200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    hi Ladies!

    So quickly while I remember from looking at this thread very fast:

    Ashley, 40B is a similar problem. Luckily the sister size is a 38C which VS does carry and is usually fairly doable!

    Lacey, if you go to Bruges, I'll be SO jealous. I went there in 2004 and it was seriously one of the prettiest places I've ever been to. We stayed at a little hotel that rented us bikes too so we were able to bike around town... too damn cute.

    Allie, I saw your questions, so I'll answer them!

    1. How do you cope with the urge to eat to suppress emotions?
    Sometimes I still have an issue with this. If I have a really bad day, I want ice cream like wow. I think the trick (for me anyway) is to not have it in the house. Instead of ice cream, I have stupid little Flavor-ice bars that are 25 calories a stick, or pomegranate juice popsicles at 75 cals. Sure, they're not the same, but they're usually close enough to get me past the brooding.

    2. What do you look forward to each day?
    Coming home to my puppy and on most days my boyfriend and (TMI) the no-pants dance where I fling off the day's pants and wander around in a t-shirt at home. Of course, pants come back on if I go out. Unfortunately.

    3. What is the most important change to weightloss you have made so far?
    The biggest help for me I think has been bringing my meals to work. Before, I was going out every day. This was a killer on the calories AND the wallet.

    4. What is one of your internal strengths that is supporting your weight loss journey?
    Hmm, this is a hard one. I don't think I know, really. I go through phases where I'm really motivated, and then not so much. I'm trying to stay in the really motivated range this time. It's a super big bonus whenever my boyfriend tells me how sexy I look, or when I see old clothes fitting again... Not really an internal strength, but it's kinda my experience.

    5. Who is the first person you will call when you meet your goal weight?
    The Betsey Johnson store at the Houston Galleria to let them know I'm on my way.

    So, as for me... It is HOT AS BALLS in Oxford/England right now. Yesterday was a warm 80-something, which is a break from Houston, but normally in Houston I'm inside basking in A/C and instead I was wandering around town for ages. Today it was a bit cooler, but was a trade for crazy humidity. Seriously, even my keratin treatment is suffering to keep up. The hotel is I guess more traditional, so no A/C here either. And the office today was crazy hot too! It's been a non-stop sweat-a-thon for me.

    That being said, I've done a fairly decent job at eating well so far. For dinner yesterday and today I had a very basic fish with potatoes and veggies, so I'm proud of myself for that. Lunch today was a simple mac n' cheese with a salad, so that's not the best but not awful either. I've been informed though that Jamie Oliver has an Italian joint here in town so I'm going to be forced to give that a whirl tomorrow night I think!

    Still, I love it here. London is one of my favorite places in the world, but I'd never really had a chance to go much outside it except for trips to the little town of Northampton to see my dad's cousin, so I'm really loving this trip to Oxford. Thursday night after the audit's over, I'll be taking a train to London to stay with the fam, and they've planned out a packed family related schedule for me, so that's nice too.

    Hope everyone's doing well! Sorry I didn't have time to go through and do more individual responses.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Amy - I keep hearing about Go the F*** to Sleep. I need to find it online.

    Victoria - Hope all is going well.

    Kendal - I love new matching bedding. Need to add that to the list of things I'd like to buy when we have extra money. I hope you hear something soon about the job and that it is good news!

    Lauren - It took me a lot longer than other people to see and believe the changes my body has made. When I pass by the full length mirror, I do find myself spending a bit more time (which basically means pausing at all) looking at parts of my body I've never really looked at in the past. I am still constantly amazed when I see a new smaller number on the scale or fit into something I haven't worn in years. To be honest though, the past couple months were tough for me because I was constantly worried that it wasn't real and that I was just going to step on the scale one day and it would all be back. Something has recently clicked in my brain though (don't know what) and I'm becoming very comfortable with my own body again. I've bypassed some milestones I've not hit in the past and I'm becoming extremely confident that I CAN do this. My body WIL some day, in the foreseeable future, reflect the person I am on the inside. Don't get me wrong, it is still a struggle and I still have my bad moments and days, but overall I'm much happier. Lauren, YOU can do this!

    Karen - You are amazing! Way to go on the weight loss.

    Pam - I hope your back feels better soon.

    Kerry - :drinker: I bow down to your greatness.

