200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    In the south in the summer, it is hot and humid, which leads to a lot of afternoon/evening thunderstorms.

    The other week I was telling my dad I needed to find out how much it would cost to have a tree taken down. It's not a big tree, but it was dead. Apparently God gave me some free yard work cause when I went out in the yard yesterday to try to make lexi make her pees and her poops before the storm hit, I noticed the tree had COME OUT OF THE GROUND and was leaning against the branches of another tree. (it was kind of on a slope and it looked like the dirt around the base was too soft to hold it in place anymore)

    I was worried the wind from the upcoming storm would shove it around and make it break the fence, so I had to wrastle (yes, the southern version of wrestle lol) the thing to get it to lay down. The red arrow on the picture is roughly where it stood in the yard.

    now I don't know what to do with it LOL

  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy/Katie--NOW I feel better about my belly! My waist was actually getting a bit bigger as my fat seemed to loosen up & I was so frustrated b/c I knew I was working so hard & the scale was being my friend for once, so I was so confused!!

    Welcome to newcomers (Megan, Melissa, JustMe)! We're only one week in, and we always start a new challenge, so you can just hop right on over to that one when this one ends! Such fun!

    OK, I've been brave, or crazy, depending on how you wanna look at it. I joined another challenge for 30-somethings. The idea is for the month of July, to burn 3500 cal/week. If you do, your team earns 3 points, if you don't, they lose 3 points. The "losing" team has to post pics of themselves in their swimsuit (I'm hoping just on that thread, just in case I'm on the losing team). No slacking! Plus it motivates me to move, whereas before, I just kinda did it if I "had time" Now I have others depending on me, so I know I'll do better. :o)

    My one advantage is that next week for VBS, I lead the music & have to teach the kids all of the dance moves, by demonstration, so that's at least an hour of dancing a night for 4 nights!! I can get in some elliptical time on lunch here at work, but that leaves me the weekends to MAKE myself Zumba or something! :o) So crack the whip for me!! Maybe it'll make it a habit for me!

    Kendall-I'd find a friend with a chainsaw, or see if your paper has a bargain basement type add they'll let you run for free & advertise free firewood, for tree removed, something like that. Freecycle is a good website to list that kind of stuff too.

    Tammy-wow, what a rough weekend! Glad all is headed back on the right track! And yes, God is GREAT!!

    And now back to work...I'm getting better at finding a moment to get on here & still pound out enough work that the boss doesn't notice! Helps the typing skills! :-) TTYL!!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hey guys! Finally some quietish time in my life to do some responding to you beautiful people. Work is again, quite hectic this week. We had the regional team (so that work's out to be my boss' boss' boss' boss"... yeah... big wigs) in to walk our store yesterday, which is super nervewracking, so I spent a bunch of time Monday and early yesterday cleaning and getting all my ducks in a row. It went well for me, not for the rest of the store.... but none of the things they had issues with were in my control, so whatev.
    Yesterday was the first day of my distance running/P90X hybrid, so I ran 2 miles with a bunch of walking warm-up and cool down time, mostly because I felt weird only working out for 25 minutes without the walking, so I just kept walking until I got to 50 minutes. Today I did chest/back/ab ripper.... and for the first time, completed every single one of the ab ripper moves. No breaks. It hurt. I'm actually really excited about this program because Saturday will be a run day, and then Sunday will be either a tempo run day or a cross training day, so that makes it easy to keep up with working out when out of town. That's what I love so much about running. You can take it with you anywhere.
    Because of how much I've worked in the past 2 days, I MIGHT not have to work on Friday, and if I do, its going to be for 2-4 hours max. This is awesome news because we are driving up north (U.P. baby!) to my Uncle's cabin for the 4th. I don't know if I've told you guys this, but I'm somewhat obsessed with pie baking. I don't do it nearly as much as I used to (for obvious reasons), but I'm making 2 to take up north - a peanut butter pie that I've made a couple of times and then a blueberry-peach pie with pecan crumb topping that I have never made. So that's what I'll be doing on Friday until Chris gets out of work and we can head up north. I'm excited.

    Ok, enough about me, onto you!

