Skinny but flabby now! Trying to boost confidence...

I thought skinny girls who worried about cellulite were just being too picky with their bodies. Now I feel just the same as I did 25 pounds ago (out of 50 total pounds lost)...

I've been overweight since puberty, so I guess my skin just has cellulite by default and will have trouble getting rid of it. I am in my early 20's! The skin from my hips to knees is overall quite saggy, and untoned. I know the answer is obvious...I need to build muscle! But is there anything else other than jogging/weights that can get rid of all the dimples? I mean, I have JUST as many as when I was heavy, and I have a BMI of 19 (only to say I am supposedly skinny!) They are just deflated, and not so filled. I don't feel like I reached the goal I intended all these months!

I walk a lot to get from point a to points b and c...and will soon be able to afford a gym...

BUT would any sort of massage/exfoliation/lubrication help the "healing" of all this? I know its not the answer, but there has to be something I can do in the meantime. Thanks in advance!


  • BlondeLisa1
    BlondeLisa1 Posts: 106 Member
    Water. Lots and lots of water. :) Congrats on your weight loss goal!
  • laFuerte
    laFuerte Posts: 13 Member
    i would say that massage and exfoliation should help. it helps with blood flow and that will aid in the healing and elasticity of your skin.

    but i must say great work on the weight loss! hope you can find confidence and feel good about what you have accomplished!
  • lindalou4850
    lindalou4850 Posts: 217 Member
    I am much older than you and I have the same problem you do. I have done a lot of research on this. I found out that it takes time for your skin to catch up to your weight loss. I have lost almost 50 lbs. but still have the saggy skin. It is getting better but not fast enough for me either. I guess we just have to hang in there and not get to discouraged. Just keep working out with weights and do cardio. It will get better in time.Good luck !
  • c_woody
    your skin will get some elasticity back but not all of it. As with any weight lose the skin is stretched. Think of all the woman my self included that have babies and loose the baby weight and end up with a pouch in the belly. you have to look at it this way would you rather be overweight without excess skin because the fat fill it or be at a healthy weight with some extra skin. As for the dimples I know teenage girls who are very slim and still have those. It's onw of the downs of being a woman. supermodels have it too we just don't see it beacuse they are airbrushed. Keep working out and be proud of what you accomplished!
  • chaubner008
    chaubner008 Posts: 32 Member
    To be truly honest...sure there are treatments and creams and deep tissue massages and blah blah blah. But the biggest change you can make is the point of view that you choose to handle these areas with. No so called cure is guaranteed and in all reality the saggy or dimpled effect may never go away. Tone as best you can and water too will help but you need to change the way you see these areas: I have lost 168 lbs with no surgery and you can imagine the skins appearance but the truth is that I created that situation for myself through making choices that affected my body in a way that changed it's shape forever. I CHOSE to be overweight and so my body suffered, but I then chose to regain my strength, myself and my body and although I'm no pin up I look and feel damn good and that imperfect skin is now a trophy that I carry because I am a real woman and made real mistakes, learned from them and became stronger and if it weren't for that empty flawed skin I woulnt be the amazing woman, mother, exerciser and inspiration that I am today...i'm proud of these imperfections it makes me real, gives me a story and contributes to the woman I am proud to be. Don't for a second begin to feel "the same as you did 25 lbs ago" are you kidding me? A BMI of 19! You are hot, girly! Do not discredit the awesomeness you've chosen to create for yourself. Be happy and see it for what it is...not "deflated"! It's healthier than it's been and that is anything but deflated! You are awesome! Keep up the good work. Hope this helped some, you should just relax and marinade in the positive You have done for You
  • PamAndPets
    PamAndPets Posts: 2 Member
    Check out this information about cellulite. Something here may be helpful. Congratulations on your weight loss!