    Amy & Karen - I'm really glad you brought up topomax. The wife was put on it last year and she is having some of the "stupid" side effects along with a number of others. We're a little worried that the problem surgery was suppose to solve last year was coming back, got the MRI results back this morning and that doesn't seem to be the problem. Have either of you notices any other symptoms, i.e. dizziness, trouble swallowing?

    Lacey - I'm super jealous of your trip to Italy. I'd love to come but I'm still trying to come up with the money for my booked trip to Ireland next spring.

    Sarah (thes) - Hi. We need a little smiley that waves.

    Nava - I'm with you on the no A/C. I spent two summers in Maine and was quite surprised when the producing director told me to add "Theatre is air conditioned" to the ads I had to create. It did suck a bit a times, because my housing and office were not. I'm excited to hear you are enjoying England though and will get to see some things.

    Check-in for Sunday... 2158 burned / 1161 consumed / 997 deficit - No exercise, low intake due to sleep messed up again.

    I don't know why, but I'm having difficulty acknowledging the fact that the clothes in my closet no longer fit me. I was wearing a basic tank top (not the spaghetti strap type) to work out the other day and its so big the straps were sitting just off BOTH of my shoulders. This is unusual for me as I have wider shoulders to begin with. I just kept pulling them back up and the thought that I need to retire the top never really crossed my mind. For some reason, I'm also desperately holding on to a couple pair of knit pants that are just WAY to big on me. I don't know if I'm afraid I'm just going to gain it all back and new clothes would be a waste or if I'm just being frugal. I know the couple times I've gone shopping I keep telling myself I should just wait until I'm down one more size. Why am I having such a hard time buying new clothes? You'd think I'd be excited.

    Edit: Because I can't proofread BEFORE I click submit.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    :frown: I've been to Mexico, Grand Cayman and the Bahamas, but I've never been on a plane or to Europe or anywhere cool. I wanna go!!

    Katie- I have the SAME PROBLEM about buying clothes. Especially since I'm not used to being smaller. It takes a lot longer to try on clothes and figure out what fits, whats too big and what can be a "goal" outfit.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I have the hand tingling...on rare occasions. BUT, I have carpal tunnel as well, so my nerve endings have always been wonky. The weight loss...not so much, hair, yes, weight, no, not til I started working at it. I have a few mood swings now & again that can't be attributed to TOM, but less now that when I was first on it. I would prefer not to be on it, but I was getting them one a month or more, so I had to do something so that work would excuse me for missing when I had them. Even ON it...I still have them every 2-3 months. But they're milder, so less difficult to recover from.

    To be honest, I have NO idea how that much weight came off this weekend. I did exercise more than normal, but I also ate like CRAP!! And I didn't drink nearly enough water, so WTH??

    I would LOVE to take a trip outside the US. Someday maybe. For now, with so many munchkins, sticking closer to home is what I must do! :o) Being half broke doesn't help either! Anybody know any REAL jobs I can do from home for extra work?

    Kerry-you're awesome to be P90X graduate!

    Somebody has GOT to make me remember to call the company that I bought my scale from! I keep forgetting & I want one that works AT HOME!!

    Katie-I'm at least, on what clothes I can, taking them in. I add darts & stitches here & there, so I don't get rid of the clothes (I hate getting rid of stuff anyway) but I don't look like a hobo! :o)

    I know there are people I should have responded to from WAY back, but I just don't have the mental energy to read back that far. I'll TRY to keep up better!!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I love that this group has so many world travelers! Please friend request me if you're planning on posting pictures of your travels; I want to be jealous. :smile:

    Nava, I empathize -- when I went to England in 2003 they were having a heat wave...it really made me appreciate air conditioning! I loved it so much out there that it was the only bad part of my trip though. Have fun!

    Lacey, a trip to Italy sounds awesome! Now THAT will be some great food. And you can't beat Oktoberfest in Germany!

    Amy, yay for a productive day! I love that feeling. You must be crazy excited about Naples too!

    Kerry, congratulations on being a P90X grad! Your pounds and inches lost are amazing, and really inspiring!

    Kendal, I'm right there with ya about the man smell thing...my bf laughs when he notices me coming in to catch a whiff. :laugh:

    Crystal, congrats on the good eating day! Hope Charlotte is feeling better.

