Exercise Programme

Last Year I followed Fitness Coach on the Wii and while it was great I lost interest after a month or 2 of doing it.
I am wanting to get fitter again and I am looking for something that I can follow and keep using.

I am currently 172lbs, not much muscle.

I like the idea of P90X and Insanity but I am pretty unfit at the moment and just starting to follow the100 Pressups in 7 Weeks website by doing the pressups, tricep dips and squats. Obviously this is mainly muscle but at least it is a start.
I have no idea if I could cope with the 2 programmes at the moment. :(

Anyone got any ideas of what I can use to follow to help with over all fitness, gaining a bit of muscle and something that can give advice on diet?



  • madpanda
    madpanda Posts: 23
    Anyone? :P
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I've started doing kettle bells at home, bought a DVD 10 min solution kettle bells, this is supposed to be a great fat burner and builds up muscle and gives you a full body work out.

    There is 5 x 10 min work outs you can do them all or select the areas you want to do each time, I did 2 sessions last night and it was a good work out.

    While the DVD is called kettle bells she does show the exercises with dumbbells so you dont need to spend a lot up front.

    Good luck
  • madpanda
    madpanda Posts: 23
    Thanks. I may have a look at that. I do have hand weights at home that I picked up at Tesco one day. and a resistance band. Currently started adding them into a workout. 4x10 reps of bicep curls.
    I do feel like I need some sort of programme to follow that wont get boring after a while and adds variety.