Mental Illness..

They say a lot of people suffer from it these days..

Does anyone have anything a lil more serious then Just depression tho?

I'm not saying it isn't important.. Just.. Idk..

I feel like the only crazy one in this world..


  • Littlemouse1973
    Littlemouse1973 Posts: 21 Member
    My mum has Bi Polar II ...
  • kirakaydawn
    I have Multiple Personality Disorder..
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I'm not sure where the standard for "normal" came in at, I think we're all a little nutty which is normal. We all get depressed it's just a problem when it controls your life and you can't function. But what is functioning? lol, okay I'm just teasing now, but seriously, no-one is completely normal
  • paravision
    I have severe anxiety and OCD so for me of course I have a scale,I think about it all day ect thats the OCD. The anxiety doesnt let me relax and makes me worry that on days like the weekend if I dont work out I will gain weight and loose progress. It also makes sleeping hard. I hope by working out I will up my energy, get rid of the naps and be tired enough to pass out at night :o)
  • kirakaydawn
    i have so much trouble sleeping until about 4 nights ago my mate suggested I get this App and so I did..

    Its 20 minute of this guy talking and I literally fall asleep after like 10 minutes lol
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Multiple-source PTSD and whitecoat hypertension. Interestingly, these were all "given" to me from external sources.
  • paravision
    i have so much trouble sleeping until about 4 nights ago my mate suggested I get this App and so I did..

    Its 20 minute of this guy talking and I literally fall asleep after like 10 minutes lol

    Whats MPD and how does it affect you?
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    Borderline Personality Disorder (OCD comes from it, as does my EDnos) and depression.
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    Mental illness has been growing unfortuantly.

    I dont have one, but dated my ex for a year and a half with a dual diagnosis. (ADHD and Schizophrenia) I didn't find out til the end of our relationship, which ended with him being in jail, and the cops telling me he had schizophrenia. Yah, I was young and nieve.

    Im also working with adults with Autism, who alot have a dual diagnosis. Autism with schizophrenia, autism with bi polar.

    It is out there, your not alone! :)
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    lol 'just' depression.
    I have depression, PTSD, generalized anxiety, and probably OCD and EDnos too.
    Fyi depression is pretty 'serious'. Lots of people die from it. Doesn't get much more serious than that.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    One of my dearest friends developed a form of Schizophrenia in her 40s. They think that she was genetically predisposed to it but it didn't trigger for some reason until she hit a particularly stressful period.
  • kirakaydawn
    i have so much trouble sleeping until about 4 nights ago my mate suggested I get this App and so I did..

    Its 20 minute of this guy talking and I literally fall asleep after like 10 minutes lol

    Whats MPD and how does it affect you?

    I have things we call clicks basically it means I have no idea whats going on but I function normally..
    sometimes I do htings a lil crazy like the other day I had a click and when I became"Me" again I was sitting across the road in a paddock in the rain..

    Other times I will go about my business normal and then just have to get reminded things happen..

    I talk differently during a click I pronounce things wrong *which anyone who knows me knows I hate cause speech is something I hate when people do wrong*

    and I have trouble sleeping..

    sometimes I will go to sleep for an hour and wake up thinking I have slept for 8 or more hours and will have NO luck at all going back to sleep..

    We call my Alter Sarah.. She's a b*tch tells it like it is..
    It's almost like that voice in your head that wants to say all this stuff..

    basically my voice builds up until I have a click.. then everyone gets to know what I think..

    These days I try to not hold it in cause clicks suck some last a few hours other times its minutes..
  • kirakaydawn
    lol 'just' depression.
    I have depression, PTSD, generalized anxiety, and probably OCD and EDnos too.
    Fyi depression is pretty 'serious'. Lots of people die from it. Doesn't get much more serious than that.

    I didn't mean that it wasn't serious.. I have depression..
    I just more meant a lil more non discussed.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I work in a psychology office and honestly I was/still am quite surprised with what I have learned about people and mental illness. I can't believe all the people I know (live in a small town) that go in there, and I had absolutely no idea with their diagnoses. You're not alone hun! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I wish the general public was more understanding of people who do have mental illness though, I hate the word "crazy"
  • kirakaydawn
    One of my dearest friends developed a form of Schizophrenia in her 40s. They think that she was genetically predisposed to it but it didn't trigger for some reason until she hit a particularly stressful period.

    Yeah my dr told me that sometimes people don't realize they have stuff until they hold stuff in and it just takes one event to make it all come out..

    Mine all started to show more around the time my best friend *may 06* and my uncle *august 06* committed suicide.
  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    I have anxiety disorder. And I teach Dual Diagnosis children - mental health with social/emotional/behavioural issues and developmentally delays. Our days are very stressful, but when the kids learn I've got my own issues we accept and learn to appreciate our differences rather than focus on our own problems.

    My best advise, as I've seen it from both sides, is forging relationships with your healthcare professionals. If they don't want to know you, not just your problems, they aren't interested in treating the whole person, just the symptoms. Search for quality of life, not just "normalization."

    ...and I think it is more acceptable to say "I'm having issues." and seek help before we end up in long term care facilities.

    Blessings to all.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    i have so much trouble sleeping until about 4 nights ago my mate suggested I get this App and so I did..

    Its 20 minute of this guy talking and I literally fall asleep after like 10 minutes lol

    Whats MPD and how does it affect you?

    I have things we call clicks basically it means I have no idea whats going on but I function normally..
    sometimes I do htings a lil crazy like the other day I had a click and when I became"Me" again I was sitting across the road in a paddock in the rain..

    Other times I will go about my business normal and then just have to get reminded things happen..

    I talk differently during a click I pronounce things wrong *which anyone who knows me knows I hate cause speech is something I hate when people do wrong*

    and I have trouble sleeping..

    sometimes I will go to sleep for an hour and wake up thinking I have slept for 8 or more hours and will have NO luck at all going back to sleep..

    We call my Alter Sarah.. She's a b*tch tells it like it is..
    It's almost like that voice in your head that wants to say all this stuff..

    basically my voice builds up until I have a click.. then everyone gets to know what I think..

    These days I try to not hold it in cause clicks suck some last a few hours other times its minutes..

    That must be really hard to manage. :( And your Alter has the same name as me!
    Just remember you're really not alone, there are a lot of us out here with mental illnesses. You're not 'crazy', and it's not your fault.
  • spongebob2509
    spongebob2509 Posts: 27 Member
    I have Bi-polar, PTSD, Borderline Personality Disorder, OCD and have been hospitalised a number of times for psychosis. oh and dissociative disorder

    Its a living nightmare and then I go and add trying to loose weight to the mix lol.
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member

    ETA: I wish the general public was more understanding of people who do have mental illness though, I hate the word "crazy"

    I'm with you on that one... and the word retard!!! Drives me up the wall!!!!!!!!
  • kirakaydawn
    I work in a psychology office and honestly I was/still am quite surprised with what I have learned about people and mental illness. I can't believe all the people I know (live in a small town) that go in there, and I had absolutely no idea with their diagnoses. You're not alone hun! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: I wish the general public was more understanding of people who do have mental illness though, I hate the word "crazy"

    yeah when I came out and told my friends they were surprised..
    I hate getting asked if I am like Me, Myself & Irene.. Nothing makes me crankier..
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