

  • While you absolutely are making sacrifices and putting effort in the truth is that you MUST discipline yourself harder to reach a higher goal. Hats off to you for the running because all hard work gains a profit, its just unseen at this point. Don't focus on the pounds, focus on your ideal body and wellness but then fuel…
  • When I read your post the fact that it all began going downhill after you quit smoking really stood out to me. You then saw immediate negative results and have been trying to gain back ground ever since. May I suggest to you something absolutely wild? If you change your focus you will change your results. You still…
  • Change your thoughts, change your life. What you focus on will become you.
  • I don't believe your truly at a deficit or the results would be evident. Your body is the best judge. Your metabolism is slowed and may need more time to begin increasing calorie intake. Slow n steady
  • Have any of you ladies ever tried the venus factor system? Im curious about the online hype.
  • Theres a lot of links between preservatives, gluten and artificial flavoring causing inflammation in the body thus resulting in a list of ailments. Migraines being one of them. Water retention also another biggie.
  • You did a great Job! If you want any extra help for that more stubborn fat you should check out the program I used to drop 20 pounds and keep it off! I was in the same boat feeling confident but I wanted more!! Let me know what u think! Hope this helps!
  • What IS best vs what FEELS best in this case are honestly not going to match up well for you. The way your hormones work is very intricate and complicated when it comes to losing weight. In your personal case your trainer was right to eat as little as possible beforehand and go hamm on Complex carbs and slow digesting…
  • If you like the way you feel now I highly recommend the diet I tried out and finally lost my remaining twenty pounds! I haven't seen clear cut abs since hs and now I cant stop touching them lmao. Its called the 3 week diet ill post the link! Here's to touchin yourself ;)
  • I have tried every method under the sun in order to lose weight. To be honest cutting calories wasn't enough. I had to learn about my body and the several reactions going on inside and were crucial to losing my final 20 pounds. NOT ALL diets are created equal and personally for the pure knowledge I gained alone from it I…
  • Just in case you would like any extra help in the rest of your journey I highly recommend the 3 week diet. I could not lose a remaining twenty pounds to save my life and this little beauty did the trick. You must maintain their diet as a lifestyle but I personally can attest that its the only program that has shredded my…
  • Honestly I've tried a lot of diets and exercise like it's my job. Normally I don't buy into hype but I came across a diet called the 3 week diet and it worked like a charm. Obviously you have to continue and make it your lifestyle but It trimmed 21 lbs in three weeks and its stayed off like it guarantees. If you wanna…
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