    Karen, that challenge you joined sounds very fun/cool. I think that's awesome- the more motivation, the better!

    Kendal, I don't know why you aren't just muscling that tree into pieces. Aren't you a bad@ss now? :wink: I agree with Karen - put it on craigslist or put a sign in your yard. Someone will come for it. I have never been on a cruise and don't know if I would like it or not... I sort of fear enclosed spaces and also really don't like eating with strangers. But I've heard they are super super fun.

    Amy, I hear ya on feeling like you're not doing enough workout-wise. But you totally are! I was thinking that maybe the reason you're seeing some more loss is because you're taking it a little easier on your body. Maybe your body has finally realized that it can let go of stuff its been holding on to because it thought it needed to keep it around to fuel all the intense activity you were doing. I don't know why I'm suggesting something to you - you're the nutritional genius of the group. Thanks for the belly fat factoid... lately I have been freaking out that I am going to end up with loose skin on my belly when this is done - I have a stupid pouch that hangs down when I am doing pushups and I HATE it. I am so sorry about your cat drama. That sucks! Hopefully the cat comes home and you are stress free until the hubbs comes home for good.

    Lacey, I completely have Italy/Europe envy right now. That is SO amazing that you are going to get to do that. Its too bad Jeff won't be able to come with. But it sounds like you're gonna get Amy!

    missxlaur, thanks for the congrats on the loss. That's usually how my body works... I'll lost .2-1 pounds for like 3 weeks continously, and then after TOM, I drop between 3-5 pounds in one week. Its kinda cool.

    tammykoon, congrats on walking a full mile!!! That's a huge accomplishment!!! :flowerforyou:

    Victoria, good to hear from you, hope you're surviving the busyness, we miss you!

    Nava and Megan, I agree that my story is very similar. I was consistently about 175-190 pounds, and then I got this desk job, and met my husband, and before I knew it, I was 240. Stupid sitting at work, sitting at home, and eating all the time. Who knew that was bad for you? lol

    Laura, don't stress it too much and just try to be conscious of what you are eating while on vacation - we'll be here when you get back to whip you into shape! :happy:

    Katie, 40 pounds is awesome! Hopefully your scale lets you keep it. You are doing awesome at squeezing the workouts into your crazy schedule - I'm impressed! I hope everything gets figured out with your wife and the migraines. That sounds awful, and I'm sorry you guys are dealing with that.

    Jenn - I totally accepted your friend request! Thanks!

    Melissa, welcome, I think your goals are really great and completely achievable! I also have a goal of not being completely stupid with food over the 4th. I'm nervous.

    Sarah (wiggle), I agree with Amy, any loss is a loss, and something to be proud of. You earned that .1 pounds, woman!

    justme84x, welcome, tell us more about you!

    Manda, I think as long as you improve your 5k time, you're doing great. Just keep pushing it and you'll get there.

    Karen, I also have no sewing skills. I can sew buttons, mend some holes, that's pretty much it. In home ec I did make a pretty sweet giant sheep dog. His head fell off after about 2 weeks though. :blushing:

    Kristina, RUNNING! I'm so excited! I really, really, really want to be running with you and Victoria in October. So unless I get injured, which I'm going to do everything in my power to not let happen, I WILL be there. Are you already on a marathon training schedule? I started with a 10K training schedule and planned it out so that after the 10K I have I think 8 weeks of 1/2 marathon training to get me to October 16. I am so hopeful that you do the full. It would be awesome to see you achieve that.

