Sigh :(

After what i thought was a good start down from 133kg to 120kg in around 3 months it turns out today that my body fat % is going up and i have been loosing muscle, so after struggling to eat enough cals a day and the right kind (easy to eat 1700 cals of junk food lol) its all been a waste of time.

My health benefits are not really there since my body fat is now higher than before my muscle is lower so what was the point !!

Sorry just needed to vent that I just want to eat normal food exercise and loose weight why cant it be that simple. Guess I am back at square one just a smaller square.


  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Chin up! Eat lots of proteins and strength train to build more muscle mass. Did you do a fad diet?
  • spongebob2509
    spongebob2509 Posts: 27 Member
    ty :) no wasnt a fad diet but i did make a change from eating any old crap to eating healthy and zero exercise to 3x60min cardio a week.

    Finding it hard to get protein was looking at whey suppliment but no idea where to start.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Are you sure of the measurements? If you eat normal food and exercise it will work unless you have some underlying medical condition preventing it. I would get a second or even third measurement of your body fat vs. muscle before getting too discouraged.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You can look at protein powders to easily add a protein shake, but you're better off just adding more lean chicken and fish to your daily diet. You also need to start some weight training in addition to the cardio. The weights will help you add more muscle which will, in turn, lower your body fat % and also rev up your metabolism. If you don't have access to a gym, scour garage sales and online local advertisements for used free weights. Someone is almost always selling what they bought and no longer use. You can also purchase resistance bands for a low cost.
  • spongebob2509
    spongebob2509 Posts: 27 Member
    yeh i know what you mean but i think my confidence has taking a big knock from it. Ill be honest its been hard work to get out and to the gym but ive stuck with it and it feels like a waste of time.

    Regarding the reading it was with a stand on scale on it has been suggested on another thread they are very inaccurate but even so I am feeling pretty down now about it.
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Egg whites are my easiest protein! With salsa, scrambled with cheese, in a berry smoothie ... and hard boiled are easy to grab on the way out the door! Cheese, Peanutbutter and cottage cheese are other good sources too. Of course meats. But I agree with the above person, get re-checked. It doesn't sound right.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    yeh i know what you mean but i think my confidence has taking a big knock from it. Ill be honest its been hard work to get out and to the gym but ive stuck with it and it feels like a waste of time.

    Regarding the reading it was with a stand on scale on it has been suggested on another thread they are very inaccurate but even so I am feeling pretty down now about it.
    The stand on scales ARE inaccurate, especially as a one time reading. Over time, they can at least show you're improving, but I wouldn't go by what one of them says for an actual BF percentage. I have no idea how a stand on scale can even attempt to calculate body fat percentage in the first place when it's normally done by taking skin fold measurements. Get a more accurate measurement done at a gym using the appropriate equipment and until then, don't be discouraged.
  • spongebob2509
    spongebob2509 Posts: 27 Member
    ty for the replies, Its nice to have support out there :)

    Guess its just one of those things will get it checked again at the gym and see what it says main thing is my weight is still going down just need to add more strength work to my routines.