

  • I went to the movies with my son last week to see Cars2 & I ordered a popcorn (no butter) for him and just took my own small paper bag. Once we were seated I took out my portion in my own bag so that I could keep track of how much I ate. I ended up only having about 200 calories and didn't feel like I was missing out on…
  • I still have one diet soda a day. I feel like this is a huge accomplishment for me because I used to NEVER drink water (I still don't really like it LOL) and I never had diet ANYTHING. I would drink soda, lemonade, sweet tea, etc. That and I always ate out. In the past 2 months I have switched to eating 1200 calories a…
  • Way to go! The change is remarkable! I really appreciate you posting these pics because our body types are very similar and my starting weight was close to yours so it is motivating to me to see your achievements! Again, job well done & keep it up! :happy:
  • 1) TOM 2) Carbohydrates. I literally MISS them. :( 3) Special Occasions. My entire family celebrates with food. I either have to have extreme willpower or exclude myself. I don't like to do either LOL
  • I made this for my notoriously picky family tonight and they LOVED IT! They even ate seconds! Thank you for this! It will now be a staple on my grocery list each month.
  • I love this post! Lots of good ideas! I don't have certain songs in particular...I like a lot of hip hop and pop while I'm working out. The upbeat pace keeps me motivated. I usually like more mellow music if I'm just at home but something about the gym makes me want the more enthusiastic pace of hip hop and pop music!
  • Sounds sooo good. Thanks for sharing!
  • I say absolutely! It is supposed to be a lifestyle change rather than just a 'diet' and it's simply not realistic to tell yourself you are NEVER going to have cake or candy again in your life. You can't beat yourself up about everything you have that is a treat because it is just that, a treat. :)
  • If you get Teriyaki Chicken it is grilled and you can request no sauce and/or butter be used on yours. It should be pretty low in sodium & calories then. Also, you usually have a choice of steamed white or fried rice. I can never resist the fried (diet be damned LOL) but if you eat a small portion of steamed it shouldn't…
  • I LOVE this! I've eaten this since I was a kid! Doritos and cream cheese is good too! :)
  • I love Doritos and Cream Cheese too!
  • "My DH puts peanuts in his Pepsi." [/quote] Peanuts in Pepsi!? How did he even discover this? LOL ps...I don't know how everyone is doing the quotes with the blue boxes? Am I being stupid lol
  • I LOVE this post! I've always been picked on for being 'picky'. I have a really hard time with meats. For example, When trimming chicken, you know that hard white tendon-like thing in it? I have to COMPLETELY remove that or I won't be able to even think about eating it. I can't eat processed chicken products because they…
  • Yeah, I think I've made my mind up. I'm going to have a day where I don't stress about it. I am still going to log it though because I think it will be good for me to see what I actually ended up eating. I plan on having lunch out (with fries because I miss them) & then dinner at a Hibachi Grill Japanese Steakhouse. I…
  • Thank you for everyone's input. I have had a couple of 'special occasions' since I've started dieting (my son's birthday, my sister's graduation) and even though the opportunities were there for me to overindulge I stayed within my calorie range. I can't help but feel like I deserve ONE bad day and then back to the grind.…
  • I've always been curious about these too! I'm not a vegetarian but I've always been a little grossed out by hamburger (the grisle/fat in it). How is the texture of a boca burger? Any funny hard pieces or anything strange like that?
  • Thanks for all of the input! You all make a good point about not eating if you don't feel hungry. It seems silly to me too but I always get scared I'm going to go into starvation mode. I'm not sure if that truly even possible for someone who's 60 lbs overweight or not but the idea of working so hard for nothing scares me…
  • Welcome! I'm somewhat new myself (1 month) and I've found a lot of motivation from this site. If you stick with it, log in every day and occasionally check the community boards you will find some very helpful answers and motivation. Good Luck!! :)
  • Good Job! I've noticed the same thing too! I recently went to get my husband and my son some fast food (because they were craving it after I had banned it for 3 weeks LOL) and I thought it might be difficult not to order myself something or have a few stolen fries (McD's fries used to be my weakness!)...I didn't even think…
  • I know I've already told you that I love NKOTB too but had to say how jealous I was of your pic!!! How & When did you meet them!? I've seen them in concert in June 2009 and am going again on July 26!!!!
  • Ok, also, I'm new here and I'm not sure when I'm 'replying' that it's replying to the person I meant for it to...should I be doing something other than just hitting 'reply'? :blushing: And is there a way to get an alert if someone replys to a thread I started (email, etc)? Thanks for all of the tips from everyone! I'll…
  • I have been using whole wheat pastas for about 6 months now. But my portion sizes are the problem...nothing sounds more comforting to me than a huge bowl of pasta and marinara. I NEVER crave candy or sweets...just pasta :( Thanks for the tips!
  • Thank you! It is really hard for us "lay" people to understand. I have a hard time describing it to my family when they don't get it. They just immediately think it means diabetic.
  • lol "Break out in fat". I like that! Thanks for the tips! I am gonna try them asap!
  • I read all of the comments above but I've never tried Spaghetti Squash. How would I cook it if I wanted to make it as much like spaghetti as possible? Boil it? I've never even seen it before but I'm on a MISSION for some pasta substitue lol. I cannot simply 'reduce' my whole wheat pasta portion...that's just a tease!:laugh: