@spnne wears glasses only to be geeky sexy
too true! youre rocking that moustache mr!
@cr2413 movember
@meglep I don't swing that way but if I did, def yes - she's gorgeous!
@carolina only if i manned up a bit ;)
@saaber 12.5 :)
rosy cheeks :D (this was for eric) at kpop dang you are gorge! fierce look
exercise helps but diet is super important too. i'm 5ft and every kg on my frame shows. eating better is a biggy for me.
agree! and you're doing great already
have you tried a vit b5 injection?
@babyblues writing cheesy notes for your hubby
omg hilarious! having such a giggle at these
actually just clicked on her profile in response to another post :) cant though due to privacy settings
groovy is always attractive! :)
what i did i say i'll never say again? lollipop
dammnit another guy! but a handsome one ;)
maybe :)
because it tastes so darn good? :)
I recall it showing regardless of calorie support :)
flippin hell, look at those legs!
bwahahha love this! i say thanks bit seldom place any value on it. still nice to hear though :)
imc that i love lazy nights in more than i need partying nights out
well done!
@la mafaisante 7
@danenehboyy hotness with a dash of cool. so pretty much oreo cookies with a great cup of italian coffee
:D crying from laughter!!
i do too - i kinda figure that i'm barely eating (tend to lose my apetite when i'm ill) so i have things like ice cream etc :)