

  • I was a chubby kid! My well-meaning mother would often say things like "If you could just lose 10 more lbs..." and then if I did, "You look good, but imagine if you lost 5 more!" Ugh. She bought me diet pills when I was like 13 (I don't remember how much I weighed, but less than 150lbs). She would also do other non-weight…
  • I skipped pages 2-12 because I just don't care... I don't have any idea what eating clean means, but I totally agree on your view of food. I eat whole foods, organic when possible, local when possible, no beef or pork, yada yada. 100% of the time? No. But I would say at least 90%. It's not even for weight loss... it's…
  • When you and your husband have quality time together, does it always involve food? This is the rut that my husband and I got into. Whenever we'd go out... it would be to eat. Want to do something together when the kids are in bed? Pick up some junk food, beers, and a movie. Everything involved food. I couldn't eat out…
  • Right, because eating things found in nature is the same as things things made in a lab. Again, we'll have to agree to disagree.
  • There is nothing wrong with any of those things... If you saw an ingredients list with MSG, azocarbonamide, red #3, hydrogenated whatever, aspartame.... would you skip it or eat it?
  • I'm super sorry to have sidetracked your thread!
  • I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
  • yeahhhh, super transparent... I'm not saying people shouldn't eat it. I'm a huge fan of donuts and poptarts and those have the same crap in them. I'm just saying it's not the same. Processed food is not the same as real food.... period. I don't know anything about eating for weight loss/muscle gain, so if people are saying…
  • The website is in pdf, so it won't let me copy/paste: http://nutrition.mcdonalds.com/getnutrition/ingredientslist.pdf Take a look at the bun and sauce. Not to mention the meat itself.
  • People aren't allowed to have differing opinions about what they feel is and is not ethical?
  • I'm pretty sure your body DOES recognize all of the million mystery applications of GM corn found in a big mac. It may not affect your weight, but it'll affect your health.
  • Thanks :) I've done 30DS before, but I was pretty overweight, so of course I looked better after than before. This time I'm not overweight, I just want to replace some of my fat with a little muscle. So I started 30DS again. I just wasn't sure that it was going to do what I wanted this time since my goals are different. I…
  • I also did Hal Higdon's Novice 2. Easy as pie and I ended up running my race under 2 hours.
  • I'm not vegan, but my son has dairy and egg allergies and we don't eat beef or pork, so we have quite a few vegan meals. It's not difficult to do. We go with predominately vegetables for meals, but always include a legume (beans, chickpeas, lentils...). Nuts and seeds are also pretty necessary, but my son also has nut…
  • She's not your mom. You don't have to eat anything you don't want to. I wouldn't complain about the food though. Either eat it or make something else. Don't even discuss it. How about instead of "You're sabotaging me!" you go with, "Great! I'll have some eggs and I think I'll make myself some toast instead of the…
  • My husband actually has to work at NOT losing weight. How unfair is that? If he doesn't take care of what he eats, he loses. And he has a desk job. And he's not overweight. Boo.
  • I prefer using shoes, but I usually do my workouts when my baby is sleeping so I don't wear them (it's quieter barefoot).
  • I'm on day 5 of level 1 today! :) I didn't take pictures or measure, but I have an idea of how much I weigh and how my clothes fit. Maybe I'll measure now just out of curiosity. I'm also on day 7 of a 2-week sugar-free challenge. That's much more difficult for me!
  • 8 I went through all of these looking for someone to give someone a 3 or something. Rate mine! Rate mine!
  • Thank God my husband doesn't play video or computer games. We don't even have a game system. We have small children though, so I'm not sure where he'd find the time even if he wanted to.
  • I started in 9th grade because there were cute boys on the cross country team. I quit after high school and have started and stopped a few times since then. I really do love to run. What I hate is getting to the point where I'm decent at running. I hate not being able to go very far, being out of breath, side pains, etc.…
  • I was going to! I decided to wait until 2014 though :) I'm doing a 1/2 in April and a 18km trail thing in September. It's crazy, but I get more excited about improving my running times than I do about weight loss!
  • The calories don't change. The body digests cooked foods better and therefore absorbs more of the calories that are in them. Kind of like how ground flax seeds are better for you than whole flax seeds because your body can digest them better rather than just passing them through. At least that was my understanding...
  • Hulu IS blocked for those in other countries. Not that I would watch TBL anyway. Well... ok, I would... but my husband hates it so I never get to :p
  • About 2 weeks into the 30 Day Shred people started commenting. My father-in-law insisted that I must've lost about 7 kg (I hadn't lost any weight). No one knew I was doing it. I'm about 6 weeks into modifying my diet and exercising regularly and a lot of people have commented (even people who see me every day). The scale…
  • 30DS leaves me absolutely dripping sweat. There's no way I'd be able to go to class afterwards without showering (which would take more than 15 minutes). And I don't really know what Zumba is, so I can't answer your question as to whether or not it's too much :p
  • Honestly, I think it's really rude of him to have so little regard for your food preferences when he's cooking for the two of you. That kind of reminds me of my mother-in-law who invited us over for Christmas dinner and EVERY dish contained one of the 3 things I'm allergic to. I mean... some of the things she had to get…
  • carbs = 170 * 4 = 680 fat = 40 * 9 = 360 protein = 48 * 4 = 192 total = 1232 daily calories? if that's right, percentage that out: carbs = 1232 *40% = 492 / 4 = 123g fat = 1232 * 30% = 369 / 9 = 41g protein = 1232 * 30% = 369 / 4 = 92g
  • I either guess or measure it. If you cook with 1 tbsp and there's 1/2 left, I ate 1/2 tbsp of oil. If there's not a measurable amount left and the bottom of the pan is just oily, I just say I ate it all.