    To everyone who lost - CONGRATS!!!! The hard work is paying off!
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    Amy~ Thank you :) I really wanted it, but knew it wasn't possible.. oh well! Hey, I hope your cat returns :/ poor little guy (gabe)
    Melissa~ those are great goals! i know what you mean about the 4th.. I'm a sucker for overeating on the holidays!!! ugh! We can do it :D
    Megan~ I know how you feel about being the "fat one" in the group.. all my husband's family are skinneee! it sucks! We'll be here for you to help you and encourage you as you lose this weight and keep it off for good!!
    Katie~ Thanks!! I know, I'm the same way, if I were to not hit that goal it would be so devastating... so glad that i caught it before I got too far in :) That is awesome about your weight Loss girl! That's amazing and such an inspiration!!! woop!
    navajoon~ that is awesome that you were able to overcome the temptation at the restaurant! way to go.. and especially on walking there! Go Green hahahaha!!
    tammy~ your walk sounds wonderful! i love scenery!! :)
    Lacey~ your idea to Kendal was awesome... make him take it LOL! and thanks on the encouragment... also, where is Brugge? lol i must have missed that post.
    Karem~ I miss VBS! Have a good time!
    Kerry~ thanks for the encouragement! i see that as well.. I am trying to reduce it..so far this week it's been hard.. my legs kill me soon after i start.. im hoping this passes! Also, yumm peanut butter pie! i couldnt make one, i'd eat it all! LOL!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hey all, just thought I'd pop in for a bit to cruise the thread. Congrats on everyone who lost this week--any loss is a victory! (Or so I keep telling myself.)

    My two weeks of hell at work are almost over. I finished off the audit response today so I'll fire that off to my manager in Winnipeg tomorrow. We're getting in a 28-sample project on Saturday that we want to rush through the lab so we can bill it for June so that means I get to work at least half a day this weekend. My husband is sulking about that because I'd initially said we would have the whole three-day weekend together, but we can use the money and I think I'll try to minimize my weekend hours. Probably work some OT next week just tying off loose ends before my vacation.

    I'm not sure what is up with my body but my loss seems to have stagnated. I suspect it's all the sugary and salty crap I've been eating lately, and I really need to get my act together on that. So far I've been maintaining all week so I'm not holding my breath for a big loss this week either, despite being under or close to my calorie goal every day for the past two weeks. I have a target deficit of ~750 calories and I've managed at least a 300 calorie daily deficit every day, and sometimes up to 850 so you'd think I'd see SOMETHING.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Week 6 day 1 of P90x is complete. Yeay. I really like the chest back triceps work out. it's all over the place and goes by fast and I like how utterly tired my upper body is for hours and hours afterwards. I did most of the AB ripper video too. Two things I just cannot do cuz of my lower back but I can feel my core getting stronger.

    I think tomorrow I'm going to do as much yoga as I can with my shoes on. At least the first 45 minutes of it. I'm in the mood for it.

    I got the bulk of my trip booked. Yeay! And the bestest part is that Amy is coming with go Paris and Brugge (Belgium). Double Yeay!!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Megan & Nava - I hear you with the desk job. I think that was how I got from 240 to 280 in just 1 year. That and going out to eat and having dessert all the time.

    Nava - I'm sure the walk burn at least some of dinner off. Sometimes I wish it were safe enough for me to walk or bike to work, just to burn the extra calories. It's only 2.5 miles one way, but no sidewalk or bike lane and a very dangerous stretch of road with lots of vehicular accidents. I hope you're enjoying England.

    Victoria - Glad to hear you're still with us at least in spirit. I hope life slows down for you soon.

    Kendal - Any news on the job yet? Cool for the free tree removal service. I'd chop it up for firewood, then have a cookout this fall.

    Tammy - Way to go on the 1 mile walk! I'm constantly amazed at how excited I get now over achievements made while working out. When I talk about them in real life, my friends and family think I've been abducted or something.

    Amy - Just a thought, but do you think backing off of the vigorous workout programs might be part of the weight loss you're seeing this week? I only say that because I keep reading where people tend to lose inches not pounds while doing P90X, Insanity, etc... I've also noticed that the weeks I hit the gym really hard 5 or 6 days in a row, I don't seem to see the scale move as much. Also, this past week I've only been going every other day and I'm seeing a bunch of weight loss this week.

    Karen - I know what you mean. I was so excited about the 40 lbs lost, but my belly seems like it has gotten bigger. I'm feeling much better about it now. Ah, pictures in a bathing suit? I'm feeling less self-conscious about my body, but I'm still not crazy about the spare tire while in my bathing suit. That would definitely be motivation to get the 3500 calories burned each week.

    Kerry - I hope you have fun at the cabin!

