Absolutely :D
Hi, I have been and have found it's worked well for me, my profile explains more how I'm doing it, add me.
Well done!
I'd be pissed off if someone didn't challenge me.
Write a note to him on the staff board, or stick it on the fridge....
Thanks :)
Buckinghamshire, UK
Hey, I'm low carbing at the moment, feel free to add me :)
Ex Public School/ Rugby player. Buzz Lightyear features :)
Buckinghamshire, doesn't matter where you are Male/Female always looking for new ideas and people to chat too.
Hey, 3'9 here.....280lbs.
Hotel Inspector.
Good Girl.
Dr. Frank N. Furter from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
I'm a 35 year old male. I get hot flushes too, and what feels like a lot of heat "under my skin" all over at times. This comes and goes. Obviously because of your gender it maybe worth going to the Dr, but I'm on a similar diet to you and often feel hot.
Thanks dude, will do.
Not quite mate. I've already openly and publicly said I was wrong and apologised. I posted a question, if anyone has a reply to it that would be great. Apart from that I'm not interested in engaging in off topic conversations.
Interesting, you trust stuff that's published by a government. There's a lot of interesting books out there about the food industry, sugar and the people in the government that own the companies, and drug companies pushing America's obesity epidemic. Lifelong "treatable" diseases such as diabeties are big bucks. It's…
Can you post some links please? I'd be interested?
Is it? Haha, what an awful side effect. Guess it dilates something.
Hey :) No worries, I think a lot of people are using it, along with Medium Chain Triglycerides ( MCT oil) to help raise their metabolism ( debated), to help them feel full in the morning, and because it tastes good. I add organic coconut oil to mine as well. The taste isn't as bad as it sounds, and it seems to be the first…
I've made a mistake, I'm wrong, apologies. What I meant to say was I am not cutting calories or watching what I eat. I seem to have got my wires crossed about the deficit. It makes sense that I have to be burning more to lose, or I'd be putting it on.
I'm not as new to this as I might appear mate.I'm looking for answers not intimidation or bullying, or arguing....
Not impossible, I'm glucose deficient. The lack of carbohydatres makes my body burn fat to release glucose to fuel my brain. The process of doing this burns a lot of calories, I can't count those, all I can say is I am eating around 2500- 3000 calories of mainly fat and some protein per day. I'm not looking to argue with…
None really. Beer is practically the worst thing for low carb :/ And one of my major loves, especially real beer from micro breweries!