

  • It is all based on how much you weigh, how much you lose and how active you are in general. The heavier you are or more active you are, the less likely, 1200 calories will be enough. And Remember, if you exercise at all, the calories you take in should always be over 1200 or you will go into starvation mode. I lost 45…
  • Twice now (before I Started with a fresh goal last week and put my ticker on 0), I got to the weight it said in three weeks, not five. And that actually motivated me more:) There were other times during plateaus that it was more like 8 weeks.
  • You've come to the right place. I have quotes posted everywhere in my house to help me stay motivated and focus not on DIET but on becoming the me God intended me to be and the best wife and mother I can be. I have lost 45 pounds, 95 if you count my highest weight just after my son was born. I just posted in the motivation…
  • It is good to refocus and acknowledge this as a life change and journey. I also appreciate the comments about all the hormones/chemicals/environment that can affect our attitude. I need to do some (mental) house cleaning:) Thank you
  • Whether you think you can or you can't you are probably right
  • I HAD been doing it for my health and my family. The doctor said my "health age" is that of a 27 year old and that I relatively good physical shape. My family doesn't see a difference in my health, happiness or energy levels than 50 pounds ago. What do you mean "get educated." Please be more specific if you have an idea of…
  • I'm not exactly a social butterfly and have allowed friendships to fail" I am the same way but I'm learning that it is worth the investment because daily support and encouragement to be our best selves only comes through God and dear friends. I requested you as a friend.
  • I think it totally depends on the person. I've lost 50 pounds and am finally down to 165. I am in a size 12/14 jean(depending) compared to the size 20 before but my thighs look worse than ever! Be sure to keep building muscle and toning if you are losing more than a pound 1/2 per week . (So say all my sources to whom I've…
  • I don't think this reaction is really that uncommon, especially for women you have not felt beautiful or deserving for most of their lives. What if you get all of this attention from men now that you are thinner but you learn that you are still not happy with yourself? Or what if your fat kept you "hidden" just enough?…
  • This really works doesn't it? THANK YOU...I'm gonna go take a bath now!
  • It's for comfort in the immediate moment but not in the long run. Drug addicts are the same way, they just want the good feeling now and don't care about tomorrow. But I care about tomorrow and I care about me. Thanks everyone for responding! It helped!
  • I'm not crying because some stupid people hurt my feelings. I'm crying because it just hit me for the first time what type of relationship I have with food. I'm not a person who binges but it is still painful to see myself as not in control.
  • Bump! You were probably pretty before but no double chin shows off just how gorgeous you are. Be proud!
  • yea I guess it doesn't matter - but I don't really have a thickest. It's all one big blubber from about three inches above my knee to the crotch. And it seems like the more weight I lose, the more it all jiggles around and the more cellulite there is. OK OK I'm getting negative so I will stop now and focus on how much…
  • Welcome Julie. If you have questions, comments, laughs or concerns, this is the place to release. Just start a topic on the message board; whether your looking for ideas, tips, motivation, etc. Request to be friends with the people that seem to be helpful you or in the same type of situation. And, remember, you don't have…
  • "10 pounds 10 times" I love that!
  • AND you are worthy of it. God wants you to be healthy and proud of yourself and you can do it! You are worth it! Right Here, Right Now, today. "It is never to late to be who you were intended to be." Don't focus on the 100 pounds, focus on the now and the first pound and then worry about the next pound after that. In two…
  • The less you weigh, the less likely you are to compete with a "biggest loser." It is unrealistic to expect the same kind rapid loss when you have under 50 pounds to lose. Your body may still be getting used to your smaller weight. Everyone else pretty much said the rest- FOCUS ON HEALTHY LIVING and the rest will fall into…
  • It is hard to take good care of yourself when you are down and it shows tremendous integrity and strength. Keep up the slow and steady effort, and, as you can see, it will pay off. This journey is an adventure that brings us to our true selves and helps us see ourselves the way God sees us. Great Job. You are worth it!
  • Speaking of...What's the weather like in your neck of the woods. A nice stroll on a spring day or a dash in rain may be just what you need!
    in I am.. Comment by karatsd May 2011
  • so how about a rum and diet coke? Also, one time before I was about to splurge, I drank 5 glasses of water and then called a friend just to think about something else. Or, if you were planning on going out, calculate how much money you would spend on that and go shopping for some new earrings ( or something) instead. OR…
    in I am.. Comment by karatsd May 2011
  • The bond that food had provided for so many people is pretty strong indeed.
  • yes, the more diabetes has taken over your body, the harder it is to fight back with such a weak body in a lot of pain! ok ALL THANKS FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT. Now, let's stop talking about my loved ones ( i know i started it) and move on to some serious MOTIVATION and Love!
  • wow, that was my first post on this site- what support! Actually, I don't believe her intent was to hurt me and I hope I can truly inspire people. Sometimes, people that love us say things that they don't realize....she has in the past told me she thought I was doing a good job. I choose to stop my negative thinking and…
  • wow! Great job! Be very proud of all of your hard work. You would have been a pretty bride at your previous weight, but now you will be a confident, beautiful, glowing bride. Congrats!
  • Hey, I am new to site and I am looking for motivation as well. I know what you mean because my husband is the same way. I am usually rather shy and stay off of facebook etc 'cause I never know what to say and I get tired of watching everyone else live such social lives. Anyway, I've been on every diet out there and I know…