can't lose weight



  • KaitJennifer
    KaitJennifer Posts: 19 Member
    I have been where you are as well, I would get discouraged and give up after a few weeks of 'trying' to lose weight. I put in minimal effort and expected it to start falling off of me. At the end of June 2014 I decided I had had enough, I am only 23 and want nothing more than to wear the clothes I want, look good for my boyfriend, and most of all be confident and healthy.

    I started working out daily, a HIIT cardio session mixed with weights, and I eat nothing but clean foods, no gluten, I dont eat after 6pm at night, and I have lost 38 pounds in 3 months, I couldn't be happier with the progress.

    All I can say is to just NOT give up. Give it your all and I promise you you will see a difference. And once the initial pounds start to come off and your clothes start to fit better, and you see the physical and mental changes, it becomes additcting and even more motivating.

    Good Luck!! xo
  • BeingKevin2
    BeingKevin2 Posts: 13 Member
    I have often said that losing weight actually caused me to gain weight. I would get serious about losing weight and would successfully do so, for a month, maybe two, sometimes even longer, then I would fall apart.

    The main reason this happened to me was that I would convince myself into treating myself one day and I would never recover.

    What would it hurt to have some donuts for breakfast, since I have done so well? Not much if it stopped there but at lunch I would decide that since I already blew my diet I would just enjoy the day – so a couple dozen hot wings and potato wedges for lunch would be the warm up for a whole lot of pizza and doritos for dinner. Then the next morning I would convince myself that since I ruined the week I might as well enjoy the week. This behavior continued to spiral out of control until I forgot that I was even trying to lose weight.

    If you have yo-yoed as you say then you know you can lose weight. So how do you keep losing? The key is not letting one bad choice turn into a day, or week, or month of bad choices. If you have a donut, or wings, or pizza, don’t worry – just keep on the plan you know works. Don’t give up, you can do it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    Tough love approach here:

    Unless you're suffering from a health/hormone issue, one doesn't lose weight for a couple of reasons..................inconsistency and lack of true commitment. Once you master those, the weight will come off.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Health_Temple
    You don't really need to exercise. Weight loss is mostly from diet. Weigh all your food and stick to a deficit in calories. You should try the ketogenic diet. It really does help with weight loss. :)

    AGREED. I had a morbidly obese friend, she lost 1/3 of her body weight with diet alone. As long as your eating healthy and enough calories but in a deficit you will keep losing (think all veggies and some protein/good fats) healthy. She was using a protein based diet (some veggies are free because fiber is a carb it is zero net carbs). Just eat real foods. If you don't know what is in it don't eat it.
  • Archerychickge
    Archerychickge Posts: 606 Member
    First you ave to get the word "can't" out of your vocabulary. It isn't that you "can't" its that you HAVEN'T... yet. But You CAN if you make up your mind.

    Set small easily attainable goals. Lose one pound. Then lose 5. Once you break it down into more manageable bites, it gets easier.

    I would stay away from diets that forbid entire food groups. Eat what you like, but eat healthier versions of them. Instead of a big greasy cheeseburger, have a roast beef sandwhich on whole grain bread.

    Get a good food scale. NOW. And accurate measuring cups/spoons. Measure everything, and I mean EVERYTHING... E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G you put in your mouth. RELIGIOUSLY.

    Reward yourself for your successes. Not with food though. Treat yourself to a movie, a new outfit, or sometihgn that makes you feel good about your progress.

    Last, and this is SUPER important, surround yourself with people who will motivate you but also hold you accountable. MFP is a great place to connect with people, but real life friends that will go walk withyou or be a nutrition buddy with you will help alot. Swap yummy healthy recipes, and see who can find the best tasting healthiest versions of your favorite foods.

    If you look at it as something you dread, you won't be successful, buy if you get excited about it and find what works for you, it will click.

    Add me as a friend if you want someone to cheer for you but also kick you in the rear when you go astray... :)
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    It is not a diet you need. It is a lifestyle change. It is a change in habits. And those are tough.

    You are mentally conditioned to eat certain foods at certain amounts. Most of us do this without even questioning it. But what happens when we want to change and improve is, mentally we start believing we are giving up something. instead, we should realize and train our thinking to know we are finally moderating our intake to the RIGHT level instead of being overindulgent. We are not giving up anything! We also have to learn to love the better food choices we make. Again, we mentally train out minds to crave certain foods, and we can retrain our minds to crave the better choices.

    It is NOT easy and it take time. You WILL slip, but what is important is to make the better choice, as often as possible, every day, from now on.