MartaAnna84 Member


  • Good on you! I'm on Day 60 and feeling great... keep at it!
  • I have lost 6 lbs so far but almost next to nothing in inches, go figure. I feel much better though... stronger too. Sticking with the workouts as they are but I'm planning a 5 day detox (basically very clean eating ~ no caffeine, no meat, dairy, alcohol) starting on Feb 17th, it's suppose to help with bloating etc... Feel…
  • Logging into myfitnesspal helps to stay on track, at least it does for me. If I think I'll have to add those nachos onto myfitness pal and it will set me WAY over the intake for the day... It holds me back... sometimes ;) Good job ladies on sticking through the workouts though and focusing on what you're eating. Are any of…
  • Weekends are tough for eating when out with friends for dinner or brunch :S but trying to make some choices while out and about.... Keeping up with the workouts though. I can't wait till this arm workout is over with..... I find after the 3 sets I just want to get on with something else, but I get bored easily so ...
  • Great job ladies. I am not following her meal plan but love the site for recipes. I don't calculate the calories lost from working out into myfitnesspal b/c I often don't know how many it is
  • WOW! Great job! I did my weigh in this morning and lost 3lbs. Will be doing my measurements and photos after work
  • Check out other youtube 20 min HIIT videos. There are tons out there. I changed it up for the running stairs and only rested for 30 seconds instead of 1 minute in between reps.
  • Great suggestions. Usually its just oatmeal with some fruit or a protein shake with almond milk, fruit and spinach in the mornings. Sometimes I"ll put in a touch of raw cocoa in my shakes to give it a chocolatey flavor. Skinnytaste.come has lots of suggestions for breakfast and I've always meant to try overnight oats in a…
  • I've made egg mixtures in muffin tins but never thought to use cottage cheese... I guess because I normally only eat cottage cheese cold. Good ideas though. I've been meaning to make the overnight oats. Lots of good recipes on skinnytaste website.
  • I might buy one of those calorie counter devices that you put on your wrist and see what that calculates.
  • I had a burst of energy today... totally surprised with that. Hate those burpees though.
  • I've never done the challenge however, after Day 4 I feel less sore.. but probably going to regret saying that after Day 5 :S
  • How do you record BBM on the fitness pal site for exercise? ie. how many calories burned?
  • I'm doing Day 5 after work and thanks for the heads up. I need some really good music to go along with the workout today then. And no, I normally NEVER weight myself so not itching to do it. Get someone to hide the scale haha
  • Briana has a HIIT video on her youtube channel that I did today... it was tough! There are a bunch of other HIIT videos online as well if it's too cold to do cardio outdoors or if no time for the gym
  • Great to know about the ginger
  • I did the HIIT video because I didn't have time to go to the gym (it's really cold here in Canada). It killed me though! Felt great stretching after though.
  • If you go on her blog, youtube channel you can view her daily workouts. It's a 90 Workout Challenge with option to purchase meal plan ($10 per month). Today is Day 3 so you're not too late to join in! It's geared towards busy moms... I'm not a mom, just busy so it's easy to incorporate her plan into my schedule.
  • I'm doing the Challenge as well. Day 2 DONE!