*Grump* I need help to get more protein

naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
Hi all

Just a quick post to say I am really struggling to eat enough protein. According to many on here the target values are quite low, and I'm not hitting that on a regular basis.

Probably not helped by the fact that I am an *almost* vegetarian - almost is because I'm not veggie, but I don't eat meat unless its ethically sourced, and that is expensive, and I just can't afford much of it at the moment.

So any ideas as to good sources of lean protein, which fit my criteria - not too expensive, and ethical?

Many thanks :smile:


  • mustangurl
    mustangurl Posts: 104 Member
    almonds are a good source of protein, eggs, a whey protein shake, cheese, milk...there are lots of things with protien in them besides meat ;)
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    i sneak greek yogurt into all sorts of things, it adds up throughout the day
    whole grains have a surprising amount as well
    and quinoa!
  • dxing
    dxing Posts: 115 Member
    Cottage cheese, greek yogurt, beans, lentils, eggs, and most importantly, whey protein
  • CoachGena
    CoachGena Posts: 13
    I eat vegetarian 90% of the time. I supplement w/ Whey protein Power shakes. 18 grams of protein (or more if you put in additional scoops). I make them thick, like a milk shake. Endless recipes and it satisfies my sweet tooth.
  • sblair77
    sblair77 Posts: 355 Member
    I buy a high protein container of liquid egg whites from the health food store. I cook with them and eat them daily.

    I also eat lots of chicken and turkey (not lunch meat because of the sodium)
  • paigele
    paigele Posts: 123 Member
    It may sound like I am echoing the others, but I read on a body builder web site that whey protein is the most absorbable. It also is a fairly low in calories.
  • Fleur933
    Fleur933 Posts: 156 Member
    Try boiling a dozen eggs at the start of the week and having a white or two (or the whole thing if you liek that) a day all week. It's easy and quick and (in my humble opinion) tastey!
  • Greek yogurt is good. You can do string cheese or you can buy personal protein powder and add it to foods you like to increase amounts.
  • TerraGirl17
    TerraGirl17 Posts: 275 Member
    Hi all

    Just a quick post to say I am really struggling to eat enough protein. According to many on here the target values are quite low, and I'm not hitting that on a regular basis.

    Probably not helped by the fact that I am an *almost* vegetarian - almost is because I'm not veggie, but I don't eat meat unless its ethically sourced, and that is expensive, and I just can't afford much of it at the moment.

    So any ideas as to good sources of lean protein, which fit my criteria - not too expensive, and ethical?

    Just curious, what do you mean by ethically sourced?
    Many thanks :smile:
  • crissa413
    crissa413 Posts: 67
    Greek yogurt for sure!!
  • Manolapurple12
    Manolapurple12 Posts: 7 Member
    Boca vegan burgers are high is protein and tasty- not too expensive depending where you shop. Egg whites are cheap and high in protein. Tofu, tuna, beans, pure protein bars are also good sources.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I'm a (trying to be) vegan. I drink at least 2 glasses of soymilk every day (8 oz=7 grams of protein). I LOVE peanut butter (1 Tbsp=4 grams of protein). I have oatmeal every day for breakfast (.5 cup=6 grams of protein). And I eat lots of fruits & veggies. I'm over on my protein every day.
  • Hello! My diet is basicall veggie too. What helps me Tofu, Tofu, Tofu and vegan burger etc. Good luck!
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Try boiling a dozen eggs at the start of the week and having a white or two (or the whole thing if you liek that) a day all week. It's easy and quick and (in my humble opinion) tastey!

    I eat two eggs most days and that helps me stay higher on my protein and they are so yummy and you can make them all sorts of ways. I usually opt for boiling them as well since it is super easy. And if you take a hardboiled egg, cut it up and mix in one wedge of garlic and herb laughing cow and out it on some bread you have a healthy egg salad sandwhich. So yummy. Just be careful with the laughing cow, it's a little high in sodium for one wedge.
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    Protein powder is the secret to your success - you can put it in yogurt, make a shake, make a low fat pancake batter with it, on and on. My doctor recommended, and I really prefer for taste and texture, Pro Complex - 30g of protein per scoop and it is yummy just shaking it up with water if that is what you have to do.
  • Keightisgr8
    Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
    EDAMAME. They're SO good :)
  • naturallykat
    naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
    Wow, so many replies so quickly! Thanks all, looks like I will definately have to give whey a go (I eat all those other things, but for some strange reason haven't had them much since starting MFP, so will re-introduce them).

    Regarding Whey, I try not to "do" stuff with loads of sweteners and additives, so I wouldn't want the protein shakes. What can I put with whey to make a nice smoothie or shake?

    Thanks (and sorry for sounding a bit dim)
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Can you eat fish? Tremendous health benefits (Omega-3s) besides protein in salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, cod, trout and mackerel.
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    Everyone on here has the right idea! Eggs, Peanut Butter, Greek yogurt and protein shakes are on my 'everyday eats' list! Also milk and nuts!!!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Non-meat protein sources I eat:
    Greek yogurt (Fage is my favorite)
    Beans (Black beans, Garbanzo beans (used to make hummus), etc.)
    Seitan (vegetarian protein made from wheat gluten - this is my favorite recipe: http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=606572 )
    Nuts (either raw, unsalted nuts or nut butter that has no added ingredients. My fav peanut butter is Krema brand)

    Less expensive Meat protein sources
    Canned Tuna - dolphin-safe tuna is more common than it used to be. Not sure what your "ethical" qualifications are
    Shrimp - not sure what counts as ethically harvested shrimp, but it's high in protien, low in fat.
    Eggs (here's a scorecard for various brands regarding how ethical/organic they are: http://www.cornucopia.org/organic-egg-scorecard/ )
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