

  • I hope this is the case. I'm in my 50's so I'm hoping things are just taking a while to make a difference in terms of the exercise. The last time I did this I walked 3 miles every day though and it didn't get me anywhere either. My knees are so shot that the gym is a big help there. They have a recumbant bike I can ride…
  • Because all of you folks who are in their burning off the fat and firming up the muscles are just *that* hot!!!!!!!
  • I just got DirectTV installed as a part of a bundle that actually brought my bill down. I want to know what the hell people are watching for 4 hours. I am also not a TV watcher and actually was still doing over the air until now. If this is a fact for adults, I think it tells us a lot about what's wrong. It all appears to…
  • Thank you all for the kind words. I sure hope you are right. For now, I'm just going forward on faith.
  • That's wonderful. I have several pair of 100% cotton pants that I've kept to be my control pants. The ones with so much spandex are not good for me. And today, ironically, I also put a pair on that I've not been able to wear in ages. Holding them up and looking at them I didn't think there was a chance but lo' and behold,…
  • It's very personal. Saying anything perceived as against MFP is often heard like bashing someone's Momma. I agree it's a very useful tool. It helped me to find my groove exactly as stated by showing me what I was doing right and wrong. My point is that now that I'm in my groove, it's become a negative. I don't need to be…
  • [/quote] I don't hate her for trying to help me. I'm frustrated because every single time I go to her, all she focuses on is my weight. If I go in there for a sinus infection, or injured shoulder, or whatever, I expect to be treated for that FIRST. Then if there is time and she wants to b*tch at me, fine, whatever.…
  • What kind of flu? Upper resp or stomach?
  • My first thought was that he looked like the body of my old Ken doll.
  • My doctor told me the same thing. He said it's about making sure you get enough healthy protein and take supplements to make sure you don't dip too low on the basics. A good multi, extra calcium and I added a b complex. He set me at 800 per day. He said that Weight Loss Surgery has changed attitudes about what a "safe" low…
  • Since this worked for you, it's great. But, and I really don't mean to sound like I'm throwing a wet towel on your fire, I can't help but believe it's largely a placebo effect. Here's how it works: If you follow the advice you gave and consume 20 grams of fat per day (on the high side) that equals 180 calories per day.…
  • Interesting question. I have a long weight loss story. In 200-2002 I lost 165 pounds. I went from 364 down to 199. One of the mistakes I made was not teaching myself (this is just my experience) how to enjoy the occasional treat. I was head down, drive to the finish line. And then I gained a bunch back. THANKFULLY not to…
  • My neighbor was 268 when she learned she was pregnant. Her doctor discussed it with her and handed her the old weight watchers program guide. It was an old copy from about 20 years ago before all the points stuff. He told her that if she ate healthy (lean protein, veggies, fruits and took her "treats" from the sources he'd…
  • Thanks! When I read here I feel like the only person who's last priority is the number on the scale. In my youth, I might have been on every day. But that was back in cave man days when they didn't even HAVE digitial!!! Can you kids imagine??? So the scales were so inaccurate it was a joke anyway. Now I realize I'm in this…
  • Thanks. I needed a smile today. And you look great.
  • You're very attractive and YES you can tell a difference. You're doing great!
  • :smile: I was thinking this as I read your response. I'm not shooting for perfect but I am shooting for convenience and ease in my weight loss journey. Because if it's perfect but difficult and inconvenient, it won't work. I am spinning too many plates in life to add another giant one. And even if protein bars aren't…
  • 190 mg. of potassium in a cup of this milk. You must be drinking a huge vat of coffee each day! :laugh: (That's a coffee hyped up smiley!)
  • Laughing at your because you were eating differently? After you adjust your diet, I'd adjust my friends too. How childish of them.
  • Do you mean that she is alone 3 days in a row? I know others are saying that legally it's okay but I don't think it's safe. Sorry, but too many times when things go very bad with teens it's because they are left alone. If I understood it correctly and she is alone 3 days in a row, would it be possible for someone to check…
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