Hi, sorry I did not see this until now. I believe an email was sent out this weekend. Please let me know if you did not receive it by now. Thanks! See you soon!
Wow! Good for you! I planned to work out 5 times this week, but I only got 2 workouts in...:-/ I guess, set expectations high, right? :# What an excellent example you are! o:) I am so impressed.
Very nice! :)
Last week my goal was to work out on 4 days of the week. I met my goal, and attended Zumba class (35-45 min each class) 3 times and completed a 45 minute cardio-, strength-training class. This week my goal is to do the same!
I truly appreciate you bringing up this subject. Thank you for sharing. There is so much information in this article that it is hard to comment on every point. The main points of this article that I gathered are: The author first scares you into being deathly afraid of gluten and wheat. Secondly, the author states how she…
Best of luck! Great goals! :D
My goal is to exercise at home this week. I have been eating okay, but I have not been making it to my early morning strength and cardio classes this past week. So my goal is: 100 push ups this week, 100 squats, 100 lunges, and 100 crunches plus Zumba class 2 times this week!
Yes, I do not eat well when I eat out either. I just try to get back on track in the days following by eating fruits, vegetables, and trying to "cleanse" by drinking lots of water. What do you do to get back on track after eating poorly?
That is awesome! I hope you are seeing the results of your hard work! :D
That sounds delicious! Yes, that sounds like a great way to get more vegetables into the diet! Soup or stews are especially nice in this colder weather. :)
Good tip! Great idea for getting your veggies in! That is Cosco? Or what is Cisco?
Yep, I truly believe it is our high sugar intake that is really doing us in in this country! Good for you. Good goal.
I love to hear your goals and see how you are progressing despite setbacks and demands of life! Keep up the good work! Elizabeth
Great goals! Thank you for sharing! I love the idea of fast feet and of incorporating walking the dog into interval exercise, as well as accommodating each of your own personal needs into your workouts! Elizabeth
@Scmitt: Yes, it is okay to follow the percentages that My Fitness Pal assigns for the categories of carbs, protein and fat. :) It is a good guideline, unless you have been told differently by your provider or a health professional, stick with those percentages. Best wishes! Elizabeth
The guideline for carbs, proteins, and fat is a percentage, and it will change as you add food into your diary each day. It is telling you what percentage of your diet was carbohydrates, what was protein, and what percentage of what you ate was fat. It is okay to follow this as a rough guideline. I also want you to be more…
That is wonderful! Good for you! Thank you for posting your goal. :tongue: Good on you!
Thank you for posting your goals! And it is not even the start of week 1! I will post the weekly informational each week by Thursday midnight so that it is available for the start of the week. Tomorrow is the big day when everything starts! I will be posting Week 1 Informational later today for the start of week 1. Please…