ccgisme Member


  • Honey isn't vegan - so if you are doing this for cruelty-free purposes, look for agave as an alternate sweetener. Also, if you choose to include sugar in your diet and cruelty-free is an issue, look for vegan sugar. Most commercial sugar is processed through bone char to get the white color. Vegan sugar eliminates that…
  • The Post Punk Kitchen also has great recipes: VegNews also has a recipe feature - no real landing page that I can find (it may be right in front of me!), but you can search for recipes.
  • Had to deal with chicken salad smell today. I'm a new vegan (3 months!) and food is still a really touchy subject in my house, so I don't say anything about smells. :) On a related note, I dreamt about eating meat the other night. I was so disappointed in the dream that I'd done it and so relieved when I woke up to realize…
  • For some reason that I do not yet understand, a person's decision to not eat meat often acts as a guilt mirror for people - it's as if rejecting meat is a rejection of them. Now, if we're talking about the person who makes or shares your meals, I can understand the reaction. When it's an acquaintance, colleague or total…
  • who stole my protein powder?...
  • I haven't read the book and have no interest in defending it. But, please don't let one book turn you off from eating more plants! While you may have no interest in a vegan (or vegetarian) diet, adding more plant-based, whole foods to your meals can help you reach your goals.
  • I love this response and your profile pic! :) I too have hay fever, I might just steal your answer!
  • Vegan here. Rather new - going on three months and I absolutely love it! Can't believe I'm (apparently) one of two guys to respond to this thread... Come on fellas!
  • I love this thread! I've been vegetarian since October and vegan since the end of November. It was a great time to switch - I had to explain myself at every family meal and I had to prep food to take so I had something to eat! I have dabbled with vegetarianism in the past, but always reverted to eating meat. In the past, I…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat and burns more calories. I find that when my weight plateaus, I'm often still losing inches. If you have the time and patience, I'd recommend keeping track of both weight and simple measurements (neck, waist, hips, thighs) so you can compare over time. So many people get discouraged by a lack of…
  • Sounds like you've identified some areas to focus on. Drinking water, chewing sugar free gum, etc. might help with the oral stuff you mentioned. Veggies usually have fewer calories than proteins. Consider adding shredded carrots to meat loaf or turkey burgers, mix cauliflower with potatoes if you eat mashed potatoes, etc.…
  • I thought this was an April Fools joke from last year. They're really doing it? @Kelleinna - Starschmucks! That's funny! I started referring to Applebee's as Crapplebee's. So far, it hasn't caught on nationwide :laugh:
  • Welcome Mike! Glad you found MFP - it's a great tool and a great community. If you want to add your start weight, go to Check-In (off your home page) and click on edit entries. At the bottom of that page, you'll be able to add a new entry. It should let you back date your starting date and weight. You might also consider…
  • Thanks for sharing. I'm guilty of all of those. Sheesh! :sad: But I know it and have been working on them one by one... :wink:
  • I'll add another voice to the chorus of Banks and ViviaKay are awesome, heroes, 300 Warriors! (This is M...F...P...! LMAO) Can I sign up as a shield bearer and work my way up the ranks? :laugh: I recently realized that I've likely come as far as I can without understanding and overcoming my triggers. I started on MFP in…
  • I also struggle with the occasional binge and I agree with what others have written about binges happening on multiple levels. I've identified a few triggers - on a physical level, these involve things like doing more than my body can handle and eating less than my body needs; on an emotional level, triggers include stress…
  • You have the rare opportunity to remake your self-image and to change your life. That is no small task! You took weight loss one step and one fork-full at a time, now you have to take each flirtation, each change in behavior (wait, I'm going to run a triathlon instead of sitting on the couch?), each new goal one at a time.…
  • Hi Moe - I'd recommend reading through this post If you have set a calorie deficit and you exercise, you should eat most of your exercise calories. If you don't, you're simply increasing that deficit and your body is more likely to hold on to…
  • Welcome! You can do this. MFP can help - lots of good tools and good people here!
  • Welcome to MFP - I think you'll find the app is great, the website is great, and the people are even better! Good luck with your goals.
  • Welcome to MFP! I think you'll find this is a great resource with a very supportive community. Good luck on your goals!
  • Welcome to MFP, Rob. I think you'll find this is a great community! Good luck with your goals.
  • Welcome Jim! I think you'll find MFP is a very supportive community no matter what your interests or how much weight you want to lose. Enjoy!
  • Welcome to MFP! I think you'll find a very supportive community here regardless of your goals.
  • Had a good first week of starting over - met most of my goals, made good progress on others. I hope you all are doing well with yours! :bigsmile:
  • @wanderinglight - These are great goals! Keep us posted on how you are doing. I have had a great week and have worked out my 30 minutes regularly and mixing things up. I have also managed to stay under my calories since New Years - not a lot of time, but you have to start somewhere! I hope you all are doing well
  • Second! Good suggestion! I really liked the first few weeks of the 5K program, but after a while, I got burned out.
  • Shameless self-bump! :laugh: I want to hear from you!
  • I've been meaning to get a pair of these and try them out. My educated guess would be to start out on softer surfaces like grass or even a track. On a somewhat random note, when I looked at this post, there was an ad for Vibrams in the right margin. Coincidence? I think not!
  • What Knanns said. I did Atkins, lost 30+ pounds (this was years ago and the details are fuzzy) and then gained 40+ back over the next year. Consider Primal Blueprint, South Beach, or Protein Power Diet as alternatives or ways to expand your thinking about low carb. Oh, and your breath will smell like *kitten* on Adkins...…
    in atkins Comment by ccgisme January 2011