

  • Have you heard of Shakeology? It's a super-vitamin shake that also comes in a low-glycemic version. If you would like to read more about it you can go to Look for it in the bottom right corner.
  • A favorite: Skinny Mararita Salted Glass 1 shot tequila 3-4 oz. Rock Star Recovery Drink Pina Colada Cooler 1 1/2 ounces coconut-flavored rum 3 ounces pineapple juice 4 ounces sparkling water 1 tablespoon of Coco Lopez Cream of Coconut Lite (found in the drink mixers section of many supermarkets) Pour ingredients over ice…
  • I have done P90X and got great results. My recommendation to anyone just starting out is to pace yourself. Some people tend to lift too heavy in the beginning and can't do anything for the rest of the week. Tony talks a lot about good form. You will get better results by choosing the right weight and using good form vs.…
  • There is this delicate balance between eating too much or too little. If your body feels deprived of food or vitamins, it will start storing. It's good to keep your body guessing. Eat a variety of foods. It's okay to be a little bit hungry but don't let yourself get really hungry. And mix up your exercise routine. I highly…
  • You have already taken the most important step: you are ready to make a change. I have lost over 100 lbs. and so can you!!
  • I have done some of P90 and made through 90 days of P90X. Amazing results. I started getting my friends involved and eventually became a Beachbody Coach. I've done a lot of the programs. Let me know if you have any questions or if you find some moves difficult and need to figure out a way to modify. I would love to help!
    in Hello all! Comment by CoachGena May 2011
  • Insanity by Beachbody works the core in every single move w/o having to do sit ups. Love it!
  • I am currently doing ChaLEAN Extreme. It's been very popular at my fit club. Designed mostly for women and each month is a new phase so that you do not get bored. Her workouts are 30-45 min. long and she works upper and lower body at the same time. What I love most is Chalene's positive attitude. Let me know if you would…
  • Keep it positive. Invite her to Myfitnesspal. Talk about all the amazing, supportive people you have met online. Whatever your favorite workout is, talk about how much fun you are having or invite her to try something new with you.
  • Welcome!! Have you checked out the message boards? So much great info!
    in Here I am! Comment by CoachGena May 2011
  • I just started Insanity: Asylum. I feel like a newbie all over again. Let me know when you are ready to graduate to the next level. After 60 days of the first Insanity you will see your abs, move faster. lower your heart rate and feel like you can take on any fitness challenge. It's not easy but so worth it!
  • I eat vegetarian 90% of the time. I supplement w/ Whey protein Power shakes. 18 grams of protein (or more if you put in additional scoops). I make them thick, like a milk shake. Endless recipes and it satisfies my sweet tooth.
  • I love Turbo Fire. It's not the most intense workout but certainly not for beginners. Great for someone who has 30 lbs or less to lose. Turbo Fire is fast and fun. What I really like about the program is that there is a "New to Class" section where she breaks down the moves making it easier to learn. She also has her…
    in Turbofire Comment by CoachGena May 2011