    Sarah (thes) - I hope the scales move for you!

    Lacey - Yay for Europe trip!

    Check-in for Wednesday... 2024 burned / 1998 consumed / 26 deficit - No exercise, probably would've been better if I didn't eat the breadstick and chocolate cake at dinner. But, damn it I haven't had chocolate cake in a long while.

    I need to vent... I can't stand it when there are two people that are in a relationship together and EVERYONE knows it is an unhealthy relationship, i.e. one of them keeps breaking it off and going back to their ex but comes back a couple weeks later to the point where they haven't been a couple for more than 3 months at a time. Then after 9 months of that, they get MARRIED!? and everyone is suppose to be happy for them and pretend like everything is fine. Are you F***ING kidding me? :angry: You know it isn't going to last, but you still have to buy them a damn present and go to the sham that is the wedding. :grumble: To make matters worse, the one that is putting up with this crap from their partner is jealous of your healthy relationship so they keep trying to put a wedge between you and your partner. :explode: Plus, the unhappy individual psycho-stalks your partner/spouse because they used to be/are friends AND all four of you work at the same place! :mad: (Yes, *kitten* drama does exist.) There are MANY reasons why I'm ready for us to move to Chicago. This is quickly moving to the top of the list. /rant

    BTW the scale tease did NOT happen today/yesterday whatever you consider it. It actually went down another 0.2 lbs. :smile:

    Edit to add: We had to have dinner tonight with this other couple and two other mutual friends. I made sure I was looking damn fine and super sexy with my 40 lbs lost! :devil:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Check in for Wednesday: 2694 calories burned/ 1801 calories eaten/ 893 deficit.

    Katie: OMG, that drama with the frenemy is horrible. I had the "joy" of a similar experience with my brother and his on again, off again girlfriend about 11 years ago. They aren't together anymore (haven't been for years) but now they have an 11 year old daughter who has been caught between them multiple times. I had a really hard time faking excitement for them. It's awesome, though, that you were looking HOT at dinner with that particular couple.

    Lacey: I like the Chest/Back/Triceps workout. Yay for Paris & Bruges!!! (it drives me insane the the spelling for that city is Bruges or Brugge - I keep looking it up and seeing both spellings)

    Sarah: I have A LOT of experience with weight loss slowing down for no good reason. I wish I could tell you how to fix it but everyone is different. For me, I play with calories (both up & down), cut out processed foods and changed my exercise. I hope it passes soon. Remember, your tape measure is your friend - you'll still be shrinking even if your scale isn't cooperating.

    Kerry: My scale is REALLY liking me so far this week. I'm at about 4.5 pounds lost AND it's my TOM. I honestly DO think it's the lessening of the exercise intensity. I have no scientific evidence to back that up but it HAS to be the answer. Your pies sound terrific!

    Karen: Your new challenge sounds fun. I don't know about posting pics of myself in a swimsuit. I hope your team WINS!

    Kendal: YAY for free yard work! I keep wishing the sheep across the street would come over and gnaw on my uber-long grass and I'd get free yard work but they seem to be content with their pasture so I guess I'm gonna have to pull out my retarded lawnmower this weekend. Dangit.

    When I got up this morning, Gabe didn't want to go for a walk so me & Sofie took off at a trot. My first "run" in a while. I didn't go very fast and my foot seems to be pretty ok. I stayed up last night waaaayyyy late looking at train tickets to Paris and to Bruges and then I got all wrapped up in looking at things to do and before i knew it, it was 1 am. I need a nap.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Wed check-in 3086 burned and exercise was hour long bike ride... Life is getting crazier. Unexpected company up this weekend. Every weekend in July is filled with company.

    Kendal - see if Mr. Reunion has a chain saw... Nothing hotter than a man with a saw.

    Amy and Lacey - drooling in jealousy!!!

    Thanks Lacey!!! I can't wait to read the books.

    Kerry and Kristina - I hope we get to meet up in Detroit (Hallie too)...

    Gotta run and shower - my first clients at 8am.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Ok - I know it's not weigh in day but I just wanted to say.......

    I'M NOT OBESE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Ok - I know it's not weigh in day but I just wanted to say.......

