

  • Thanks everyone! This is an older machine, so no the calorie thingy doesn't work unfortunately :( I work up a pretty good sweat on it... I will look into fatburn!! thanks so much! :D
  • my hubby is 6 ft and 175 and Skinny!!! they used to call him skinny skates... haha! so maybe your man just has no idea how to use a scale? LOL! idk... you know sometimes in my bathroom if I just move the scale over a half foot, I weigh 10 lbs less... Have him go to a doctor or to the gym and weigh in there and see what…
  • Thanks!! I gained about 5 new friends from t his.... I am still here.. if anyone else would like to join with me, please let me know or add me!!! thanks so much!
  • Well Congrats to those biggest Losers!!! :) you are all doing great! i didnt even weigh in this weekend... woops! just a crazy weekend with the holidays you know? sorry guys! i will weigh in next week.. i only lost .5 again anyways. >_< urgh.. i guess those bad days really got the best of me.. still having a hard time with…
  • Amy~ Thank you :) I really wanted it, but knew it wasn't possible.. oh well! Hey, I hope your cat returns :/ poor little guy (gabe) Melissa~ those are great goals! i know what you mean about the 4th.. I'm a sucker for overeating on the holidays!!! ugh! We can do it :D Megan~ I know how you feel about being the "fat one" in…
  • Congrats to last week's winners... which is everyone! haha,, we're all doing great! lets keep it up! last week altogether we lost over 40 lbs!!! (if i added in my head right lol) well as for my goals, last week i started a few books. i cant read one book at a time lol.. i get bored, and the books i started i didnt start at…
  • ok! newbie questions... what in tarnations does TOM and NSV mean? LOL!!! Check-in for the week!!!!!! 212.5! woop! didn't lose the 2 lbs.. but it was more than 1, 1.5 to be exact, so yee haw! Got a busy day planned today ladies.. I'll have to check back in and catch up on everything this evening :) You are all awesome! and…
  • wouldnt make your goal to be to lose more weight you know? you look great! you're down to a healthy bmi and weight for your height... i think someone else mentioned this.. but it would be good to make your goals more about the strength training and toning :) keep an eye on the scale just to maintain, but if it's not going…
  • lacey: great job on the work out! ive been wanting to try P90! and i know what you mean about why do we continue doing this to ourselves... idk! im sure over time it gets easier :/ pam: ive never heard of garlic scapes either.. are they the same as garlic cloves? O.o katie: awesome that those pants are loose! wow! i hope…
  • woo! look at your back! no rolls LOL! you look awesome!
  • that's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Missxlaur: Awesome job!!! :) Amy: yeah i try not to have cheat days either... i didnt really plan it, you know? just had a rough day :/ oh well.. im trying to get it back! so sorry about what you're going through with the insurance and all that running around :/ i hope you can hike up that mountain too girl! maybe you can…
  • Oh amy i hope they can help you out soon.. so sorry about the frustration with the doc >_< how irritating to have to go thru that... but i guess they do tend to have ppl coming in wanting pain meds, so they have to watch who they give them to. sad we all have to suffer for a few ppl's mistake! Victoria, the trail run…
  • it just means they are bumping the thread to the top so others can see it more readily than having to search pages and pages of threads for it ;)
    in "Bump"? Comment by manda2j June 2011
  • curious.. we're weighing in from friday to mondays right? do you all check in every day? how often do you think we should weigh in? sometimes i get frustrated checking the scale every day :)
  • Wow what a great a busy community!! haha! i will need to set aside some time later on to read thru and answer somethings,, right now i really gotta get a work out in.. i ate like crap today and just said "i don't care. i'll get back on it tomorrow." but i dont want to do that! too many days like that and you know what'll…
  • aww Jenn your puppies are adorable!!! and thanks ladies for the encouragement on the dates... they were something we've done randomly from time to time, but i'd like to get on it better.. i feel they are needing some mommy time you know? it's time for a new me! and it's exciting!!! the kiddos are not quite sure of the…
  • thanks! you're all prbly right... i have the habit of seeing that water glass on 8 and thinking im good for the day lol... and today was a hot day and i went out in the middle of the day with the sun beating down.. Stupid!! thanks for the tips... i'll remember them next time i want to up it a notch ;)
  • Aww! what a cute story! :)
  • I"m new too and also excited to be in an MFP community!! This is so awesome, and so helpful.. Mfp has been helping me so much to stay motivated. Anyways, my long term goal is also up in the air... i was 128 in high school.. but after 6 kids and now being 30, i just don't know if that should be my final goal, or what? so…
  • So sorry about that... been there done that, it's hard... i hope you find what you all need!! :)
  • So my goals for these 6 weeks would be to run a 5k in 30 minutes... right now i'm running it in about 40... to join some type of self improvement class, either online or irl, or just to start a book on self improvement (self worth) to get down to 200... that would be slightly over 2 lbs a week... to take each one of my…
  • Hi there! i'd love to join this challenge.. my C.W. is 214 my goal after the 6 weeks would be 200!!! How awesome it will be to finally reach that point... I am a momma of 6, have been overweight since after the 2nd... slightly mushy before the first two. lol i always thought i was chunky back then, but looking at pictures…
  • Awesome!!! Thank you! I should up the level of spiritual cleansing.. ive been really focused on the physical. :) Thank you!
  • i think a lot of people dont realize how easy it is... 8 oz is only a kid size cup!!! when they think 8 cups im sure they visualize the drinks you get at restaurants lol!!! fill up one of those 44 oz cups from a gas station and you're almost done for the day ;)
  • hmm, i was going to take my first progress pics after i hit 20..maybe i'll go ahead and just take a couple shots after 15.. just to see if there's anything noticeable! ;)
  • Yes I've watched Super why! haha! i have 6 kiddos and they love that one lol... Thanks for that! That's actually a pretty good idea! I do always tend to see the negative on things, and especially about myself.. it's a very bad habit! Exactly why my goals are to overall better myself: spiritually, physically, emotionally…
  • is there still time for this? i'd like to join a challenge :) My C.W was 214 last weekend... Goal by July 4th is 209 :)
  • bahahaha~! ur prof pic scared the bejeezus outta me... i only knew it was you by your orangatang quote :P