
Hey all from sunny Scotland. I kind of thought it was about time I started to get fitter and shed a few lbs, not that I am largley overweight, well I dont think I am at 180lbs at 5ft 7". Looking to get down to around the 155lb mark and see where I take it from there. Mainly the weight gain has come from sitting in front of a computer at an office all day and then sitting in front of the telly or play WoW on the computer when I get home.
I want to get out and about and enjoy the outdoors more without getting tired after 20mins and add a bit of muscle so I guess the weight may actually not end up at 155lb

Currently using My Fitness Coach on the Wii for my workout and have been for the past week and so far it seems pretty good. Anyone got any thoughts on it?

Also can anyone tell me how to add home made foods to my daily food journal? For example we make our own version of sheperd's pie containing mince, carrots, onion, potatoes etc.



  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Welcome aboard. I do workout dvds at home because I don't have money for a gym membership and I don't have time with 2 babies in the house. I have done 30-day shred with great success and currently doing Turbojam. I am getting ready to start C25K Sunday with a friend (which is a running program). As for adding new things, you just add it to the database. When you put it in the logging place, there should be spot to add it to the database (click that). Put in all the numbers. Good luck. You will find alot of supportive people here.
  • madpanda
    madpanda Posts: 23
    Thanks for the welcome and I will give what you said a go. :)
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I'm in the USA married to a Brit, I'm up late and sent you a friend request :)

    The way you add homemade foods is go to the RECIPE link and add in what you made. :)
  • lucysmommy
    lucysmommy Posts: 460

    im in scotland too

    feel free to add me as a friend
  • madpanda
    madpanda Posts: 23
    Thanks folks.

    Does anyone use My Fitness Coach and if so what is the best way to enter the details? I have just added as calories burned rather than individual exercises, mainly due to the fact i cant remember them. :D