spongebob2509 Member


  • I have Bi-polar, PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, OCD and have been hospitalised a number of times for psychosis. oh and dissociative disorder Its a living nightmare and then I go and add trying to loose weight to the mix lol.
  • is it for when you have it with dual users ? since they both have a different profile you would need to know which one it was set for to get the correct readings
  • Still on meds being bi-polar i will probably need them for life but i have found since doing consistant excercise my mood is more stable and if I feel I am dropping I know a good work out will lift me again.
  • greek yogurt with lemon pancakes some times i'll add berries or dried fruit its around 200 cals nice protein boost and keeps me feeling full until lunch.
  • thank you again for the support, I am not ready to give up yet maybe i was being over dramatic but this weight loss journey for me has been going on for the last 4 years and its only been the last few months its feels like I had cracked it and started to loose a good amount of weight and keep it off. I know the lithium is…
  • thank you for the support my diet has been put together by a health trainer at the gym and checked by my doctor cause of the lithium and they are both happy with it. I have no had any massive salt increases in the last week, I am hoping its water but if it is how long will it take to go ? will I have to work it off like I…
  • swordfish with stir fried veggies :)
  • log it all and try saying no to just one thing a day dont try to cut everything at once it wont work and you will add pressure to yourself. If you can say no to one thing a day you will have a made a great start but make sure you praise yourself for doing it and dont tak the easy method and say no to something you dont…
  • I would agree ive lost 44lbs so far, and last weekend i felt like giving up so i had a naughty fri/sat ate junk food drank a few beers and by sunday I knew , that lifestyle was behind me the food made me feel bloaty and crappy couldnt sleep properly and i hit the gym monday with a new focus and have lost another 2lbs so…
  • ty for the replies, Its nice to have support out there :) Guess its just one of those things will get it checked again at the gym and see what it says main thing is my weight is still going down just need to add more strength work to my routines.
  • yeh i know what you mean but i think my confidence has taking a big knock from it. Ill be honest its been hard work to get out and to the gym but ive stuck with it and it feels like a waste of time. Regarding the reading it was with a stand on scale on it has been suggested on another thread they are very inaccurate but…
  • ty :) no wasnt a fad diet but i did make a change from eating any old crap to eating healthy and zero exercise to 3x60min cardio a week. Finding it hard to get protein was looking at whey suppliment but no idea where to start.
  • So my RMR is currently 2480 should i aim to eat around 1800 cals aday? and more on workout days?
  • I am trying to up my cals but finding it hard, protein i am eating around 14% a day and again finding it hard to up this i feel full all day and it does seem counter-productive to eat when not hungry lol So your suggesting if i up my cals and protein I should still loose weight ? Measurement was taken using Stand on scales…
  • just had another weight in as i wasnt happy with the results and turns out i have actually lost 7lb in 2 weeks which makes more sense judging on clothes fit etc, trainer said it may have been a problem with the scales, however he did agree with everyone here that my cals are too low and i am more likely to hit a standstill…
  • well im upto 700 cals today and have been to get some rasins bananas and some low fat houmus dip with carrot stick so hoping to get around 1100 cals today but MFP is suggesting 2700 today since i did a workout this morning i really cant see me ever hitting that amount eating healthy food should i be aiming for around 1500…
  • what is the best thing to eat to make up the missing cals and when should i eat i am trying not to eat after 7pm and spread my 3 meals out most days would be Porrige 65g salad sandwich brown bread grilled/steam fish or chicken with pasta or rice 3-4 large glasses of water a day
  • i have not being eating back my exercise cals as it seemed contradictory, i will try to up my cal count but i seem to have enough energy on the level i am. my trainer was stumped too he had no idea why i could gain so much in 2 weeks i didnt even gain that much when i lived on junk food lol. what scares me the most is the…