SBF July 3rd

I am sticking with you guys!!!

Just finished day 2 of the 30 day Shred It dvd and a dog walk.
308 calories total. maybe i'll get off work a bit earlier and be able to get something else fun in, like a bike ride if it's not too hot!

happy Thursday everyone - and have a fun and safe 4th of July!!!!!


  • psuastro97
    psuastro97 Posts: 125
    I am sticking with you guys!!!

    Just finished day 2 of the 30 day Shred It dvd and a dog walk.
    308 calories total. maybe i'll get off work a bit earlier and be able to get something else fun in, like a bike ride if it's not too hot!

    happy Thursday everyone - and have a fun and safe 4th of July!!!!!
  • mlillie
    mlillie Posts: 302
    I did well yesterday with food even going to dinner- just had a salad and was totally full. Too tired to get to the gym this am- but did 10 pushups, some abs and streching at home this morning before work. Plan to run at the gym after work. If the whether holds out I am hoping to hike this weekend.

    Logging food, but havent weighed in- will do that later today.

    Doing well. yay!

    For the 4th I am just bringing a lot of fruit snacks with me and staying away from alcohol for a while.

    Have a great 4th!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Yesterday I was too tired for my weights class, so I ended up just walking. Move furniture around though, so I'm counting that as my strength training.

    Today is my sister's big party. I'm hoping to get some elliptical in this afternoon. This morning is too tight on time to get to the gym, but I will get some walking in.

    Happy workouts!
  • carrotstick
    I am sticking with you guys!!!

    Just finished day 2 of the 30 day Shred It dvd and a dog walk.
    308 calories total. maybe i'll get off work a bit earlier and be able to get something else fun in, like a bike ride if it's not too hot!

    happy Thursday everyone - and have a fun and safe 4th of July!!!!!

    How do you like the 30 day Shred video? I picked up the Biggest Loser exercise video just last night...
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I did this morning the body for life lower body weight trng program and the temple of jehan bellydance dvd...burned 426 cals. I am hoping today is a better day nutrition wise...I went to to work yesterday and they had an ice cream social. They had all kinds of yummy toppings and I could not resist...I am a big time social eater!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    Hi Guys !!!!!

    Yesterday I did 60 min step cardio, 30 min abs & arms with weights workout.

    I'm leaving tomorrow to spend a few days with my Daughter in Dallas. She's giving me a Spa Day for my birthday.:smile: I'm going to try very hard to get my workouts in. Does shopping count as exercise???:laugh: :laugh:

  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    I'm leaving tomorrow to spend a few days with my Daughter in Dallas. She's giving me a Spa Day for my birthday.

    A spa day... what a wonderful gift! Enjoy!!!!!

    Yesterday was biking and light weights. Today will be walking and BL Power Sculpt dvd.

    Have a safe, happy, and healthy July 4th!
  • natalie424
    natalie424 Posts: 320
    How do you like the 30 day Shred video? I picked up the Biggest Loser exercise video just last night...

    Which BL video did you get? I have Cardio Max and Power Sculpt. I really like them both!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Oooooh. . . .I love all the new peoples. . .it's exciting to be accountable to all of you.

    Yesterday I spent a lovely day (post spin class) walking (and walking. . .two hours or so) through Greektown. And, right in to a Greek bakery (I skipped dessert on Tuesday, my usual treat day) and I'm so glad I did. I ate loukemades, which I believe is greek for little balls of honey and cinnamon infused heaven! Most places fry theirs, but this place somehow bakes them. Worth every calorie and wheat insensitivity discomfort, I assure you.

    But, I digress. . .(seriously)

    Today is a commuter walk to the subway (and maybe back, too) and a bikram class.

    My legs are KILLING me, between the session with my trainer Monday, the bikram Tuesday, the walking and the spin class yesterday. . .I'm hoping they loosen up a bit before yoga tonight. I'm fine until "awkward pose" (it's sort of a squat you hold for three variations. . .and it's awkward).

    Happy workouts to all!:flowerforyou:
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    Good morning ladies! Nice to have all of you join us!

    No Shred today-time constraint after #2 son had issues with his car this a.m. & I became a chauffer. It actually worked out well because I came home & went right outside & accomplished a lot of the yard work that I have been dreading. 2 1/2 hours later my back yard looks so good I can barely stand it:blushing: It's a really good thing you all can't see me right now:embarassed:

    I'm hoping I have strong will power this weekend. Drive-Ins to see Wall-E tonight and then a cookout tomorrow and a graduation party on Saturday. Good choices, portion control & water...

    Stronger, Better, Faster!
  • psuastro97
    psuastro97 Posts: 125
    I am sticking with you guys!!!

    Just finished day 2 of the 30 day Shred It dvd and a dog walk.
    308 calories total. maybe i'll get off work a bit earlier and be able to get something else fun in, like a bike ride if it's not too hot!

    happy Thursday everyone - and have a fun and safe 4th of July!!!!!

    How do you like the 30 day Shred video? I picked up the Biggest Loser exercise video just last night...

    so far i really like the video - it is just day 2 for me, on level 1...and my legs were sore from the squats (the reps plus added weight is different than what i usually do for legs). i am looking forward to the month of it! since it is only a 30 minute workout it is very easy to force myself to do it...i definitely recommend it!
  • psuastro97
    psuastro97 Posts: 125
    How do you like the 30 day Shred video? I picked up the Biggest Loser exercise video just last night...

    Which BL video did you get? I have Cardio Max and Power Sculpt. I really like them both!

    I go the Jullian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD
    there are 3 levels on the dvd and each is about 25 miutes long.
    So far I really like it - and I feel it!!!!

    someone on ehre said they used it for about 2.5 weeks and dropped a size (from a 10 to an 8).
    we'll see if i see the same results!