Cracks me up.]
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Just the usual womens locker room banter: I have to be really careful with weights and stuff cause I dont want to get bulky. I just want to tone.

    Meanwhile Ive PRd in teh squat rack.

    Also people putting on makeup before a workout.

  • shankasaurus
    shankasaurus Posts: 116 Member
    Worst thing I have heard is while running on the treadmill a male told me he had another cardio exercise I could do with him and gave me a wink.

    did you tell him punching him in the face repeatedly would be a good cardio exercise you both could do?

    Wish I would have thought of that, I just ignored him and continued on with my work out. He got kicked out of the gym a few days later because myself and several females reported him for being so creepy. So it all worked out in the end.

    So basically he wasn't attractive.


    GFT. If an attractive man indicates in any manner at any time that he is willing to procreate with me, I immediately drop whatever I am doing.

    ETA: don't want to get banned, deleted some words.
  • kimmylois1981
    kimmylois1981 Posts: 10 Member
    the-excessive-over-the-top-look-at-me-look-at-me echoing ROAR accompanied by a sonic boom of weights being thrown on the floor. followed up by a flex or selfie in the mirror. over and over and over and over (and over) again. :laugh:

    Yup too funny!
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Well as I work out in my basement, , the only things I have heard while working out are " can you answer the phone, I'm in the middle of a game" and "if you're not busy can you make me a grilled cheese sandwich". Grrrrrrr.