    Katie, that's great about the homemade pizza thing! That's great resolve. I broke down and had the real thing this weekend and felt guilty...but I did only have 2 slices, which is better than my usual 3 or sometimes 4, so that made me feel a little better....next time I should do what you did though.

    Hallie, congrats on a good weigh-in! Hope everything works out with your diploma.

    I had a total "case of the Mondays" today. It seems like almost every muscle has some amount of ache, I've got the Monday tiredness going on, and I was slammed at work. But here's the upside -- I did my run/walk tonight anyway AND I have moved up to being able to jog for 3 minutes straight! I know it's not much, but being able to advance my jogging on a day that I wasn't sure I could even get my butt on the treadmill felt good. Small victories. :smile:
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Yet another crazy day at work. I'll be glad when the coworker I'm covering for gets back from vacation (Monday). He can do his own damned job. I'm counting down til my own vacation... 8 more work days. And the three-day weekend this weekend can't come soon enough. We have tentative plans for Canada Day with some friends--a potluck style bbq, so we'll probably volunteer to bring a salad or veggie tray and the buns. My husband will make the buns--he's back to baking again and I'm horribly spoiled. He made bread last week, pretzels last week, bagels this morning, and is making pizza for dinner right now.

    My workout today kicked my butt. I suppose that's a good thing. I think I overdid it with my left shoulder, though. I used weights instead of a band for one of the exercises and it's been complaining ever since.

    I'd love to respond to everyone but I quite simply don't have the mental energy.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Boy Legs and Back kicked my *kitten* tonight. I'm sure its because I haven't done it in three weeks now I think. I had no prob getting through the program before this. Yowza, I had to stop well before each move was up tonight! I was sweating up a storm. Will be interesting to see how many cals I burned when I hook up my BMF tomorrow morning.

    Tomorrow I will reply to everyone. I am tired!

    Oh - Kendal how did you go to all those places but not get on a plane? Do cruiseline laeve from NC? I So know nothing about the east coast.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Hey y'all! I'm back.

    Lacey: I fit in a suitcase, and I'll go to Italy with you! You'll have to carry me on though...the unpressurized luggage compartment is bad for the lungs.

    Katie: go shopping, girl. No one wants a wardrobe malfunction. ask me about running in leggings that are too big sometime...

    Pam: I totally had the "Monday's" today too. I didn't think I was going to make it through the day.

    Kerry: You are my hero. I did P90X too...for about 10 minutes.

    Sarah (thes): Awesome on the workout. Ice that shoulder and you should be in business tomorrow with the BAND...not the weight. ;)

    NSV: I beat my personal best running time again tonight. I felt like a ROCKSTAR. I only did 2 miles though, so that is prolly why they were faster. I knew I'd be done quicker if I just ran it. My case of the "mondays" was so bad it looks like a bomb went off in my house. Toys everywhere, dinner not made, dishes in the sink. I didn't care. And I was NOT running. But my sweet husband came home, looked around and said, (No kidding): What the hell happened in here? I snarled something mean and he kicked me out the door with my running shoes. When I got home, dishes done, toys picked up, and dinner made. Kids were eating. WAHOO!

    I'm sorry I haven't weighed in. I have to find a scale...I sent mine away for mental clarity. I'll post tomorrow. I promise.
  • TanyaDL
    TanyaDL Posts: 54
    Hey Kendal Bee! My weigh - in is : 257... 0 gain, 0 lost
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everybody.

    In an attempt to strt catching up with you all, thought I would respond to the 'direct' questions first:


    1) How do you cope with the urge to eat to suppress emotions?

    This has been a difficult one as eating has been my emotional outlet. However, I have finally managed to get to the stage where the cupboards/fridge has healthier things to binge on - if absolutely necassary - and I give myself permission to do it. i.e. find the behaviour happening, have that metnal discussion with myself to acknowedge a) what I am doing b) why I am doing it and c) that it is okay. With permission, the binge is not as much 'fun' and they are dramatically reducing in number and length.

    2) What do you look forward to each day?

    Sadly, I am stil working on this one. Spent all of my life 'hiding' in work, all that comes with 'needing to be perfect' and almost workaholic obsessionalism. There are now lots and lots of things I enjoy and I love meeting my daughter each morning - be that her waking me up at 5:15 or me waking her at a more reasonable hour when she continues (at almost 12) to be soooo cute and cuddly. I love my husband getting home from work, daughter home from school, but am still working on being okay doing things 'just for me'.

    3) What is the most important change to weightloss you have made so far?

    Have found someone to exercise with - has mad all the difference.

    4) What is one of your internal strengths that is supporting your weight loss journey?

    Still working on this one. Possibly survival instinct. Most important external factor - God - my life has and is continuing to change so much and I have so much to be thnkful for.

    5) Who is the first person you will call when you reach your goal weight?

    I don't know. Have been unable to decide on a goal - although I now have a longer term one than originally and can think of no-one who would be that interested, as it is generally seen as no big deal as I should have 'controlled myself' in the first place. Daughter wants me to have a flat stomach - therefore not weight related per se, and hubby has always loved whatever version of me he is presented with. Why is it I am doing this??????

    Lauren: with regard to transforming body - 14lbs gone - not alot of difference noticed (thought I was overweight at point ribs were sticking out so perhaps no surprise there then)

    HELP: Having replied to the above I am now thinking - why am I doing this? Who, exaclty, will care whether I succeed? Who will notice (when it seems even I wont)? And, what is success - can't decide on a weight and obviously have such a skewed body image will always consider myself flabby?? Oh joy. What did I start with - Happy Tuesday? - think this has just crumbled...
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Annette: I know that WE will care whether you succeed or not. And YOU care about you too (and if you don't, you really should). It's ok if you goal isn't as well articulated as you think it should be. Maybe your goal can be something unrelated to the scale (to be able to run a certain distance or to do a certain number of pushups) or something related to your health (to be a healthy BMI or have your cholesterol or blood pressure at a certain number). This journey we are on isn't necessarily about being a size 4 or seeing a particular number on the scale. It's about our health and quality of life and I am absolutely positive that your DH and daughter care about your health. Take it from someone whose health has been a constant battle, you want to stay healthy as long as you possibly can.

    Sarah (wiggle): My Hubbs knows that my mood is directly linked to whether or not I got exercise that day. If, for some reason, exercise hasn't been had - it totally shows in my mood and he will make me do something for HIS sanity. I think it's super cool that yours took care of the house & kids while you were getting your work-out on!

    Sarah: It's cool that your DH is baking again but I'm glad it's in your house and not mine. Baked goods like bread & pretzels are a downfall for me (I CANNOT have just one and be done). It calls to me until it's gone. I am proud of myself that when I made English Muffin bread a couple of weeks ago, I threw one of the loaves in the freezer rather than eat it and now that it's in the fridge, I can almost ignore it.

    Pam: I hope Tuesday is better than Monday was for you.

    Katie: I also had dizziness as a side effect of Topomax and though I didn't have trouble swallowing, I have heard that it can be a side effect of that drug. I'm sorry that your wife is going through all that. Maybe her doc can switch her to something else. Is she taking it for migraines or seizures? (the does for seizures is much higher than for migraines so she'd be more likely to have side effects)

    Nava: The lack of A/C in Europe is a total pain in the butt for the short amount of time that it actually does get hot here (like right now, it's 85 and not even noon yet). Enjoy the rest of your trip!!!

    Lacey: I would be ridiculously happy to see Belgium. I hear Brugges is absolutely gorgeous (everyone here says we simply MUST go see it - it's like a story book, but I haven't made it out there yet.) They also have some KILLER chocolate. I'm also down with anywhere you wanna go. I haven't been up to Berlin, it's been a LONG time since I hit Munich, I love anywhere in Austria or Switzerland and while France isn't at the top of my list, I still plan on getting there sometime before I leave. I've also been to Holland but not to Amsterdam so I'd be down with that too. Dude, wherever you end up, I'll meet you there. :happy:

    I stayed up till 2 am on Skype with The Hubbs (I really hate when he's on shift work and is only awake when I should be asleep). Then, when I woke up it was already too hot to take my poor puppy for a walk (she's a Bernese Mountain dog so she's huge and has a double coat of fur - poor puppy - she doesn't do well with the heat) so me & The Kid went on a 45 minute bike ride. I think my booty is getting a tolerance to The Hubbs' bike seat as I thought I'd be in a bit of pain but I wasn't. Now I'm gearing up for my daily dose of Zumba! I peeked at the scale (stupid, I know as I am on my TOM) and it had pretty fan-freaking-tastic news for me. After WEEKS stuck somewhere in 197-limbo, i was 195.8 this morning. Now it's not an official weigh in day but it made me SOOO happy to see it that I HAD to share. Have a good one ladies!!!!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Kendal - Hopefully, we can get over this aversion to clothes buying.

    Karen - I've considered the alterations option, but my sewing skills are minimal. I can do buttons, hem, and follow simple patterns, but altering stuff has always been a problem. That was the big reason I stopped sewing as patterns never fit me right and every time I tried to alter the pattern to fit me it just looked horrible.

    Pam - The small victories are what lead to big victories.

    Sarah (thes) - Yay for vacation coming up soon. I'm jealous about the baking. If baking or cooking is going to happen in our house, more than likely I'll be the one doing it.

    Sarah (wigglentwink) - We get paid on Thursday. If there is anything left of the paycheck after bills I probably going to Target. They're having a sale on workout clothes. Way to go on the run. BTW I love your husband.

    Tanya - Don't get discouraged, at least it wasn't a gain.

    Annette - Please don't get discouraged. The most important reason you are doing this is for your health. The most important person you are doing this for is you. As Amy said, we care about you and whether or not you succeed. IMO success is what will make you happy without jeopardizing your health and well-being. Again, as Amy said that doesn't mean it has to be clothes or scale related. The other thing to keep in mind is that there is nothing wrong with your goal changing. If you begin striving for one goal and halfway there decide that it isn't important to you any longer, scrap it and start again. Goals are NOT meant to torture us and make us feel shame. Goals are meant to keep us from becoming stagnant. They are meant to make us grow as individuals and as human beings, to become more than what we are currently. Don't stress about it, there is nothing wrong with taking your time.

    Amy - The wife had a stroke-like event (facial droop, slurred speech, bilateral paralysis, the whole she-bang) last April that the neurologist thinks was a migraine phenomena. She was only 32 at the time. After the event, her migraines went from 1-2 times a year to 1-2 a week. After some testing they also found out that she had a Chiari malformation. Basically, her cerebellum and brain stem were being squeezed into the spinal canal, so she had to have brain surgery last August. The neurologist has just kept her on the Topomax. In the last couple months, some of her symptoms have returned and we were afraid she was going to have to have surgery again. We got a hold of the MRI results yesterday morning and it looks like she is in the clear. We're just a little baffled as to why the symptoms are reoccurring 8 mos post-op. She is on a low dose and has not been that compliant with taking it every day. (She's a nurse and nurses suck as patients.) With only taking it a couple times a week she hasn't had any migraines, so she is thinking about taking herself off of it and seeing what happens.

    Check-in for Monday... 2126 burned / 2059 consumed / 67 deficit <
    Ummmm, not a satisfactory deficit even for a day with no exercise, but it followed two days of deficits in excess of 1000 each day. Eh.

    Today is totally going to suck. Here is the breakdown...
    7am - Get off work
    8am - Take wife to in-laws out-of-town
    10am - Get back home and go to sleep
    2pm - Staff meeting at work (I'm suppose to be there but it may not happen)
    4:15pm - Spin class (that I'd like to attend)
    5:30pm - Water aerobics (that I'd like to attend)
    10pm - Gym closes
    11pm - Work

    I have a feeling something in the schedule ISN'T going to happen, because I'm ready for bed right now. Night shift sucks!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Katie: OMG, brain surgery is no small thing. I'm so sorry that your wife (and you) had to go through that. Maybe your wife should talk to her neurologist about whether the meds might be causing her symptoms. I KNOW nurses are really terrible patients; my SIL, my aunt and two cousins are ALL nurses (one is a nurse anesthetist). I really liked what you said to Annette about goals being able to be changed. I know that I sometimes forget that. It's nice to have the reminder. I hope you get your exercise in for the day, but don't kill yourself - make sure you get some sleep.

