bodybugg/bodymedia fit

Yes I have googled information on the body bugg (aus version is the body media fit), but I thought I would get opinions from those who have actually used one.

I have some questions.
1. did you find it helpful with your weightloss journey
2. how does it compare with hrm
3. did it help improve other area's like sleep, your food intake etc
4. what are the pros/cons

I'm aware you need a subscription as well. What's beneficial from the subscription? can you still use the item without the subscription?


  • adidab44
    adidab44 Posts: 7 Member
    I have the body bugg and found it very helpful it's a lil bulky but I would forget I was wearing it but when my subscription ran out I just never renewed it and you need the subscription I was looking into another device though it's alot cheaper I think it's 100$ but it's called fit bit basically the same kind of idea as the body bugg but you don't need a subscription and it automatically uploads to your computer
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    adidab that's for replying.

    This is helpful to know. I'll have to look into the fit bit and see if I can get in in australia.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    Fit Bit doesn't measure the same things as Body Bugg. Fit bit is just a motion sensor, while BodyBugg will read how your body is reacting to those movements. This mean that the BodyBugg (Or ever BodyMedia Fit) are going to be more accurate than the Fit Bit.

    ETA: Here is a great place to compare :
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Yes I have googled information on the body bugg (aus version is the body media fit), but I thought I would get opinions from those who have actually used one.

    I have some questions.
    1. did you find it helpful with your weightloss journey
    2. how does it compare with hrm
    3. did it help improve other area's like sleep, your food intake etc
    4. what are the pros/cons

    I'm aware you need a subscription as well. What's beneficial from the subscription? can you still use the item without the subscription?

    1) Yes, I think it helped, though I don't think it was essential. I probably could have lost weight without it.
    2) I've never used an HRM, so I don't know. The body bug measures M.E.T. and somehow it measures steps taken.
    3) No, it didn't do anything for sleep. I already know I don't sleep through the night. I didn't need the body bug to tell me that. And even with that knowledge, I can't do anything about it. I'm a restless sleeper and that's just how it is :P As for food intake... you can feel the band on your arm, so it did act as a reminder of "hey, I'm trying to be good here!", which helped my food intake.
    4) Pros- it's fun. I like gadgets. I like knowing how many calories certain activities burn. So It makes me more incline to actually count my calories in and calories out. Also, I think it gives a more accurate measure of calories than MFP's guesses or even the exercise machines' measurements. Cons- it costs money to buy and to maintain a subscription.

    You cannot use the bodymedia fit item without a subscription. The subscription allows you to sync the band to your computer and actually get the read-outs for calories burned. It also allows you to track calories consumed, but I like MFP's site better for that.
  • mmk137
    mmk137 Posts: 833 Member
    thank you to everyone that replied.

    i think the bodymedia will be more beneficial. Not buying yet, but will do more research.
  • onetwothreeme
    costco has a CRAZY deal on the body media right now. $179 plus it includes 12 months of membership. i have the bodybuggSP but am returning it and getting the bodymedia LINK instead. the web interface and app are SOOOO much better from bodymedia than bodybugg. bodybugg's site is horrendous and runs on old school JAVA, which in turn causes a multitude of problems when logging food...not to mention the site is built in the stone ages!
  • aldroe
    aldroe Posts: 4 Member
    Can you synch up myfitnesspal food with the bodymedia? or do you just put in total calories for the day when done? or do you just use the bodymedia food tracker?
  • Jay0hwhy
    Can you synch up myfitnesspal food with the bodymedia? or do you just put in total calories for the day when done? or do you just use the bodymedia food tracker?

    with the fit, there is an option where you can enter the estimated daily intake of food for the day-- at the end of the day i enter in the amount of calories i ate based on what i tracked in MFP. its been working just fine. also, i have the bluetooth version and can see what my status on the bodymedia is on my phone throughout the day
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I have the BodyMedia. I've had it since 2009. I lost about 25 lbs before I got pregnant with my son in 2010. I kept the subscription through my entire pregnancy because I knew I would want to use it after the baby and I used it to track maintenance calories as well.

    I LOVE my BodyMedia. I love not having to guess how many calories I have burned, especially since most machines and calorie estimations are not even close to what my BodyMedia says. I have never used a HRM and would be interested to see how it compares. My subscription is $6.95 a month, however I don't believe that you have to have the subscription if you have the watch, but I'm not positive on that. The only thing I don't really care for is the food database. Logging foods is really quick and easy, just like MFP, but BodyMedia does not have near the database of foods that MFP does. They also don't have the support system that MFP does. I really like that BodyMedia does a Net Calorie calculation (burn - eaten), nothing like how MFP does it. I was very confused for a while on MFP trying to figure out what I needed to eat.

    What I do is log my calories on MFP, but look at my BodyMedia for calories burned, steps taken, sleep efficiency, etc. I plug it into the computer every morning during my shower. However, the newer ones are bluetooth enabled and will download the data wirelessly, so you only have to plug them in to charge them. You cannot sync up with MFP or any other website. After using it for so long, I pretty much know how many calories I burn depending on what I do each day, but there are days that I have been surprised.

    You can message me if you have any questions.
  • Tbone0813
    I've been comparing everything from features to reviews for the last 3 day on the BodyMedia, BodyBugg, and Fit Bit. It is my determination that the BodyMedia slightly outshines the other two. Unfortunately none of them measure heart rate which is usually an area that fitness coaches want you to monitor. None the less BodyMedia offers more flexibility and an easier to navigate web site. The Fit Bit will not get you anywhere near the accuracy as the BodyMedia and BodyBugg. The BodyMedia's data has been clinically validated to be >90% accurate. You can also track more items with the BodyMedia than with the BodyBugg. This will allow you to chart your progress. Unfortunately neither sync with MFP but I guess we can't have everything.
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I love my BMF. I still use MFP to log food and then I put in a daily estimate (which is juts the calories you ate that day) because logging on MFP is so much easier and I've learned so much by reading the forums. My BMF tells me usually I've burned more than my HRM, usually during kickboxing. I don't think the HRM likes all the jumping and stuff I do during that activity, because I've hadf it tell me my HR wass over 200 before and I know that's not true. Also my HRM is 6 years old and I just don't trust it 100% anymore, but since I got my BMF I just use that now. I like pushing myself and seeing how much I can burn in a day. It was awesome to see the day of my work holiday party, having worked out in the morning and then during the day and dancing for 2.5 hours at the party, I set a record for calories burned and number of steps that is going to be extremely hard to come close to beating.
  • tanias001
    tanias001 Posts: 41 Member
    ebay has fitbits just bought 2 for $135 to keep as spares when mine dies.had one for a few months and it has been really good so far. Would highly reccommend it.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I highly rate the fitbit. had a panic today when I though it had fallen off when I was running when actually I had forgotten to put it! Best of all it syncs with MFP and the fitbit acct is free where I think you have to subscribe with the other ones.