    I'M NOT OBESE ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    CONGRATS!!! :bigsmile: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    I completely think that stupid BMI is a bit ridiculous, because I've seen pictures, and there is NO way anyone would have looked at you recently and thought you were obese. You are doing so great, and are a huge inspiration to the rest of us! You should celelbrate! With carrots! <---- my attempt at sarcasm on MFP... you know, cuz you really should celebrate with cake. Or booze. But that would just defeat the purpose of all of this, now wouldn't it?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    AMY- OMG YYAAAAAAYYYY!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I don't have time to read everything this morning....skimmed through and read the responses directed at me though. Mr. Reunion came over again last night and was talking about that tree....I think he's going to take care of it for me without me having to ask lol. No news about the job yet. Every day that passes, I expect to get an email that says "thanks but no thanks."

    Today is my podiatrist appointment. I think my blood pressure is gonna be high cause I'm so anxious about it. I'm not a fan of needles and to already be told that it's going to burn does not help me relax any.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: Mr. Reunion sounds like a keeper. Any guy who does something before you ask (and when he doesn't even HAVE to) is freaking awesome!!!!

    Kerry: Yeah, I think the BMI is kind of lame but I'm totally stoked to just be "overweight". I DID celebrate with CARROTS!!! How funny! I'll celebrate with Italian wine in Italy with The Hubbs next week- but I'll be reasonable. :happy:
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy--WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!! So awesome!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Kendal-I want a Mr Reunion that does stuff before I ask!! I have to beg the hubby as it is to get crap done! Good luck with the Dr Appt!

    Katie-sorry for drama!! Yay for scale non-tease! (Did that make sense?)

    Quick skim, sorry if I missed someone!

    Yeah, the bathing suit is def an incentive to WORK!! Though mine is one of those good ones that "hides" a lot of the bad stuff! I guess I have a final goal of wearing a "normal" bathing suit again, not one with a skirt & extra material that makes me think of MY mother!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - let me know what you find for Paris and Brugge. I HAVE to stay off the internet as much as possible today lol. I spent too much time figuring out plane tickets yesterday, and I still need to book the room for Brugge...and then one for Paris soon too! lol.
    YEAY for not being obese anymore!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love: :heart:

    Karen - ohhhh that IS a good incentive to keep working out!!

    Kendal - I hope the cortizone shot works, don't blame you on the big needle in the heel though..ick. Even me with my many tattoos would have major issue with that.

    OH Katie - that **** would drive me effing bonkers. I have had some major relationship drama dating a guy whom I worked with in my early twenties...EVERYONE knew what was going on. It didn't help that he was also boinking his "ex" girlfriend the whole time we were together (which I am embarrassed to admit was almost 2 years). I cried myself to sleep every night, but could not get away from him for a long time, just couldn't bring myself to do it. What a little fool I was. But yeah, frenemy and douchery drama is NO good!

    Sorry ladies that is all I can see on here...I've GOT to get some work done today. HAVE TO.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Also I think this new OTC sinus congestion pill I am taking is making my nose all effed up. I keep smelling this perfumey BO type scent. I can't tell if its my soap, deodarant or that I stink. lol. Its gross. I want to shove some mint leaves up my nose.
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    Hi! I would love to join! My name is Kenya and I am trying to get healthy. I've gained over 80lbs since the birth of my oldest and it has made my life miserable. I'm ready to get my life back. I started my weight loss journey at my heaviest of 220lbs. Since starting MFP, I've lost 38lbs.

    Hello all! It's time for a new 6-week challenge to begin with our group!

    Some general info:
    -This challenge lasts 6 weeks
    -We weigh in Fridays-Monday mornings, please post to the thread
    -I'll post everyone's weights by Tuesday and announce the week's biggest loser!
    -Some of us have been together for over a year and a half!
    -We always welcome new members. We just ask that you introduce yourself, tell us a little about you, goals, etc. And just right into the conversation
    -Let us know what your goals are for this challenge. They don't have to be weight-related.
    -If you miss two weeks (either don't weigh in, or let us know you won't be), I'll take you off the list-- it's too hard to keep up with everyone!

