Back to it....

I have been slacking off on my food journal lately, so I am publicly announcing that I am re-committing to it. Hopefully this will help motivate me to track my food better!!! By the end of April I plan on losing another 10 pounds. The exercise part of my program is going smoothly, I am running a lot and actually missing it the days I don't go. I have been slipping back into my old eating habits though, and that is quickly sabotaging my progress. So, here we go...


  • ♥dawnwestbury♥
    good for you!! i also slipped a few days, this past weekend friday and sat i ate bad...and the weigh in told me about it too haha!! but i'm good now!! i'm ok with the eating but the exercise isnt coming along so well. but i do what i can, i have a busy sched...I KNOW no excuse right!!??

    welcome back!!
  • beachcomber12
    We all do that so try not to beat yourself up and getting back on track is way to stay motivated. Remebr we all need to take one day at a time and we are all human and have slip ups!!
  • jenjen84
    jenjen84 Posts: 117 Member
    You can do it Meaghan!!!!
  • cloweman
    cloweman Posts: 1
    What I love about this site is it is very easy to stay positive and look forward to tomorrow. I may miss a day or two or have a bad day. When that happens, I re-commit and make sure to post every calorie I eat. Seeing it in front of me keeps me honest. Stay strong, Meaghan.