My sisters gaining weight rapidly?

My sister is 5'2. Shes always been average build for her height and she keeps active. However, recently ive noticed a massive increase in her weight, shes drinking more alcohol and just gaining and gaining. She says when I visit from university 'all my clothes dont fit me etc' but I dont know how to reply...:ohwell:
How can I tell her it will seriously affect her health if she keeps going the way she is without offending her?

This is really difficult, please help:smile:

Thanks guys


  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Well if she knows her clothes aren't fitting, she has to know she's gaining weight. When she says that, maybe ask how she's been eating, exercising and just make neutral suggestions. You don't want to offend her, you want to help her :)
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hmm maybe you can ask her does she want to go on a weight loss challenge with you and make it sort of a casual game ..then talk to her about your new healthy eating habits she may catch on...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When she says her clothes don't fit, ask her if she'd like your help. See if she'd want to go running with you, or for a bike ride, or even just a walk.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    sometimes family has the ability to be more abrupt than friends, however often family members wont listen to those who they are closest to.

    Perhaps tell her about how amazing you have felt after you have been to the gym. Try taking her for a walk, staying positive the whole time and getting her to enjoy being active with you. Make sure everything you do is active, refuse to go out drinking with her, encourage her to eat well.

    Either she will get the message and tag along with you or she will continue on her way. Either way, she's either going to listen or not.

    if it was me, i'm abrupt. I've already been through this with my husband. The way we got him to move was to tell him that I wasnt going to be the one burying him and how disappointed i was with him continually putting his *kitten* on the couch. Then I dragged him out to ride and run with me and told him off for bad eating. in MY case, and I realise that for many others this approach would not work, it worked, because my husband is competitive and wanted to show me that he could do it.

    Good luck. Stay supportive. If she doesnt come around straight away eventually the light bulb will come on, but sometimes it will take a lot of time.
  • Tracenspace
    Tracenspace Posts: 53 Member
    I kind of think it's like trying to tell someone to quit smoking. They already know what they're doing is unhealthy but they have to want to change. You can't convince them to change.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Just send her this, and nothing else:



    **Edit** I fail at adding a pic. Working it.
  • CoachGena
    CoachGena Posts: 13
    Keep it positive. Invite her to Myfitnesspal. Talk about all the amazing, supportive people you have met online. Whatever your favorite workout is, talk about how much fun you are having or invite her to try something new with you.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    My sister is only 4ft 11 and due to some thyroid issues that went undiagnosed for awhile, plus very poor eating habits and little exercise, she is quite obese. I have struggled with talking to her about it b/c I knew her feeling would be so very hurt and she thinks she is doing what she needs to to lose weight, but she wasn't. She had some difficult situations in her life and they were the catalyst to get her to start a walking routine almost every single day, rain or shine, and some workout dvds. She still doesn't eat well enough but I just can't tell her that. I just remind her to "be careful!" when she goes out to eat, which is very frequently. I recommended this site to her so she can see what she is actually eating and realize it's wayyyy too much junk, but she has yet to join. Maybe next time she complains about her clothes not fitting, tell her about this great site you use...
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Does she live near you? If so, suggest that you need an exercise partner and see if she'd like to join you. She obviously knows that she's gaining weight and throwing that in someone's face is never helpful, so I see your dilema... Maybe suggest a lower calorie alcoholic beverage (if she is going to continue to drink) or tell her you need more MFP friends and see if she'd like to track her stuff too... One day of tracking everything I ate and drank and I realized that I was doubling (sometimes even tripleing) the amount of food I needed on a daily basis! She will too, without you having to say anything to her.
  • TeraMarieD
    TeraMarieD Posts: 55
    My younger sister is about the same height and she has struggled with her weight her whole life; now it is out of control! I have no idea what to say to her. My family wants me to talk to her because I am finally taking control of my weight issues. I just know from my experience I had to make the decision on my own to lose weight. I did not have sucess until I was ready to put in the complete effort.

    If I were you I would just make comments about delicious recipes you make, weight you have lost, fun exercises you are doing and hope it rubs off. Every time I talk to my sister I say "Well I better go. I need to workout." or something like that.
  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    Could it be she is suffering from depression? It may be hard to tell if you do not live near her full-time, but I do believe it is worth exploring.
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member

    :laugh: I love that tag line... you'll eat that too ROFLMAO
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    I'm worried about you. You're drinking more - is something bothering you? School, work, partner, life? Let's talk about it and see if we can figure it out. Nothing is worth the troubles alcohol brings.

    Next time she complains about her clothes, say I'm worried about you. I love and you and I don't mean this to hurt your feelings. How can I help you?

    or maybe even just ask her "so.... what are you doing about it besides complaining?" Point is, remind her you love her, let her know you're concerned and be there however she needs you except to keep her co-dependent.
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Just send her this, and nothing else:



    **Edit** I fail at adding a pic. Working it.

    I'm dying! That was just way too funny.
  • ExerciseGeek
    ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
    Just send her this, and nothing else:



    **Edit** I fail at adding a pic. Working it.

    I'm dying! That was just way too funny.

    HAHAHAAHAHA, AS IF, she'd LOVEEEE me for that ;)
    Thanks though, made me smile

    Thank you for all your advice, I will take on board what you say. Its difficult because im at university and she lives back at home 2 hours away, so each month I go up, she keeps getting bigger. I tell her how good the gym is and tell her to go for runs, but shes the type of person to say she will do something but then doesnt and sees the easy way out. I wish I lived closer I would make her come out with me, on runs etc, and really help her to loose the weight. Im going to keep rining her and seeing how active she is now etc,and suggesting things (active) she can maybe do with her 8year old son (bike rides etc) and fingers crossed she will take it on board!!

    Thanks all again:flowerforyou: