BeingKevin2 Member


  • First, you made a wise choice - combining a healthy diet, while counting calories, and adding exercise is key to improved health which will include weight loss if your calorie intake is at a deficit. Any activity will help, so I tell people to try them all - you never know what you will find you enjoy. If you like walking,…
  • I still get nervous if I have to walk in a crowd thinking I can't get through. I still get nervous when a host/hostess asks me, "booth or table," fearful of them realizing I don't fit in a booth. I still worry about fitting in chairs, or if I will break them when I do. I still feel like the biggest guy in the room despite…
  • Thanks for caring. I will give you an update shortly. :)
  • Far be it from me to judge anybody based on weight. If they are instructing a class I make assume that they are capable of instructing that class - if somewhere along the way I feel they aren't then I may reconsider.
  • Sadly it took the realization that my wife wouldn't have a husband, nor my young son a dad, for very much longer if I didn't change. The fear of an early exit from this world and leaving them behind was what it took to finally convince myself that changing my lifestyle to a healthy lifestyle was necessary. I know that is…
  • It is hard to recapture the magic of motivation once it is gone. After losing lots of weight I have found myself struggling at times to keep moving forward. One thing that helped me was to put pictures of my old self on the refrigerator and pantry to remind myself of where I once was every time I was about to make a food…
  • I have often said that losing weight actually caused me to gain weight. I would get serious about losing weight and would successfully do so, for a month, maybe two, sometimes even longer, then I would fall apart. The main reason this happened to me was that I would convince myself into treating myself one day and I would…
  • I feel your pain because I have stood where you stand. I know how hard it is to go from somebody who thinks they can’t to somebody who knows they can. I spent decades slowly going from big, to overweight, to obese, to I might not life much longer – every step of the way I decided to lose weight and ultimately quit, because…
  • 840 sticks of butter - or exactly the amount of butter I like in my popcorn.
  • All of this. I also recommend moving more. While sitting and relaxing seems like a good plan, for me just moving around seems to get the pain to relax. Maybe that is just me though?
  • Todd, you are awesome and an inspiration to me personally and although I am sure I have told you that in the past I wanted to come here today and reiterate it - thank you Todd for being awesome, thank you for being you.