bokaba Member


  • I can only give it a try. If I fail, I fail; not any worse off than before. I'm not planning on losing hundreds of pounds or anything like that. I am only hoping to lose about 50 pounds. I had my body fat measured at the doctor and it was something like 27%, which leaves me at a little over 200 pounds lbm including fluids…
  • What was your program like? My TDEE is upwards of 4000 calories a day, so I can probably lose must faster than you. I've probably been suffering much more in the past year than I will from being hungry. I will let the doctor know if there are any serious issues arising (for example, when I've dropped to these calorie…
  • The funny thing is I was the one that had to convince the doctor to refer me to the program. None of the doctors I've had have ever though my weight was a problem. I don't know how a BMI of 40 is not a problem though. In the past year, I've developed acid reflux, diverticulated colon, kidney stones, cysts, hematuria, fatty…
  • I suppose when I go off the diet (if I decide to do it), I will have to do some playing around to find out what maintenance will be. In regard to preparing myself, I don't have much of a social life anyway, so that won't be much of a problem. Most of my colleagues and the administrative staff are aware of my medical…
  • I like the Body Fortress line. It is available at Walmart for less than $20. Costco used to sell a 5lb version for $35, but I don't see it their website anymore.
  • I thought this was going to be about eating towels and sponges.
  • I just got my latest cholesterol results back. My total cholesterol was down to 165 with triglycerides slightly high at 180, which is even lower than it was when I was in high school. I peaked around 3-4 years ago at 300 total cholesterol and 600 triglycerides and I weighed 30 pounds less than I do now. I had taken very…
  • While OP is at the lower end of obesity for her height, the diet is not worth it unless you are under medical supervision because your doctor believes you are at immediate risk of death or serious medical complications from your weight. At 22, this is unlikely.
  • I have IBS and diverticulosis, so I suffer frequent bowel problems. Are you suffering any adverse effects from the infrequency such as bloating, intestinal pains, etc? If not, the frequency itself is probably not a big deal unless you're only going once every 3 days or something like that. If your stool is dry and…
  • If you've just started, it is possible if you lose a lot of water weight. In order to lose 2 pounds of actual tissue in a week at a 1000 calorie deficit per day, which would probably make you malnourished eventually.
  • I don't know where they're getting accurate sugar consumption statistics from the 18th Century. I have never been a fan of sugary foods, but was morbidly obese until recently, now just very obese.
  • I have suffered from severe digestive problems since childhood, which became worse about a year ago, but have since cleared up. I have some, but not all of the symptoms you describe and was diagnosed with IBS, diverticulosis, and GERD. IBS is a diagnosis of last resort when no other explanations are available after more…
  • Unless they have been discontinued, Adams also sells conventional peanut butters containing hydrogenated oils in addition to natural peanut butters. I don't think a peanut butter containing palm oil is any less healthy than pure peanuts with the exception that palm oil contains some saturated fat.
  • Palm oil tends to get a bad rap in the media from the environmental lobbies because farmers burn down rainforest to grow it.
  • If the gas is in your stomach, you could try simethicone (GasX), which I think works better than charcoal. You could also have too much stomach acid and could try an antacid. Since you don't have a gallblader, you should check with your doctor before you start taking any drugs. The urge to pass gas is a separate issue…
  • New plan posted for today. Chicken and rice will be weighed and everything else that is not prepackaged will be measured. There will be no way I can possibly be over. Coffee - Brewed, espresso, 2 fluid ounce 2 Oatmeal Quick Oats - Great Value, 1/2 Dry Cup 150 Lunch T - Tomato Slice, 2 slice 10 Organic Produce - Gala Apple,…
  • I have my activity level set at sedentary. There is a 300 calorie difference on the calculator for men and women.
  • It should not say I lost 17 lbs. I just changed it because I created my account before I started logging and used that weight instead my weight when I began logging.
  • I am on omeprazole (for GERD) and levsin (an antispasmodic drug that targets the digestive system). I have begun weighing and measuring foods within the last few weeks. My daily calorie limit with a 750 calorie deficit is 2500 with no exercise or 2250 with a 1000 calorie deficit. So, my maintenance with no exercise is 3250…
  • It's hard to say. What is your current height and weight? From your picture, you don't appear to be overweight. I have trouble sleeping when I pull a large deficit, maybe more than 1500 calories per day, but I maintain at generally at around 4000. My understanding is that under eating affects hormone production associated…
  • I have a host of digestive disorders and eat fiber with reckless abandon. During intense flareups, I sometimes eat more than 100g per day to help keep things going. I don't need to worry about speeding up my intestines much since food moves through extremely slowly to start with.
  • You can get multi vitamins at Walmart or the like if you have one nearby for less than $5 that will last more than 3 months. Vitamins will not compensate for a poor diet though.
  • Yes, I agree that skipping meals outright is a good idea, but on the other hand, consistently eating above calorie goals is not either. More careful planning is probably the best solution for anyone. I also agree that some people's idea of hunger is different that others. There also seems to be an obsession on this site…
  • Black coffee only for me.
  • At 26%, you have about 100 lbs non-fat tissues. It can't all be bone, organs, and fluids. People only think about losing muscle in places like arms and legs that are the usual subject of workouts, but you can lose muscle all over your body in places that are difficult or impossible to rebuild like the face, jaw, spine,…
  • I've never been a fan of sweet drinks, but did drink diet sodas many years ago. I like sparkling mineral water with lime or lemon ice cold in a glass bottle. Get Gerolsteiner if you can find it. One of the only brands in the US that has a substantial mineral content. Pellegrino, Perrier, and others only have sodium.
  • I have IBS, too. If you are having diarrhea, your intestinal motility is too high meaning that partially digested food travels through the small and large intestine too quickly usually through the process of cramping--and reverse for constipation. Either too much liquid is pulled from the stool resulting in constipation or…
  • I have acid reflux as well. It appears to be very common and many people that have it are likely not diagnosed. You should stay away from grease, spicy foods, citrus, dairy, and foods with high acid content.