    Today started out great and then kinda went downhill from there. My cat disappeared. I'm pretty sure he escaped last night from the balcony (it's a new trick of his to jump from the balcony to the garage but as he isn't on the garage, I guess he made it to the ground this time and took off). He is an indoor cat as he has no front claws but he didn't get the memo as he is always planning an escape. The reason we don't let him out is that during one of his escapades, he was gone for FOUR WEEKS and came back just after we had decided that he HAD to be dead. He came back with fur worn off his paws, suffering from dehydration and with ticks but he was otherwise ok. The Hubbs was beside himself the whole time the stupid cat was gone (he's really The Hubbs' cat - I like dogs), he would drive around the neighborhood looking for him and always had an ear out for a meow at the door. I'm concerned about the cat being gone too long this time as it is seriously HOT out there (92 degrees) and we live kind of in the middle of nowhere (right on the edge of town by a HUGE forest with wild animals and everything). Sigh. Stupid cat.

    It gets worse- there was a nearly $900 charge taken out of one of our checking accounts that took us a while to figure out (AND gave me a HUGE heart attack in the process). It turns out The Hubbs accidentally checked into his hotel with the debit card for that account instead of his government travel card. So that was the bill for his hotel. It came out of our rent money. So I had to run to the bank to deposit enough to cover the rent that's coming out in 2 days via automatic payment. I'm just immensely thankful that I have enough money to cover a $900 oops on The Hubbs' part as that has not always been the case. Especially since we wont be getting that money back until after he gets back from his TDY and files the required paperwork (so..maybe we'll have it back by the end of July??)


    ETA: Thou shalt spell-check
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Oh - Kendal how did you go to all those places but not get on a plane? Do cruiseline laeve from NC? I So know nothing about the east coast.
    Drove to Florida and went on cruises (been on 3 cruises now).

    Sarah(wiggle)- that was super sweet of your husband :heart:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    All righty... here's week #1's results. As the list of people is pretty long, please forgive me if I've somehow missed you-- it's just an error on my part

    Name / Starting Challenge Weight / This week's weight (difference)

    Kristina / 183.4 / 183.6 (+0.2)
    Victoria / 190 / 189.25 (-0.75)
    Kendal / 214.8 / 215 (+0.2)
    Lacey / 209.8 / 209.6 (-0.2)
    Amy / 199 / 197.2 (-1.8)
    Sarah / 208.4 / 208.2 (-0.2)
    Kerry / 187.7 / 182.3 (-5.4)
    Hailie / 258.4 / 256 (-2.4)
    Annette / 183 / 178 (-5.0)
    Karen / 217.8 / 213.4 (-4.4)
    Nava / 222.6 / 222.6 (0)
    Psychohope / 261 / 266 (+5.0)
    Katie / 240.6 / 240.6 (0)
    Gonnadoitjenn 317.5 / 316.1 (-1.4)
    Lauren / 184.2 / 181.2 (-3.0)
    Ashley / 247 / 245.8 (-1.2)
    Cynthia / 349 / 347.2 (-1.8)
    bubblesburst80 / 222 / 221 (-1.0)
    Pam / 229 / 228.4 (-0.6)
    Tammykoon / 322 / 317 (-5.0)
    Mandaj2 / 214 / 212.5 (-1.5)
    Tanya / 257 / 257 (0)
    Elinger / 243 / 241.2 (-1.8)
    Crystal / 217 / 215 (-2.0)

    WOW... we had some HUGE losses this week!

    This week's winner (with some very close seconds and thirds) is Kerry with a massive 5.4 pound loss. Girl, you're melting away!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 2863burn/1902ate/961 deficit. This is probably too high a deficit. I'm going to try to stick to 1900 for the week and see what it does, and then bump up the cals again. Maybe my body needs a cal jolt.

    NSV this morning: the secretary said she could tell I was toning up - aka slimming down. This is SO what I needed to hear right now. It makes P90X all that much more worth it.

    Katy and Amy - we listened to that Go The F To Sleep when we were on vacation a couple weeks ago. We even let Gracie listen to it, maybe we are not the best parents in this regard who knows. At any rate, she TOTALLY got it and we of course got it and I don't know how many nights I've thought but never said those words to her.

    Allie - sorry I haven't had time to answer your questions...but they definitely have me thinking. And I like seeing that you sparked all of us to think about why we are doing this.

    Pam - my sister in law is in Paris right now and she said it is scorching hot...I have no idea what the weather will be like when I go, hopefully warm.

    Saranthes - I always feel a major difference in my muscles when I use weights versus bands. Ohhhh bread. How I love thee so.

