Original vegan boca = miracle food

These have been a staple of my diet for a really long time but now that Ive started trying to reduce, I appreciate them so much more.
Totally vegan, inexpensive, easy to prepare (microwaveable!) 19 grams of protein and only 100 calories.

Boca, I salute you.


  • ruffledviolet
    one of there's is less than 100 cals i believe. but yes i love em <3
  • prettybrownround
    prettybrownround Posts: 362 Member
    I want to try these but hv been reluctant......worry about taste
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    I love the American Grilled boca burger..

    So happy these exist!
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    I had one tonight. Only 70 calories and 13 g of protein!
  • ashfuse
    ashfuse Posts: 224 Member
    They taste just like a real burger!!
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Morningstar Grillers Prime has more calories, 160 I think, but taste soooooooooo good. Boca is good, but the Grillers are totally worth the extra calories.
  • skshep
    skshep Posts: 30
    I've always been curious about these too! I'm not a vegetarian but I've always been a little grossed out by hamburger (the grisle/fat in it). How is the texture of a boca burger? Any funny hard pieces or anything strange like that?
  • prettybrownround
    prettybrownround Posts: 362 Member
    @ashfuse thx, I will give them a try
  • prettybrownround
    prettybrownround Posts: 362 Member
    Any suggestions on which one to try first
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    I've always been curious about these too! I'm not a vegetarian but I've always been a little grossed out by hamburger (the grisle/fat in it). How is the texture of a boca burger? Any funny hard pieces or anything strange like that?

    The Bocas are a bit on the soft side, no weird pieces, lol. The Grillers are as close to the real thing as you will get.
  • allybtucker
    I generally prefer the taste of morningstar over boca. My favorite is the grillers prime too, yum, but usually get the spicy black bean (not spicy at all) because of fewer calories. Morningstars seem to be firmer than Boca
  • LOLmerrill
    LOLmerrill Posts: 43
    I used to loooove the morningstar grillers prime, but when I made the switch from veg to vegan I re-read the labels and found out ALL my fave morningstar soy products have snuck in some milk and egg byproducts. whyyyy? lol
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    I used to loooove the morningstar grillers prime, but when I made the switch from veg to vegan I re-read the labels and found out ALL my fave morningstar soy products have snuck in some milk and egg byproducts. whyyyy? lol

    Could be what makes them so 'meaty'? :huh:
  • allybtucker
    Yeah, that's the biggest problem with all the veggie products. So few are vegan.
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    I love the morningstar chik'n grillers - they are vegan and only 80 calories. However, I don't eat a ton of frozen stuff just because I avoid a lot of processed foods now... but they're really great and tasty when I do have the craving or need something quick.
  • allybtucker
    I got flamed yesterday because I mentioned that diet soda cake might not be the healthiest option when someone was looking for a recipe. I kind of feel like a hypocrite eating these processed veggie burgers but commenting on someone else's processed choice. How do you all feel about the relative "goodness" of these veggie burgers? Vegetarian junk food, or acceptable protein source?
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I got flamed yesterday because I mentioned that diet soda cake might not be the healthiest option when someone was looking for a recipe. I kind of feel like a hypocrite eating these processed veggie burgers but commenting on someone else's processed choice. How do you all feel about the relative "goodness" of these veggie burgers? Vegetarian junk food, or acceptable protein source?

    Just my opinion, and mine alone, but the amount of sodium and other chemically stuff in the veggie substitutes for meat to try to make them seem more like meat negates any calories saved or "healthy" qualities to them. And there isn't even really that much protein in them when compared to actual meat. I'd rather just make a burger out of some extra lean ground turkey breast and have a 120 cal burger of nothing but natural meat and whatever herbs and spices I choose to add for additional flavor. I'm not a "clean eater" and don't claim to be, but I've always been an ingredients reader and vegetarian and vegan substitute products scare me in their chemically fakeness. :\
  • idrewacat
    idrewacat Posts: 42 Member
    I honestly have a hard time meeting my protein without a fake meat. I ironically never liked real meat because the texture and slime and fat grossed me out, but now I eat all kinds of veg counterfeits! Pepperoni, salami, burgers, bacon, sausage!? I haven't eaten real sausage since I was like 5 years old. For real. Then I learned Hooked on Phonics, read the ingredients, and the rest is history.

    I have a LOT of Boca in my freezer since I caught a sale and a lot of their stuff is vegan. Tofurky recently released vegan pizzas (!!!) with VEGAN CHEESE (!!!!!!) but I haven't tried them yet.

    Any vegetarians wanna add me, go ahead! I love new friends, especially ones that I have things in common with.