    My next post will be the final chart for "Summer Meltdown" challenge. If you're a returning member, I'll use your final weight for that challenge as starting weight for this one.

    ETA: the challenge will end the weekend of July 29th
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I'm taking a few min of ME time to reply to you lovely ladies!!!

    Welcome to Kenya and any other new members I may have missed:flowerforyou:

    Lacey - LOL. I'm sure you smell fine.

    Amy - CONGATS!!!! You Rock!!! I'm praying for your kitty. I hope he comes home soon.

    Katie - Rolls eyes at the drama. One of my best friend's is gay and he always has drama going on. His husband's sister just moved in with 3 kids (14, 9 and 3)... At least the drama couple hasn't had to move in with you. He hates kids. All I could do was give him my sympathies. Good luck on moving sooner rather than later. So sorry to hear about the wife's problems. I'll keep her in my prayers... Congrats on reaching the 40 pound goal and I bet you were smoking hot at the dinner!!!

    Kendal - if you don't keep Mr. Reunion, send him my way!!! And I've been relatively happily married 20 years but have to pull teeth to get DH to do most things (except for this friggin' yard work since his parents will be here in 2 weeks)... Hope the doctor visit went well.

    Jenn(doit) - sorry, I don't have time for Twitter. It's all I can do to read facebook and this thread. I'm sure packing burns lots of calories.

    Karen - posting pics of me in a swim suit would NOT happen so I'd avoid the challenge with a 10 foot pole. Good Luck!!!

    sarah(thes) - cant wait to have you back from HE!!...

    Tammy - the walk sounds fantastic!!! Glad you're feeling better...

    Laura - enjoy your vacation and get back on the bandwagon when you return. Did you find a scale?

    Nava - England sounds wonderful!!! Enjoy your trip.

    Manda - Good luck getting the kids out on their dates. I think that's such a cool idea. I've been running for a 18 months and my last 5K was 36:45. I'm happy to just finish any race I compete in. I'm running a 10K this weekend in a small town and will probably be dead last (again)... But as my biking friend says - look at all the people that didn't even try to run it (her husband will be running with me)...

    Kerry - wave to me when you pass exit 310 in Indian River... I live 35 min east of the exit. Enjoy the UP and you're brave to traverse the traffic this weekend. I'm staying home to enjoy my yard and family...I will go over to mom's since the crazy down staters (better than calling them fudgies) on her lake all bring up great fireworks. What better way to enjoy the 4th than drinking wine/beer on her lake and getting a free show. I bow down to you on completing P90X. I made it through 30 days but missed running too much to do the whole thing. Maybe this winter I'll try your hybrid version.

    Megan - welcome to the group. Where do you live in Arkansas? I have a cousin in Bentonville and plan to visit her next spring and run the Walmart 1/2 marathon. I've never been there.

    Melisa - welcome to the group. If you take a 10 to 15 min break every 2 hours of studying to do something physical such as Zumba, walk, etc. You will retain more and feel better. On the weekends when I'm trying to catch on my work paperwork, I work 2 hours then take an hour to clean, do yardwork or exercise. It really helps clear my head.

    HELP: Having replied to the above I am now thinking - why am I doing this? Who, exaclty, will care whether I succeed? Who will notice (when it seems even I wont)? And, what is success - can't decide on a weight and obviously have such a skewed body image will always consider myself flabby?? Oh joy. What did I start with - Happy Tuesday? - think this has just crumbled...
    I still think I'm fat even after 50 pounds lost but I'm amazed when I see new pictures of myself. Success is how you feel not a specific weight. I'm happy with where I am. I thought I wanted 140 when I started but at 188 to 190, I feel good and am happy with myself and wearing 14s. I'm just not motivated to do more right now. My husband actually cares and comments on the difference in how I look and what I can physically do now that I couldn't do 2 years ago. It rocked when he said "how'd you pull that cart, it was heavy?"... My legs are strong from running. I hope you find the motivation you need. (((((((((big hug))))))))))

    sarah(wiggle) - great job on getting an new personal best running time!!! Your husband sounds fantastic :)

    Kristina - enjoy that vacation. Let us know if you meet up with Kendal!!! Did Emma go with you? How's the dating life?

