

  • What shampoo is it that you use once a week? I have struggled with scalp eczema for 15 years and I itch all the time and can only wear white so my flakes don't show. I have tried so many things. cortizone cream worked for a while to manage it but that no longer works anymore. Besides that it is VERY difficult to lotion…
  • I don't think it is odd at all. Some times the dr.s just want to medicate you. You can get some natural ideas from ppl on here that maybe have had the same thing. Also for those of us who don't have insurance it defiantly can help. ppl just have to use common sense at what advice they are going to take.
  • YUM!!! Thank you for sharing!!
  • 100 calories isn't much. Dont eat if you are not hungry!!! If you had like 500 extra i might be concerned but then again. Dont eat if your not hungry.
  • i think i am going to try the brownies. thanks!!!
  • i have been eating my exc. calories and i am finding that i am not losing weight now. i think i am just going to go back to not eating them. It is nice to have them as a cushion just in case tho so i think that is what i am just going to keep them as.
  • I think that could go along with any food. Seriously in the u.s. everything is processed with something unless it is organic. and you can get organic soy milk. I bet you could look up almost any food and find an article similar to this for everything. You have to be as careful buying any types of milk as you are buying…
  • I love soy milk but i love Almond milk more. They are both good alternatives to dairy if you have a sensitivity to it. Also both are lower in calories than reg. milk. Soy milk is not bad for you....some ppl could actually argue that reg. milk is not good for you. Go ahead drink up you have nothing to worry about :)
  • I only use almond milk. i have tried making the instant pudding with it and that didn't work so i just can't eat that anymore. it was still too runny but i have never tried cooking it. i would google it if i were you.
  • Thank you! I ordered the dudu osun today!
    in scalp eczema Comment by amyakj May 2011
  • thanks everyone. i think i am going to eliminate a few potential food allergens that might be causing it and see if i get any results. If not i will go back to the Dr.
    in scalp eczema Comment by amyakj May 2011
  • WOW! great job! you can really tell a difference!
  • GREAT Job!!!!!!! Awesome results!
  • If i know we are going anywhere that day that might end up in us stopping somewhere for food. i save up my calories for that. I also will work out a little harder to build up more calories. as long as i stay under my allowed i do not feel bad at all. or after you eat it you could work out a little more to get some calories…
  • i have tried Jason shampoo and i couldn't stand the smell and i would smell it all day long. And yes it is very embarrassing. i actually used to shave the back of my head so i could rub the creams in better. it worked for a few years but i havn't shaved my head in a long time.
    in scalp eczema Comment by amyakj May 2011
  • i stopped asking the dr about it because all they wanted to do was put me on steroids. :( I did see a derm years ago and got the same thing from him. i don't have insurance and i don't have the money to pay them to tell things that I know don't work. I was hoping for something more natural
    in scalp eczema Comment by amyakj May 2011
  • you look GREAT!! Good Job!
  • since i have started if i know i am going to eat something or drink something that is not so healthy. I will work out extra hard that day to build up my calories and just make sure you are maintaining your water intake. I ALWAYS alternate a drink with water or a shot with water.