chaubner008 Member


  • Thanks for sharing! I have totally been there! I used to think the meetings were my anti-BED but was so guilty feeling when I would find myself bloated and stuffed yet again even though I went to a meeting. I would hate myself, feeling like I was a glotton and just wasn't trying hard enough. Truth is, if the meetings kept…
  • Who the hell cares what you look like? At this point be thankful that you are not bingeing and restricting. You have earned back an incredible freedom that so many people in our country, in the world are unable to achieve once it's lost. You are a survivor. Sweets do not rule anymore in your world. However god has willed…
  • Hi girls! Just wanted to drop by and let u all know it is so possible!! I was 25 with 165ish pounds to lose and now I am 27 with a165lb weightloss to maintain!!! No surgery, no ballistics...healthier choices in food, fitness and self-talk, I am a work in progress but want you to know You Can!!! This is not bigger than you,…
  • So are you saying that right now you are eating the maintenance level of cals plus your exercise cals? and 350-550 does sound high for burned cals i know 30DS is no joke but it is relatively short, right? llke 30 mins? I am right around the same as you as far as body parameters... 5'6" and 154#s and I would like to maybe…
  • Oh man I will have to start watching... I saw a clip because one of my patients said I look a bit like one of the characters, some doctor girl...Jax is super sexy, how do u guys watch the older episodes? Hulu or like on demand?
  • The asst at my chapter is Super Reliable, helps me setup and take down the digital scale, records in the binder and in folks personal trackers. That stuff alone is a huge help! Not to mention she is a long standing KOPS so that alone is a great source for inspiration...I think just helping to know some of the rules a bit…
  • Well, I'm totally in on that idea too! It would be great to find someone who is into their health like me...I'm not picky just wanna be happy...I know lots of ppl have dated from this site, it is a great place to find the like minded opposite sex. So, if anyone is put there I am super single ;) Lol kidding but not kidding.
  • i am in the same boat with you, it is difficult to really believe some of these numbers. Calorie expenditure estimates are often very inflated, I do not rely on them because of this. I am interested to learn more about the polar HRM, though that sounds really cool...
  • take a deep breath and relax.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmm just breath, relax! you are rockin sox off! you've done an amazing thing here! not only in losing 10 pounds (friggin awesome by the way) but YOU have done what it takes to get that success....That is even more amazing than the numbers themselves...YOU realized there was a…
  • tryin this tonight, thanks for sharing
  • i made this with my son 2 weeks ago, halved the recipe and it was amazing, froze the leftovers and threw 2 into a protein shake to make the shake like a java chip. YUMMY i love hungry girl
  • this looks so yummy, will have to try,thx for sharing
  • ahhh!! i love that you posted this!! i am trying this tomorrow, oh how i missed spinach dip, why didnt i think of this...Thank you! So simple and sounds yummmmm...i love plain greek yogurt, eat it almost daily. I make a salad dressing with it (add 2t sriracha and some lemon) but this is gonna be great. Happy healthying!!!!
  • i am constantly trying to tell ppl how crappy that stuff is for your body! all of those "lo cal convenience packs" 100 cal snacks are the worst offenders! Filled with garbage, HFCS, trans fat and more chemicals than under the kitchen sink!!! I kind of feel like ppl who are not really serious about their weight loss efforts…
  • I am glad you enjoyed it and glad you shared and i say, do what you enjoy...but i did hear jillian michaels discuss the risks of working out in a temperature altered environment...IDK, i do trust her so i probably wouldn't go there, but cant you do the same workout without the heat?
  • I love this thread!! So true, I have always loved big guys not muscle heads but a slightly overweight comfortable guy...I have been with a little guy before, so not the same! Gosh I wish I could find a nice, sweet (not too sweet), hardworking FUNNY chubbier guy who is smart and open to my foodie concepts an ideas. Well…
  • Hi, would like to see your diary to offer a better answer but generally I would say no, there is no link there...pure coincidence. Unless you have added some highly acidic stuff to your diet or have noticed that you are having a lot of or more acid reflux or heartburn. Even at that, it can take a while for these issues to…
  • protein after workout is so important!!! not only are you feeding the muscles and restoring nutrients you used but you are helping to control cortisol levels....the stress hormones released when we exercise (exercise IS stress on our body, the recovery is how we burn (cardio) and grow (strength)) that cortisol will collect…
  • hey girly, lets chat...I am so happy to see someone like you on here asking this question...It means you are in it for good and motivated to know WTH is goin on with that body of yours....I have been in your shoes, and I can sympathize personally with your situation and would be happy to offer any help/tips/support that I…
  • Yeah those cookies are a big fat marketing ploy! The ingredients are extremely similar to their national brand counterparts...and in addition to the HFCS they also contain trans fat (causes increased bad cholesterol but also DECREASES good cholesterol). They are marketing to us and we are voting with our dollar! Please…
  • This is such a great topic because as it turns out, in reading all the replies, more than 90% of the stuff is simple carbs, most of it with high fructose corn syrup and I love that because i have learned that these items communicate with our bodies in such a way that we release hormones that create that cycle of 'can't eat…
  • Oh my gosh!!!!! You are amazing words can even describe the incredible thing that you have done here!! you look amazing...because you ARE amazing. It takes a huge character and amount of conviction and it is inspiring me to my core to see these photos....I can feel the weight of the weight coming off of you just by looking…
  • LOL you are hilarious...funniest post i've seen yet. Humor rocks
  • wow you look so good, years younger!!! Good for you!!!!
  • Rochester NY
  • this list is a great resource, its good to be reminded of the things to keep on hand. I will often go thru phases where i will use one of these a lot, then run out and replace it with another item on the list but then forget about the first thing i was enjoying...Its good to have a strong list to refer to. BTW Actic zero,…
  • To be truly honest...sure there are treatments and creams and deep tissue massages and blah blah blah. But the biggest change you can make is the point of view that you choose to handle these areas with. No so called cure is guaranteed and in all reality the saggy or dimpled effect may never go away. Tone as best you can…
  • Hi all!! I am from NY 241 Rochester, been a member since oct 2010, now the weight recorder...I have lost ~165lbs to goal and became a KOPS on 12/8/2012!! Yae!! TOPS has played a huge roll in my success and I continue to lean on my chapter as I find my way in maintenance. I love my TOPS...I know TOPS and MFP are a winnin…
  • Try not to stress when there aren't many calories left... I always keep in mind that I can have a huge salad or stirfry or broth based soup for like less than 150 cal then use the last 100-150cal for lean protein (~4oz fish fillet, tofu-don't knock it til you try it grilled!, 8-10 egg whites...) but hey if that motivates…
  • Sometimes these days yeild the best workouts, if I know my energy level is a bit low (and I know why) then I go into the workout thinking...Ok take it easy, you are doing it more for the formation of the habit at that point and not so much for the burn (Not every workout has to be super intense, if you are exhausted take…