

  • Me too, My husband was in the hospital for a week so I had a setback in my routine , but I am happy to say I am back and getting ready to hit the gym and take my core class then zumba. I don't know about you , but I feel sluggish when I am off my fitness routine. I love walking too. Now that the weather is starting to turn…
  • I was doing the same things too and I decided my body was so use to the same thing over and over that my results were no showing , so I added classes along with my cardio machines and I am now seeing a differance n my body. Still need to see that scale change though. My diet has to change now.
  • me too!!! I need to stay on track
  • There is a good article in the October issue of Weight watchers magazine .
  • I'll eat angel food cake, It's fat free . I top it with fat free cool whip and strawberries for a guilt free strawberry shortcake.
  • Love my Mark Of fitness activity monitor!! I shows me steps and calories burned!!
  • it's frustrating to see my scale not budging as active that I am and the calories that i burn. My loss is in the inches. I am definetly much more trimmer then I was, but i'd like to see the scale back me up on my success. I am too focused on the number!!! I fluctuate two to threelbs.
  • Thanks, I will look for it when I go to Wal mart!! All the walking I did today I would have loved to be wearing one to see how many steps I walked.
  • I think you should go too. I say everything in moderation. I think once you go and see that you could stay in control, the next time won't be so hard. Go and have fun!!!
  • They had both of them!!!
  • Thank everyone, looks like ya all are about on the same page. I am going to order them on Net flix and see how I like them . Thanks again!!!:smile:
  • That is a great feeling!! I have noticed that I am getting a waist line again and the flab on the side of my waist is going bye bye!! :smile: About time, I work my Butt off!!! Still need to control that after 8 snacking!!!!:tongue:
  • I .would listen to my body!!!! If you are satisfied and the weight is dropping and you are not starving yourself, I say keep on doin what you are doin. It's probably just an auto mated response any way. Good job!!!
  • Boy for me right now it's the jelly beans and Robin eggs!!! Enough already. I just can't eat one fist ful I keep going back for more and next thing I know, I feel guilty and hate myself. I have got to get into control and resist them!!
  • Bianca, Also, don't forget to do some stretching excersises for your tibialis anterior (shins).
  • We all do that so try not to beat yourself up and getting back on track is way to stay motivated. Remebr we all need to take one day at a time and we are all human and have slip ups!!
  • Me too, I'm going to give it a try too. My big downfall has always been late night snacking, especially when my boys order that late night pizza I'm always "IN"!!! So I am going to try to resist my temptaions and no more eating after 8pm!!!
  • Bianca, Have you considered getting an orthotic for inside your shoe. I know when I had that problem that is what I used and it really helped!! OH BTW , have you tried the Skeecher fitness shoes? I have a pair and love them for walking.
  • Is Shape up the one that Jenny Garth advertises?? If so I'd like to get that one too!! Wii is just amazing!!
    in Wii Comment by beachcomber12 March 2010
  • Oh Thanks everyone, I need to check the game to see calories burned. I am having fun with Wii resort!!! I also have Wii fit plus, but I haven't used it yet. The games are so much fun!!!
    in Wii Comment by beachcomber12 March 2010