    Sarahwiggle - yeay for new personal best!!! If you can fit in my carry on girl, I will totally take you!

    Annette - this is a process as everyone has been saying....don't overthink it. When I overthink it, I want to throw my hands up in the air too and be like WTF! This is for you! Done by YOU. YOU can do it!! And you don't have to have any specific goals...just make it a part of your life.

    Amy - I've been thinking about the Louvre and Paris all night. I should get my work itinerary today and then can start planning. How long can you meet up with me for? That totally sucks about the cat situation!! Grr. YEAY for weight loss woohoo!!

    Katy - that is quite a schedule. At least you have two gym classes to pick from. Maybe do one and be happy with that? It will alleviate some stress there. Yeesh about your wife having such issues...brain stuff is scarey and half the time the dr's are just left scratching their heads. I am so glad to hear that her MRI came back good.

    Kendal - did you like the cruises? I've seen both Posidon movies or however you spell them, and the whole scene where they are stuck in the ballroom trying to figure out how to get out? IT makes me never ever want to go on a ship.

    Okay I've got to get to work now. Boooooo.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Lacey- The cruises were a lot of fun. Its hardly a relaxing vacation though cause there's so much to do. My fav was the first one because we had just gotten a lot of money and I didn't feel guilty about spending it. (it was our honeymoon...Grand Cayman Island and Cozumel, Mexico) We went swimming on a sand bar with string rays out in the ocean. It was amazing. Also saw a sea turtle farm and Hell (the actual name of the place). As far as the cruise itself....yeah....I get motion sick (even sitting in a rocking chair can give me a headache). I never vomited but I had a constant headache the whole time. I found that if I kept just the right amount of alcohol in my, then I would trick my brain into thinking I was super drunk and it wasn't the boat rocking lol. Obviously the headache wasn't horrible enough for me not to go on 2 more cruises after the first one though. If I were to do another cruise, I'd like to do another cruise line. Not that Carinval is bad, just want to try something new....all their trips are VERY repetitive.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    OK, I took notes & this might be disjointed & quick...sneaking on here! LOL!

    Pam-small victories are the only ones we have somedays! WTG!

    Sarahthes-how do you resist the carbs? Enjoy vacay!! And your pushups are awesome!

    Lacey-you're my hero! You work so hard! Glad someone is noticing!

    SarahW-n-T-Somtimes hubby's are good about knowing when we need that!

    Annette-WE will care & even if the difference isn't something you can see, sometimes, the reward is in how you FEEL!

    Amy-yay for out of limbo!! I could never survive that kind of $$ oops! Hope all goes well til hubs is home!

    Katie-straight pins & my mom are my friend for alterations! My sewing skills are also minimal. My mom is my savior somedays! I know 2 others that have had the same surgery & their Dr's have told them the surgery might only help w/the symptoms, it's not a cure. I do hope that your wife is one of those that it can help 100%!!

    Kerry, Tammy, & Annette!! WOW!! Awesome loss!! Burnin that fat!! :o)

    And now back to work! :o) Sorry if I missed ya! Sneaking is hard! LOL!
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    Congrats to last week's winners... which is everyone! haha,, we're all doing great! lets keep it up! last week altogether we lost over 40 lbs!!! (if i added in my head right lol)

    well as for my goals, last week i started a few books. i cant read one book at a time lol.. i get bored, and the books i started i didnt start at the beginning either haha! but i felt a lot better! i still had some bad days, but i know it will take time to break the cycle of the things that are bothering me.
    I also didn't take any one child out for a mommy date... but i took a few here and a few there on different occasions and it went really well! i am planning on going to the movies with my oldest tomorrow, so that will be my first date out!
    i think i need to revise one of my goals... i dont think i'll be able to get down to running the 5k in 30 min. that might be a long term goal for me, but it won't happen in 6 weeks! so i've got it up to running it in 38! that'll be a big improvement on what i'm doing now, which is over 40... i thought it was at 40 but i miscalculated how far i was going :)

    well i hope you all have had a great start to your week! i have been pretty busy that's why i havent written much :)
    *feel free to add me on MFP! i think it'd be great to have y'all as friends on here :d
  • sweetmelissa222
    sweetmelissa222 Posts: 290 Member
    Hey there everyone, is it too late to join?