Fizzy Drinks

Well its been nearly a year and a half since I havegiven up on the fizzy drinks such as cola and sorry to say it irn bru (Scottish thing :) )

Basically I was in hospital for a week Feb 2010 due to my appendix and having tht removed followed by an infection wasnt nice. But since coming out of hospital then I have been off of the fizzy drinks. No idea why it happened though, I just suddenly stopped.

I have replaced what I drink with fresh orange/orange and pineapple in the mornings and through the day a couple glasses of robinsons orange diluting juice. I also have the occasional bottle of Fentiman's Botanically Brewed cola (think of those cola bottle sweets for an idea of tatse).

I am wondering if the alternatives I have switched to, with the exception of the OJ are much better or have i just substitued one thing for another?

I am not sure if I notice any benefits of being off the fizzy drinks although I do remember times when I felt weak and horrible during the day when I was on the stuff.


  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    i have gone from 3lts of full fat cola a day to just 2 x 500ml diet cola bottles a week

    for subsitutes i found some great tesco own no added sugar squashes

    i too love fruit juice, but have to be careful to not strip the enamel off my teeth - it's too soft as it is so cant strip it anymore (I was told to drink pure fruit juice through a straw)

    i personally think cutting out the fizzy drink is great because it means you are actually drinking more squash because you dont have the carbonated bubbles falsly filling up your stomach

    if the squash is no added sugar then i think they are better than full fat fizzy drinks
  • madpanda
    madpanda Posts: 23
    Yup it is no added sugar and judging by the GDA label it looks pretty good with only 4 calories per 250ml serving. :)
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I used to drink diet coke and diet fizzy drinks by the gallon! I don't like tea and don't often drink coffee so they were the only fluids I ever had. I haven't had fizzy drinks for at least 2 weeks and already I feel the benefit, my skin feels much better for it, probably because I have substituted the fizzy drinks for water or as Sarah suggested no added sugar squash. I missed my coke to start with but I've only had one 500ml bottle since I stopped. I totally feel the benefit from it and wonder why I didn't give it up sooner! lol :smile:
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    i give myself 2 x 500ml bottle of diet fizzy a week atm - i often split these over the 5 day working week - have cut down so much, im still in that weaning off stage

    soeone told me no added sugar squash was just as bad as full fat coke! but if i dont add it to my water, i wont be drinking it, coz i hate plain water
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    I seriously doub that no added sugar squash is as bad as full fat coke! lol
  • madpanda
    madpanda Posts: 23
    Hmmm I wouldnt have thought so either....doesnt have the toilet cleaning acids in it according to the ingredients.
  • lisabel87
    lisabel87 Posts: 152
    I love soda/pop/cola (whatever you wunna call it!) but I know its so bad for you. Coke Zero is my nemesis, I could drink it all day. I've stopped drinking soda for the most part. Occasionally I'll have one, maybe one or 2 a month.
    A good alternative for me is G.T's Kombucha. Its fermented tea (I know lots of people make it themselves, but I buy it at the store) Kombucha is bottled in glass jars and can be found in many health food stores (not trader joe's unfortunately). To me it tastes like soda, its very bubbly (wait at least 15 or 20) before you open it! Anyways, its health benefits are controversial but one bottle lasts the entire day for me and it somewhat supresses my appetite. It has a unique taste, kind of vinegary but many of the flavors mask it. I like gingerberry and guava the best!
  • MeganJo
    MeganJo Posts: 69
    Have you tried Izze's? They are awesome, basically just fruit juice with seltzer water but I LOVE them =]