

  • I love my chiro and just have to say that regular doctors malpractice and "mess up" all the time, but it's not publicized. a chiro messing up is extremely rare, but unfortunately takes away from those who really work wonders! I highly recommend you see the chiro!
  • sweet, what's your proposal?
  • Ugh - I just fessed up to my July 4 indulgence - three hotdogs, raspberry vodka and pineapple juice and rum... ON TOP of my already balanced three meals for the day. liquor is packed with cals.... let's get back on track!
  • I don't know about what foods to eat, but I highly suggest seeing a Shaman (if you're comfortable with that sort of thing) or seeing a reiki master. It's helped me tremendously. Look into alternative medicine!! Don't forget chiropractic!
  • awesome, thanks!
  • I just started the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt and it's a challenge! Does anyone know how many calories are burned during this dvd (preferably on each level?)?? Also, this is great using the weights, but I should probably add in some cardio (even though I'm out of breath during the power sculpt)!...any suggestions? THANKS!!
  • wow, awesome! Thank you!
  • Why does the "calories remaining" change when I add in an exercise - I know the formula is: calories + calories burned - caolories consumed = calories remaining.. but why would I want to consume all the calories I just burned off? Why doesn't MFP just subtract the calories I consume? am I supposed to use up "calories…
  • So, I'm officially on day four here and I must say that I love it! I don't know if it's just a mind trick, but since I've been cutting calories and eating smaller meals more often, I've noticed a difference in just how full I feel... last night I went out to eat and I had just a turkey club sandwich (no mayo, no french…
  • How do you like the 30 day Shred video? I picked up the Biggest Loser exercise video just last night...
  • I found this on: Ground Beef vs. Ground Turkey: For backyard barbecue, your first instinct may be to choose ground turkey rather than ground round. But unless it's made only from breast meat, ground turkey isn't the low-fat option you might think it is. In fact, the calorie and fat amounts in ground…
  • This is a really hard situation, but you have to remember that it's very hard to break old habits - and even with the reality of the heart issues in the family, sometimes it may actually /make/ him eat more (i.e. before a diet when you think "I'll start tomorrow, so I'll have more today because soon I wont' be able to). It…
  • I recently started taking cereal to work - I measure out half a cup and put it in those new ziplock twist and seal containers and then I got a mini size thermos that I store the milk in (sometimes I use soy milk - more flavor and fewer calories and will defenitely last better on a 12 hour shift than regular milk). I also…
  • Someone brought in muffins and cinnamon rolls all fresh from the bakery... I resisted though!
    in Hello! Comment by carrotstick July 2008
  • Hi! This site is great and you'll love the support from all the people here! Make use of the food and exercise trackers and just check in a couple times a day and you'll stay on track! Yaaay!
    in Hello! Comment by carrotstick July 2008
  • I'm getting married August 23, 2008 (aaahhh sooo close) and that was my reason for joining, but just after a couple of days here, I'm realizing that it's definitely something I'll stick with even after the wedding! Congratulations and Welcome! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    in Hi all Comment by carrotstick July 2008
  • Hi! I just started two days ago and I LOVE the support from people on here - it's so much easier to stay focused (and yes, I need to stay focused even after a day of trying to make a change)! The food tracker is really crazy, I decided to be honest with myself and write down everything - I reluctantly put down those three…
  • Those are fantastic rewards! I haven't even thought about setting any - goals are kind of hard to look forward to without a nice rewards like those - hmmm I'll have to work on a list too!
    in rewards Comment by carrotstick July 2008
  • I've never been a runner, i.e. once around the block and I either get winded or just plain bored! At the gym, I can do the elliptical for a few miles, but same problem - even with music or some other distraction, I just get bored. People talk about the high they get from running - but how do I make it to that point without…
  • I'm a coffee drinker (okay, okay, addict). I've been good about weaning myself off of the caffeine so that now I don't get the headaches in the afternoon if I miss the morning cup... but what about weight loss? I've heard conflicting things - coffee to lose the appetite (much like how smoking works)...but caffeine works…
  • WOW! Thank you to EVERYONE who has responded; I'm getting emotional just thinking of all the great support from complete strangers! The advice is wonderful and I'll take it all!
  • Thanks for responding! My goal right now is 2lbs per week, so 10lbs by the wedding - not ideal, but like you said, I don't want to be unreasonable and just stress myself out. That is a FANTASTIC idea about retaking photos later!!! I never even thought about that : ) My fiance is a photographer, so I'll just insist on a…
  • Hello! I'm new to Fitness Pal and it seems pretty awesome. I've always been active, but could never seem to get slim-slim. Then, after a pretty wretched experience, I went on all sorts of anti-depressant and anxiety medications and gained 50 pounds in 6 months!!! Needless to say, that about put me off the deep end more…