
I am looking for a clip on pedometer that is easy to use and that is good. Any suggestions??? Thanks!!


  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    I have a talking "Go Walking by Sportline" pedometer that I got at Wal-Mart. You can shut off the talking part and it also tracks steps, time walked, calories, and distance. I like it. You set your stride and your current weight to get the most accurate results. I found that I walk 3-4 miles just at work. Those steps do add up!
  • beachcomber12
    Thanks, I will look for it when I go to Wal mart!! All the walking I did today I would have loved to be wearing one to see how many steps I walked.
  • beachcomber12
    Love my Mark Of fitness activity monitor!! I shows me steps and calories burned!!