

  • Anyone? :(
  • Thanks Melanie, I was thinking that as we usually knock up a cottage pie/shepards pie and half half one night and the rest the next night. So I could freeze some of that. I just need other ideas and I have been looking on websites but not seen anything I fancy. Getting a bit fed up of sandwiches to be honest.
  • Started this about 2 weeks ago now and could only manage 8 press ups. Did the exhaustion test today and can manage 25. Seems to be working. :)
  • Thanks for the advice folks. :) The problem with fruit is I buy a pack of say nectarines, eat a few and by the time I get round to the last lot they are already going off and I have to chuck them. As a result I dont see the point in wasting money on something that gets binned and then I don't buy fruit for a while. Would…
  • You have to look back to April/May time last year. I have just started using this again.
  • Thanks. I may have a look at that. I do have hand weights at home that I picked up at Tesco one day. and a resistance band. Currently started adding them into a workout. 4x10 reps of bicep curls. I do feel like I need some sort of programme to follow that wont get boring after a while and adds variety.
  • Anyone? :P
  • shbretired - It wasn't the same kind of feeling as standing up to quickly. Kind of like I worked my self too hard and felt weak afterwards. Hard to describe really :) . All I had done is dig up some dirt to put ontop of the potatoes for 4 rows. So it wasn't strenuous work. I often get this feeling after using the garden…
  • Thanks folks. I know what you mean about feeling it in the legs and that. The other night I was surprised that I carried on for 2 hours without much soreness in the muscles. When doing digging I find myself getting weak and light headed after 10-15mins work, which I am hoping getting fitter will improve that.
    in Gardening Comment by madpanda May 2011
  • Hmmm I wouldnt have thought so either....doesnt have the toilet cleaning acids in it according to the ingredients.
  • Yup it is no added sugar and judging by the GDA label it looks pretty good with only 4 calories per 250ml serving. :)
  • Ahhh makes sense. Sorry my brain isnt working fully today. :)
  • Thanks folks. Does anyone use My Fitness Coach and if so what is the best way to enter the details? I have just added as calories burned rather than individual exercises, mainly due to the fact i cant remember them. :D
    in Hey Comment by madpanda May 2011
  • Thanks for the welcome and I will give what you said a go. :)
    in Hey Comment by madpanda May 2011
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