

  • I usually eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Dinner is always different. My intake at dinner really depends on what I have left for calories. I try to stay between 1200 and 1400 calories each day. The more you exercise the easier it is because you can afford yourself extra rewards here and there. I log…
  • I like the fact that you are giving yourself 3 months of true dieting. Don't cheat yourself though just so you can end up having the surgery. If you have already made up your mind then go ahead and do it. I know several people who had the surgery and are doing great and I know someone who died on the table during the…
  • Absolutely do it. I did not take any shots when I started. When I lost my first 100 pounds I was so bummed that I didn't have a picture. I had always avoided the camera because of how I looked. Luckily I was able to find a photo that someone had taken of me at a Church function right before I started my weight loss…
  • Thanks everyone for the advice. I have decided to join a local gym and start the StrongLifts 5X5 program. I ran this by my physical therapist and he though it would work out well for me. Unfortunately I just don't have the room for all the equipment at home so I have to join a gym. On the upside the gym is 5 minutes from…
  • Thanks for the link. This is great stuff. I appreciate the work you put in to this.
  • That is all I have right now at home. I can probably acquire more gear. Can you make any recommendations?
  • Great job!!! I remember when I hit my 100lb mark. Greatest feeling. Keep it up!
  • It all started with the myfitnesspal app. Being able to tell the app how much I wanted to lose each week and having it calculate my daily calorie need to meet this goal was invaluable. It really was my inspiration. After seeing the weight start to fall off I decided to add an exercise bike to the mix. I had a great support…
  • I've been comparing everything from features to reviews for the last 3 day on the BodyMedia, BodyBugg, and Fit Bit. It is my determination that the BodyMedia slightly outshines the other two. Unfortunately none of them measure heart rate which is usually an area that fitness coaches want you to monitor. None the less…