    Pam - small victories add up. 3 min of running is better than non. I remember my first 3 min run and how I almost died.

    Allie - sorry to respond so late by here goes...

    1) How do you cope with the urge to eat to suppress emotions? My excess eating is from boredom. I try to avoid my trigger foods such as chips. If they aren't in the house, I don't eat them. I make a list for the grocery store and try to stick to it. Thankfully, I'm not a sweets person. Air popped popcorn is my go to food when I can't stand it and have to eat something. 60 cal for 4 cups. Add some Mrs. Dash and garlic - oh so good.

    2) What do you look forward to each day? petting my kitties. They are my surrogate children. I really do love my job and helping people. My secret enjoyment is yardwork esp digging in the dirt but please don't let my DH know....

    3) What is the most important change to weightloss you have made so far? Learning what a portion size is and reading food labels. I weigh everything in grams now... I couldn't live without my food scale.

    4) What is one of your internal strengths that is supporting your weight loss journey? Believing in myself. Knowledge is the key to life and MFP has made me aware of what I need to do to loose weight. I love to learn.

    5) Who is the first person you will call when you reach your goal weight? My mom - she's been my inspiration and motivation. DH will probably hear me scream for joy and start making out with Mr. Scale...

    I've now lost an hour of yardwork time and DH is hounding me to get outside. I'll try to catch up more later. Hugs to all I missed.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    @pinbotchick- I live in Little Rock (central AR). Bentonville is a very family oriented town (home of Wal-Mart!) and it's BEAUTIFUL up there. Northwest AR is beautiful year round, especially spring and fall. Have fun up there as the weather should be perfect!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    It is now Thursday evening and having crumpled Tuesday morning I can honestly say I the experience has made me realise what tremendous strides I ahve made over the past few months (without setting specific goals - because I was not aware of what I needed!)

    Amy, Katie, Lacey and Victoria: thank you so very much for being there. For me to express what I was feeling in real time (as Tuesday) and have you guys care enough to respond in such a short time and with such kindness, is amazing for me and I am so very grateful.

    Amy: You are right. I should care more about myself - and is one of the goals I should be working on to set myself. I have always felt so guilty doing things just for me (and scared), that it is something I have avoided. However. This has got to, and is going to change. My health is important - for both me and my family - and I need to make sure I give my (ageing) body the best possible chance. I have to go to my GP every two months for a check and was there today. Among other things I asked about wieght, with the response - another 14lbs lost would be good, 21lbs - very good. I have decided 'very good' is the one I want and am going to think no more about it. 21lbs is the goal. What I look like at that is of minimal import. What I feel like at that needs to be worked on.

    Katie: Having you lot here has stopped me falling into the pit of discouragement. I was on the verge on Tuesday - but did not take that final step. Knowing that you lot care has become very important to me and is helping me to think and work through things I would normally avoid. You are right - goals are not meant to torture us - and by worrying about what they should be has been torture. When I think back over life there are few things I would do differently and I am happy with how life is going. Yes I need some goals - but this will come in time and do not need to be the 'wow' things I have been punishing myself to find, but one small step at a time.

    Lacey: Thank you. The whole thing is a process and is part of the huge changes that are being made within life. I was defintiely over thinking on Tuesday and it is very heartening to know that you would throw your hands up if you were doing the same. All of my choices are done by me. I can control them and they are part of my life - my life is not just a by product left to me after what I can do for others.

    Victoria: "success is how you feel - not a specific weight". Thinking on this I am beleiving success is just that - how you feel. None of the other things can top this. Your big hug has been warmly received and I WILL find the motivation required.

    I worry sometimes, that I may be too open about how I am feeling but this is so what I need to be doing. I hope it does not get on anyones nerves or is considered too self indulgent. Just say and I will reign it in.........

    Lacey/Amy: I have never been to Paris but could possibly make it on a day trip. When are you thinking of coming over and if possible (which I really don't know yet) would you be up for me joining you?

    Sleep well all.

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